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Training new models

This repository also contains our training infrastructure to promote an open ecosystem and enable quicker bootstrapping for new research and development. Warning: Training is computationally expensive and takes a few weeks on our Tesla K40 GPU. Because of this, the training code assumes CUDA is installed.

A rough overview of training is:

1. Create raw image directory.

Create a directory for your raw images so that images from different people are in different subdirectories. The names of the labels or images do not matter, and each person can have a different amount of images. The images should be formatted as jpg or png and have a lowercase extension.

$ tree data/mydataset/raw
├── image-1.jpg
├── image-2.png
└── image-p.png


├── image-1.png
├── image-2.jpg
└── image-q.png

2. Preprocess the raw images

Change 8 to however many separate processes you want to run: for N in {1..8}; do ./util/ <path-to-raw-data> align affine <path-to-aligned-data> --size 96 &; done. Prune out directories with less than N (I use 10) images per class with ./util/ <path-to-aligned-data> --numImagesThreshold <N> and then split the dataset into train and val subdirectories with ./util/ <path-to-aligned-data> <validation-ratio>.

3. Train the model

Run training/main.lua to start training the model. Edit the dataset options in training/opts.lua or pass them as command-line parameters. This will output the loss and in-progress models to training/work.

4. Analyze training

Visualize the loss with training/