- To compile without OpenCV - remove define OPENCV from: Visual Studio->Project->Properties->C/C++->Preprocessor
- To compile with different OpenCV version - change in file yolo.c each string look like **#pragma comment(lib, "opencv_core249.lib")** from 249 to required version.
*`darknet_demo_voc.cmd` - initialization with 256 MB VOC-model yolo-voc.weights & yolo-voc.cfg and play your video file which you must rename to: test.mp4, and store result to: test_dnn_out.avi
*`darknet_net_cam_voc.cmd` - initialization with 256 MB VOC-model, play video from network video-camera mjpeg-stream (also from you phone) and store result to: test_dnn_out.avi
1. If you have MSVS 2015, CUDA 8.0 and OpenCV 2.4.9 (with paths: `C:\opencv_2.4.9\opencv\build\include`&`C:\opencv_2.4.9\opencv\build\x64\vc12\lib` or `vc14\lib`), then start MSVS, open `build\darknet\darknet.sln`, set **x64** and **Release**, and do the: Build -> Build darknet
1.1. Find files `opencv_core249.dll`, `opencv_highgui249.dll` and `opencv_ffmpeg249_64.dll` in `C:\opencv_2.4.9\opencv\build\x64\vc12\bin` or `vc14\bin` and put it near with `darknet.exe`
2. If you have other version of CUDA (not 8.0) then open `build\darknet\darknet.vcxproj` by using Notepad, find 2 places with "CUDA 8.0" and change it to your CUDA-version, then do step 1
* add Windows system variable `cudnn` with path to CUDNN: https://hsto.org/files/a49/3dc/fc4/a493dcfc4bd34a1295fd15e0e2e01f26.jpg
* open `\darknet.sln` -> (right click on project) -> properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions, and add at the beginning of line: `CUDNN;`
- (right click on project) -> Build dependecies -> Build Customizations -> set check on CUDA 8.0 or what version you have - for example as here: http://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/VS2013-R-5.jpg
`cusolver64_80.dll, curand64_80.dll, cudart64_80.dll, cublas64_80.dll` - 80 for CUDA 8.0 or your version, from C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v8.0\bin
1. Download pre-trained weights for the convolutional layers (76 MB): http://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet19_448.conv.23 and put to the directory `build\darknet\x64`
6. Set `batch=64` and `subdivisions=8` in the file `yolo-voc.cfg`: [link](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/blob/master/build/darknet/x64/yolo-voc.cfg#L3)
7. Start training by using `train_voc.cmd` or by using the command line: `darknet.exe detector train data/voc.data yolo-voc.cfg darknet19_448.conv.23`
2. Then stop and by using partially-trained model `/backup/yolo-voc_1000.weights` run training with multigpu (up to 4 GPUs): `darknet.exe detector train data/voc.data yolo-voc.cfg yolo-voc_1000.weights -gpus 0,1,2,3`
* change line #237 from [`filters=125`](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/blob/master/cfg/yolo-voc.cfg#L237) to `filters=(classes + 5)*5` (generally this depends on the `num` and `coords`, i.e. equal to `(classes + coords + 1)*num`)
5. Create `.txt`-file for each `.jpg`-image-file - in the same directory and with the same name, but with `.txt`-extension, and put to file: object number and object coordinates on this image, for each object in new line: `<object-class> <x> <y> <width> <height>`
* atention: `<x> <y>` - are center of rectangle (are not top-left corner)
For example for `img1.jpg` you should create `img1.txt` containing:
1 0.716797 0.395833 0.216406 0.147222
0 0.687109 0.379167 0.255469 0.158333
1 0.420312 0.395833 0.140625 0.166667
6. Create file `train.txt` in directory `build\darknet\x64\data\`, with filenames of your images, each filename in new line, with path relative to `darknet.exe`, for example containing:
7. Download pre-trained weights for the convolutional layers (76 MB): http://pjreddie.com/media/files/darknet19_448.conv.23 and put to the directory `build\darknet\x64`
8. Start training by using the command line: `darknet.exe detector train data/obj.data yolo-obj.cfg darknet19_448.conv.23`
* After each 1000 iterations you can stop and later start training from this point. For example, after 2000 iterations you can stop training, and later just copy `yolo-obj_2000.weights` from `build\darknet\x64\backup\` to `build\darknet\x64\` and start training using: `darknet.exe detector train data/obj.data yolo-obj.cfg yolo-obj_2000.weights`
* **0.060730 avg** - average loss (error) - **the lower, the better**
When you see that average loss **0.060730 avg** enough low at many iterations and no longer decreases then you should stop training.
