/* This is a javascript file for omninotesweb ============ Author: Suraj patil Updated: January 2015 keyCode: n-110 */ $(document).ready(function(){ /*on() is used instead of click because click can be used only on static elements, and on() is to be used when you add elements dynamically*/ $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // // $('.items').openOnHover(function(){ // alert(); // }); $('.floating-action-icon-add').click(function(){ $('#addNoteModal').modal('show'); }); $("#datepicker").datepicker(); $('#editCatFrmBtn').click(function(){ $('#EditForm').toggleClass('hidden') }); $('#searchFormBtn').click(function(){ $('#SearchForm').toggleClass('hidden') }); $('#toggleAddFileGrp').click(function(){ $('#file-group').toggleClass('hidden'); $('#toggleAddFileGrp').addClass('hidden') ; }); $("#noti").click( function(){ this.fadeOut(); } ); if ($('#actlMsg').html()==''){ $('.notification').addClass('hidden'); } else { $('.notification').fadeOut(9000); } $('.btnMessage').click(function(){$('.notification').fadeOut()}) /*$( document ).keypress( function(event){ if ( event.which == 110 ) { //bind the 'n' key to add note $('#addNoteModal').modal('show'); } if (event.which==109 ) { //binds the 'm' key to show the navigation drawer $('.sidebar-toggle').click(); } } );*/ $("#addNoteBtn").on("click", function() { this.preventDefaults(); var task_id = $("#task-id").val(); $.ajax({ url: "/tasks/" + task_id, type: "POST", data: {'title':'randome note', 'content':'this and that'} }).done(function(res, status) { console.log(status, res); var response = res $("#timeline").append(response) }); }); $('.toggle').click(function(){ $(this).next().toggle(); }); });