
116 lines
3.8 KiB

# Dataset preparation
If you want to reproduce the results in the paper for benchmark evaluation and training, you will need to setup dataset.
### COCO
- Download the images (2017 Train, 2017 Val, 2017 Test) from [coco website](
- Download annotation files (2017 train/val and test image info) from [coco website](
- Place the data (or create symlinks) to make the data folder like:
|-- data
`-- |-- coco
`-- |-- annotations
| |-- instances_train2017.json
| |-- instances_val2017.json
| |-- person_keypoints_train2017.json
| |-- person_keypoints_val2017.json
| |-- image_info_test-dev2017.json
|---|-- train2017
|---|-- val2017
`---|-- test2017
- [Optional] If you want to train ExtremeNet, generate extreme point annotation from segmentation:
cd $CenterNet_ROOT/tools/
It generates `instances_extreme_train2017.json` and `instances_extreme_val2017.json` in `data/coco/annotations/`.
### Pascal VOC
- Run
cd $CenterNet_ROOT/tools/
- The above script includes:
- Download, unzip, and move Pascal VOC images from the [VOC website](
- [Download]( Pascal VOC annotation in COCO format (from [Detectron](
- Combine train/val 2007/2012 annotation files into a single json.
- Move the created `voc` folder to `data` (or create symlinks) to make the data folder like:
|-- data
`-- |-- voc
`-- |-- annotations
| |-- pascal_trainval0712.json
| |-- pascal_test2017.json
|-- images
| |-- 000001.jpg
| ......
`-- VOCdevkit
The `VOCdevkit` folder is needed to run the evaluation script from [faster rcnn](
- Download [images](, [annotations](, and [calibrations]( from [KITTI website]( and unzip.
- Download the train-val split of [3DOP]( and [SubCNN]( and place the data as below
|-- data
`-- |-- kitti
`-- |-- training
| |-- image_2
| |-- label_2
| |-- calib
|-- ImageSets_3dop
| |-- test.txt
| |-- train.txt
| |-- val.txt
| |-- trainval.txt
`-- ImageSets_subcnn
|-- test.txt
|-- train.txt
|-- val.txt
|-- trainval.txt
- Run `python` in `tools` to convert the annotation into COCO format. You can set `DEBUG=True` in `line 5` to visualize the annotation.
- Link image folder
cd ${CenterNet_ROOT}/data/kitti/
mkdir images
ln -s training/image_2 images/trainval
- The data structure should look like:
|-- data
`-- |-- kitti
`-- |-- annotations
| |-- kitti_3dop_train.json
| |-- kitti_3dop_val.json
| |-- kitti_subcnn_train.json
| |-- kitti_subcnn_val.json
`-- images
|-- trainval
|-- test