2. Once training is stopped, you should take some of last `.weights`-files from `darknet\build\darknet\x64\backup` and choose the best of them:
For example, you stopped training after 9000 iterations, but the best result can give one of previous weights (7000, 8000, 9000). It can happen due to overfitting. **Overfitting** - is case when you can detect objects on images from training-dataset, but can't detect ojbects on any others images. You should get weights from **Early Stopping Point**:
2.1. At first, in your file `obj.data` you must specify the path to the validation dataset `valid = valid.txt` (format of `valid.txt` as in `train.txt`), and if you haven't validation images, just copy `data\train.txt` to `data\valid.txt`.
* set flag `random=1` in your `.cfg`-file - it will increase precision by training Yolo for different resolutions: [link](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/blob/47409529d0eb935fa7bafbe2b3484431117269f5/cfg/yolo-voc.cfg#L244)
* Increase network-resolution by set in your `.cfg`-file (`height=608` and `width=608`) or (`height=832` and `width=832`) or (any value multiple of 32) - this increases the precision and makes it possible to detect small objects: [link](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/blob/47409529d0eb935fa7bafbe2b3484431117269f5/cfg/yolo-voc.cfg#L4)
* you do not need to train the network again, just use `.weights`-file already trained for 416x416 resolution
* if error `Out of memory` occurs then in `.cfg`-file you should increase `subdivisions=16`, 32 or 64: [link](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/blob/47409529d0eb935fa7bafbe2b3484431117269f5/cfg/yolo-voc.cfg#L3)
## How to mark bounded boxes of objects and create annotation files:
Here you can find repository with GUI-software for marking bounded boxes of objects and generating annotation files for Yolo v2: https://github.com/AlexeyAB/Yolo_mark
With example of: `train.txt`, `obj.names`, `obj.data`, `yolo-obj.cfg`, `air`1-6`.txt`, `bird`1-4`.txt` for 2 classes of objects (air, bird) and `train_obj.cmd` with example how to train this image-set with Yolo v2
1. To compile Yolo as C++ DLL-file `yolo_cpp_dll.dll` - open in MSVS2015 file `build\darknet\yolo_cpp_dll.sln`, set **x64** and **Release**, and do the: Build -> Build yolo_cpp_dll
* You should have installed **CUDA 8.0**
* To use cuDNN do: (right click on project) -> properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions, and add at the beginning of line: `CUDNN;`
2. To use Yolo as DLL-file in your C++ console application - open in MSVS2015 file `build\darknet\yolo_console_dll.sln`, set **x64** and **Release**, and do the: Build -> Build yolo_console_dll
* you can run your console application from Windows Explorer `build\darknet\x64\yolo_console_dll.exe`
* or you can run from MSVS2015 (before this - you should copy 2 files `yolo-voc.cfg` and `yolo-voc.weights` to the directory `build\darknet\` )
* after launching your console application and entering the image file name - you will see info for each object:
* to use simple OpenCV-GUI you should uncomment line `//#define OPENCV` in `yolo_console_dll.cpp`-file: [link](https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/blob/a6cbaeecde40f91ddc3ea09aa26a03ab5bbf8ba8/src/yolo_console_dll.cpp#L5)