142 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File
142 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2023 The ChromiumOS Authors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import ctypes
import sys
import mmap
import time
import struct
# MT8195 audio firmware load/debug gadget
# Note that the hardware handling here is only partial: in practice
# the audio DSP depends on clock and power well devices whose drivers
# live elsewhere in the kernel. Those aren't duplicated here. Make
# sure the DSP has been started by a working kernel driver first.
# See gen_img.py for docs on the image format itself. The way this
# script works is to map the device memory regions and registers via
# /dev/mem and copy the two segments while resetting the DSP.
# In the kernel driver, the address/size values come from devicetree.
# But currently the MediaTek architecture is one kernel driver per SOC
# (i.e. the devicetree values in the kenrel source are tied to the
# specific SOC anyway), so it really doesn't matter and we hard-code
# the addresses for simplicity.
# (For future reference: in /proc/device-tree on current ChromeOS
# kernels, the host registers are a "cfg" platform resource on the
# "adsp@10803000" node. The sram is likewise the "sram" resource on
# that device node, and the two dram areas are "memory-region"
# phandles pointing to "adsp_mem_region" and "adsp_dma_mem_region"
# nodes under "/reserved-memory").
FILE_MAGIC = 0xe463be95
MAPPINGS = { "regs" : (0x10803000, 0xa000),
"sram" : (0x10840000, 0x40000),
"dram" : (0x60000000, 0x1000000) }
# Runtime mmap objects for each MAPPINGS entry
maps = {}
def stop(cfg):
cfg.RESET_SW |= 8 # Set RUNSTALL: halt CPU
cfg.RESET_SW |= 3 # Set low two bits: "BRESET|DRESET"
def start(cfg, boot_vector):
cfg.RESET_SW |= 0x10 # Enable "alternate reset" boot vector
cfg.ALTRESETVEC = boot_vector
cfg.RESET_SW &= ~3 # Release reset bits
cfg.RESET_SW &= ~8 # Clear RUNSTALL: go!
# Temporary logging protocol: watch the 1M null-terminated log
# stream at 0x60700000 -- the top of the linkable region of
# existing SOF firmware, before the heap. Nothing uses this
# currently. Will be replaced by winstream very soon.
def log():
msg = b''
dram = maps["dram"]
for i in range(0x700000, 0x800000):
x = dram[i]
if x == 0:
msg = b''
while x == 0:
x = dram[i]
msg += x.to_bytes(1, "little")
def le4(bstr):
assert len(bstr) == 4
return struct.unpack("<I", bstr)[0]
def main():
# Open device and establish mappings
devmem_fd = open("/dev/mem", "wb+")
for mp in MAPPINGS:
paddr = MAPPINGS[mp][0]
mapsz = MAPPINGS[mp][1]
maps[mp] = mmap.mmap(devmem_fd.fileno(), mapsz, offset=paddr,
flags=mmap.MAP_SHARED, prot=mmap.PROT_WRITE|mmap.PROT_READ)
# Create a Regs object for the registers
cfg = Regs(ctypes.addressof(ctypes.c_int.from_buffer(maps["regs"])))
cfg.ALTRESETVEC = 0x0004 # Xtensa boot address
cfg.RESET_SW = 0x0024 # Xtensa halt/reset/boot control
cfg.PDEBUGBUS0 = 0x000c # Unclear, enabled by host, unused by SOF?
cfg.SRAM_POOL_CON = 0x0930 # SRAM power control: low 4 bits (banks?) enable
cfg.EMI_MAP_ADDR = 0x981c # == host SRAM mapping - 0x40000000 (controls MMIO map?)
if sys.argv[1] == "load":
dat = open(sys.argv[2], "rb").read()
assert le4(dat[0:4])== FILE_MAGIC
sram_len = le4(dat[4:8])
boot_vector = le4(dat[8:12])
sram = dat[12:12+sram_len]
dram = dat[12 + sram_len:]
assert len(sram) <= MAPPINGS["sram"][1]
assert len(dram) <= MAPPINGS["dram"][1]
for i in range(sram_len):
maps["sram"][i] = sram[i]
for i in range(sram_len, MAPPINGS["sram"][1]):
maps["sram"][i] = 0
for i in range(len(dram)):
maps["dram"][i] = dram[i]
for i in range(len(dram), MAPPINGS["dram"][1]):
maps["dram"][i] = 0
start(cfg, boot_vector)
elif sys.argv[1] == "log":
print(f"Usage: {sys.argv[0]} log | load <file>")
# (Cribbed from cavstool.py)
class Regs:
def __init__(self, base_addr):
vars(self)["base_addr"] = base_addr
vars(self)["ptrs"] = {}
vars(self)["frozen"] = False
def freeze(self):
vars(self)["frozen"] = True
def __setattr__(self, name, val):
if not self.frozen and name not in self.ptrs:
addr = self.base_addr + val
self.ptrs[name] = ctypes.c_uint32.from_address(addr)
self.ptrs[name].value = val
def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.ptrs[name].value
if __name__ == "__main__":