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MQTT shell example
This sample shows how to create an interactive MQTT client using the
Zephyr shell and the Paho's MQTT Library.
1. Read carefully the README file in samples/net/paho_mqtt_client.
2. Clone Paho's MQTT Library:
git clone https://git.eclipse.org/r/paho/org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.embedded-c paho
3. make pristine && make are enough to build this sample.
So far, IPv4 addresses are still hard-coded in the config.h file.
Quick guide
The Zephyr shell allows you to type commands in the debug console.
To connect with the gateway, use the following command:
mqtt_shell> repeat_until_ok connect zephyr_galileo
repeat_until_ok will iterate until the command returns 0.
To ping the gateway:
mqtt_shell> ping
To subscribe to any zephyr's subtopic, type the following command:
mqtt_shell> subscribe zephyr/#
In your host, open another terminal and publish some random messages:
mosquitto_pub -t "zephyr/lamps" -m "lamp1:OK"
mosquitto_pub -t "zephyr/doors" -m "door3:OPEN"
To read these messages from Galileo, type:
mqtt_shell> read
topic: zephyr/lamps, msg: lamp1:OK
mqtt_shell> read
topic: zephyr/doors, msg: door3:OPEN
Observe that the Galileo MQTT shell is subscribed to "zephyr/#".
To publish a message:
mqtt_shell> publish zephyr "Hello!"
To repeat a command multiple times:
mqtt_shell> repeat 5 ping
This will send 5 consecutive pings to the gateway.