Sebastian Bøe 55ee53ce91 cmake: Prepend 'cmake_minimum_required()' into 'app' build scripts
Prepend the text 'cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.2)' into the
application and test build scripts.

Modern versions of CMake will spam users with a deprecation warning
when the toplevel CMakeLists.txt does not specify a CMake
version. This is documented in bug #8355.

To resolve this we include a cmake_minimum_required() line into the
toplevel build scripts. Additionally, cmake_minimum_required is
invoked from within boilerplate.cmake. The highest version will be

This patch allows us to afterwards change CMake policy CMP000 from OLD
to NEW which in turn finally rids us of the verbose warning.

The extra boilerplate is considered more acceptable than the verbosity
of the CMP0000 policy.

Signed-off-by: Sebastian Bøe <sebastian.boe@nordicsemi.no>
2018-08-15 04:06:50 -07:00
src samples: board: 96b_argonkey: remove led blinking 2018-07-30 09:20:00 -05:00
CMakeLists.txt cmake: Prepend 'cmake_minimum_required()' into 'app' build scripts 2018-08-15 04:06:50 -07:00


.. _ArgonKey:

ArgonKey sensor board

This sample provides an example of how to read sensor data
from the ArgonKey board. The result is displayed on the console.
It makes use of both the trigger and poll methods.


This sample just requires the ArgonKey board.
The user may select or unselect the sensors from

Please note that all sensor related code is conditionally compiled
using the `#ifdef` directive, so this sample is supposed to always
build correctly. Example:

 .. code-block:: c

    #ifdef CONFIG_HTS221
      struct device *hum_dev = device_get_binding("HTS221");

      if (!hum_dev) {
        printk("Could not get pointer to %s sensor\n", "HTS221");


- :ref:`96b_argonkey`

Building and Running

 .. zephyr-app-commands::
    :zephyr-app: samples/boards/96b_argonkey
    :host-os: unix
    :board: 96b_argonkey
    :goals: run

Sample Output

 .. code-block:: console

    temp: 24.78 C; press: 101.448535
    humidity: 43.000000
    accel (4.121000 -6.859000 -5.384000) m/s2
    gyro (-0.008000 0.270000 0.161000) dps
    magn (0.021000 -0.552000 0.271500) gauss
    - (6) (trig_cnt: 254)

    <repeats endlessly every 2s>

In this example the output is generated polling the sensor every 2 seconds.
Sensor data is printed in the following order (no data is printed for
sensors that are not enabled):

#. *LPS22HB* baro/temp
#. *HTS221* humidity
#. *LSM6DSL* accel
#. *LSM6DSL* gyro
#. *LIS2MDL* magnetometer (attached to *LSM6DSL*)

The last line displays a counter of how many trigger interrupts
has been received.  It is possible to display the sensor data
read for each trigger by enabling the **ARGONKEY_TEST_LOG** macro.