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Model Definitions

Model definitions should be kept in models/openface, where we have provided definitions of the NN2 and nn4 as described in the paper, but with batch normalization and no normalization in the lower layers. The inception layers are introduced in Going Deeper with Convolutions by Christian Szegedy et al.

Pre-trained Models

Pre-trained models are versioned and should be released with a corresponding model definition. We currently only provide a pre-trained model for nn4.v1 because we have limited access to large-scale face recognition datasets.


This model has been trained by combining the two largest (of August 2015) publicly-available face recognition datasets based on names: FaceScrub and CASIA-WebFace. This model was trained for about 300 hours on a Tesla K40 GPU.

The following plot shows the triplet loss on the training and test set. Each training epoch is defined to be 1000 minibatches, where each minibatch processes 100 triplets. Each testing epoch is defined to be 300 minibatches, where each minibatch processes 100 triplets. Semi-hard triplets are used on the training set, and random triplets are used on the testing set. Our nn4.v1 model is from epoch 177.

The LFW section above shows that this model obtains a mean accuracy of 0.8483 ± 0.0172 with an AUC of 0.923.