Martí Bolívar 8ea9941fe3 samples: led_ws2812: force SPIM on nRF52-DK
The WS2812 SPI driver needs the pixel data to be clocked out on time,
with no gaps between SPI frames. This makes the nordic,nrf-spi
compatible unsuitable for use, since the corresponding driver doesn't
use EasyDMA to clock out the tx buffers.

Force the arduino_spi node in the DT to SPIM mode by setting its
compatible to nordic,nrf-spim. On nRF52832, this driver is disabled by
default due to Product Anomaly Notice (PAN) 58.

We happen to not be affected by PAN 58 in this instance, because we
never read data over the SPIM, only write it. So it's safe to enable
the SPIM driver. This requires a board-specific Kconfig fragment for

Fixes: #29877
Signed-off-by: Martí Bolívar <marti.bolivar@nordicsemi.no>
2020-11-17 10:24:33 -06:00
boards samples: led_ws2812: force SPIM on nRF52-DK 2020-11-17 10:24:33 -06:00


.. _led_ws2812_sample:

WS2812 Sample Application


This sample application demonstrates basic usage of the WS2812 LED
strip driver, for controlling LED strips using WS2812, WS2812b,
SK6812, and compatible driver chips.


.. _NeoPixel Ring 12 from AdaFruit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1643
.. _74AHCT125: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/74AHC125.pdf

- LED strip using WS2812 or compatible, such as the `NeoPixel Ring 12
  from AdaFruit`_.

- Note that 5V communications may require a level translator, such as the

- LED power strip supply. It's fine to power the LED strip off of your board's
  IO voltage level even if that's below 5V; the LEDs will simply be dimmer in
  this case.


#. Ensure your Zephyr board, and the LED strip share a common ground.
#. Connect the LED strip control pin (either SPI MOSI or GPIO) from your board
   to the data input pin of the first WS2812 IC in the strip.
#. Power the LED strip at an I/O level compatible with the control pin signals.

Building and Running

.. _blog post on WS2812 timing: https://wp.josh.com/2014/05/13/ws2812-neopixels-are-not-so-finicky-once-you-get-to-know-them/

This sample's source directory is :zephyr_file:`samples/drivers/led_ws2812/`.

To make sure the sample is set up properly for building, you must:

- select the correct WS2812 driver backend for your SoC. This currently should
  be :option:`CONFIG_WS2812_STRIP_SPI` unless you are using an nRF51 SoC, in
  which case it will be :option:`CONFIG_WS2812_STRIP_GPIO`.

- create a ``led-strip`` :ref:`devicetree alias <dt-alias-chosen>`, which
  refers to a node in your :ref:`devicetree <dt-guide>` with a
  ``worldsemi,ws2812-spi`` or ``worldsemi,ws2812-gpio`` compatible. The node
  must be properly configured for the driver backend (SPI or GPIO) and daisy
  chain length (number of WS2812 chips).

For example devicetree configurations for each compatible, see
:zephyr_file:`samples/drivers/led_ws2812/boards/nrf52dk_nrf52832.overlay` and

Some boards are already supported out of the box; see the :file:`boards`
directory for this sample for details.

Then build and flash the application:

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/drivers/led_ws2812
   :board: <board>
   :goals: flash

When you connect to your board's serial console, you should see the
following output:

.. code-block:: none

   ***** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.1.0-rc1-191-gd2466cdaf045 *****
   [00:00:00.005,920] <inf> main: Found LED strip device WS2812
   [00:00:00.005,950] <inf> main: Displaying pattern on strip


- `RGB LED strips: an overview <http://nut-bolt.nl/2012/rgb-led-strips/>`_
- `74AHCT125 datasheet
- An excellent `blog post on WS2812 timing`_.