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.. _setup_development_environment:
Setup a Local Development Environment
The |project|'s source code is maintained using GIT and is served using
Gerrit access requires some basic user setup. The following process has
been defined as a simple walk-through to enable quick access to the
Gerrit services.
.. _access_source:
Getting Access
#. `Create`_ or `update`_ a 01.org_ account.
#. Submit your your 01.org_ account and corporate email address to
|PM| `<mailto:hirally.santiago.rodriguez@intel.com>`_.
#. Once access is granted, `access Gerrit`_.
#. Log in using your 01.org account credentials.
.. _Create: https://01.org/user/register
.. _update: https://01.org/user/login
.. _access Gerrit: https://oic-review.01.org/gerrit/
.. _01.org: https://01.org/
Configuring SSH to Use Gerrit
Gerrit uses SSH to interact with your GIT client. A SSH private key
needs to be generated on the development machine with a matching public
key on the Gerrit server.
If you already have a SSH key-pair you would like to use, please skip
down to step.
Please follow the steps below to get started.
1. Create a key-pair in your Linux machine, type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "John Doe john.doe@example.com"
.. note:: This will ask you for a password to protect the private key as it
generates a unique key. Please keep this password private, and DO
NOT enter a blank password.
The generated key-pair is found at:
:file:`~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`.
2. Add the the private key in the :file:`id_rsa` file in your key ring,
.. code-block:: bash
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
3. Add your the public key :file:`id_rsa.pub` to the Gerrit account:
a. Go to `access Gerrit`_.
b. Click on your account name in the upper right corner.
c. From the pop-up menu, select :guilabel:`Settings`.
d. On the left hand menu select, click on
:guilabel:`SSH Public Keys`.
e. Click Add key and paste the contents of your public key
.. note:: To obtain the contents of your public key on a Linux machine type:
:command:`$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`
The output is the contents of :file:`~/.id/id_rsa.pub`. Paste it into the
Add SSH key window in Gerrit.
.. warning:: Potential Security Risk
Do not copy your private key :file:`~/.ssh/id_rsa` Use only the public
.. _checking_source_out:
Checking the Source Code Out
#. Ensure that SSH has been set up porperly. See
`Configuring SSH to Use Gerrit`_ for details.
#. Clone the repository, type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ git clone ssh://01ORGUSERNAME@oic-review.01.org:29418/forto-collab
#. You have checked out a local copy of the source code. Develop
freely, issuing as many commits and rebases as needed.
#. Change to the main project directory, type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd forto-collab
#. Source the project environment file to setup project variables, type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ source zephyr-env.bash
.. _build_sample_app:
Building a Sample Application
To build an example application follow these steps:
#. Go to the root directory of the |project|.
#. Set the paths properly in the :file:`$ZEPHYR_BASE` directory,
.. code-block:: bash
$ source zephyr-env.bash
#. Build the example project, type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ cd $ZEPHYR_BASE/samples/microkernel/apps/hello_world
$ make pristine && make
.. note::
You can override the default BSP with the one you want by adding
:makevar:`BSP=`. The complete options available for the BSP flag
can be found at :file:`$ZEPHYR_BASE/arch` under the respective
architecture, for example :file:`$ZEPHYR_BASE/arch/x86/generic_pc`.
You need to override the ARCH flag with the architecture that
corresponds to your BSP by adding :makevar:`ARCH=` and the options
you need to the make command, for example:
:command:`make BSP=generic_pc ARCH=x86`
The complete options available for the ARCH flag can be found at
:file:`$ZEPHYR_BASE`, for example :file:`$ZEPHYR_BASE/arch/x86`.
The sample projects for the microkernel are found
at :file:`$ZEPHYR_BASE/samples/microkernel/apps`. After building the
application successfully, the results can be found in the :file:`outdir`
directory in the application root directory.
For sample projects in the :file:`$ZEPHYR_BASE/samples/nanokernel/apps`
directory, the results can be found at :file:`
.. _testing_apps:
Testing Applications
Running Applications in QEMU
Using QEMU from a different path
If the QEMU binary path is different to the default path, set the
variable :envvar:`QEMU_BIN_PATH` with the new path, type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ export QEMU_BIN_PATH=/usr/local/bin
Another option is to add it to the make command, for example:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make QEMU_BIN_PATH=/usr/local/bin qemu
Running a Microkernel Application
Run a microkernel application using the default BSP (generic_pc), type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make pristine && make qemu
Run an application using the quark BSP, type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make pristine && make BSP=quark ARCH=x86 qemu
Run an application using the ARM BSP, type:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make pristine && make BSP=ti_lm3s6965 ARCH=arm qemu
Running a Nanokernel Application
Run a nanokernel application using the default BSP (generic_pc) use the
following commands:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make pristine && make qemu
Run an application using the quark BSP use the following commands:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make pristine && make BSP=quark ARCH=x86 qemu
Run an application using the ARM BSP use the following commands:
.. code-block:: bash
$ make pristine && make BSP=ti_lm3s6965 ARCH=arm qemu
Running an Application on Galileo Gen2
#. Set the BSP to Quark by changing the :command:`make` command to:
.. code-block:: bash
make BSP=quark ARCH=x86**
#. Use one of these cables for serial output:
#. Format a microSD as FAT
#. Create the following directories
#. Assuming you have built a micro kernel, copy the kernel file :file:`
microkernel.elf` to the :file:`$SDCARD/kernel` folder
#. Copy your built version of GRUB to :file:`$SDCARD/efi/boot`
#. Create :file:`$SDCARD/efi/boot/grub.cfg` containing the following:
.. code-block:: bash
set default=0 **
set timeout=10 **
menuentry "This is my boot message" {**
multiboot /kernel/microkernel.elf**
#. Insert the SDcard in the Galileo board.
#. Connect the board to the host system using the serial cable.
#. Configure your host system to watch for serial data.
* On Linux, minicom is a popular method for reading serial
* On Windows, PuTTY has an option to set up configuration for
serial data.
#. Power on the Galileo board.
#. When asked press :kbd:`F7`.
#. By default Galileo has a pre-installed GRUB and Linux distro.
Press :kbd:`c` to cancel the current boot.
#. Quit the currently running GRUB.
#. On the menu select the :guilabel:`UEFI Internal Shell` option.
#. If you've added a custom GRUB, please run it from here. |