Gerard Marull-Paretas 79e6b0e0f6 includes: prefer <zephyr/kernel.h> over <zephyr/zephyr.h>
As of today <zephyr/zephyr.h> is 100% equivalent to <zephyr/kernel.h>.
This patch proposes to then include <zephyr/kernel.h> instead of
<zephyr/zephyr.h> since it is more clear that you are including the
Kernel APIs and (probably) nothing else. <zephyr/zephyr.h> sounds like a
catch-all header that may be confusing. Most applications need to
include a bunch of other things to compile, e.g. driver headers or
subsystem headers like BT, logging, etc.

The idea of a catch-all header in Zephyr is probably not feasible
anyway. Reason is that Zephyr is not a library, like it could be for
example `libpython`. Zephyr provides many utilities nowadays: a kernel,
drivers, subsystems, etc and things will likely grow. A catch-all header
would be massive, difficult to keep up-to-date. It is also likely that
an application will only build a small subset. Note that subsystem-level
headers may use a catch-all approach to make things easier, though.

NOTE: This patch is **NOT** removing the header, just removing its usage
in-tree. I'd advocate for its deprecation (add a #warning on it), but I
understand many people will have concerns.

Signed-off-by: Gerard Marull-Paretas <gerard.marull@nordicsemi.no>
2022-09-05 16:31:47 +02:00


.. _bluetooth_direction_finding_connectionless_rx:

Bluetooth: Direction Finding Periodic Advertising Locator


A simple application demonstrating the BLE Direction Finding CTE Locator
functionality by receiving and sampling sending Constant Tone Extension with
periodic advertising PDUs.


* Nordic nRF SoC based board with Direction Finding support (example boards:
  :ref:`nrf52833dk_nrf52833`, :ref:`nrf5340dk_nrf5340`)
* Antenna matrix for AoA (optional)

Check your SoC's product specification for Direction Finding support if you are

Building and Running

By default the application supports Angle of Arrival and Angle of Departure mode.

To use Angle of Departure mode only, build this application as follows,
changing ``nrf52833dk_nrf52833`` as needed for your board:

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/bluetooth/direction_finding_connectionless_rx
   :host-os: unix
   :board: nrf52833dk_nrf52833
   :gen-args: -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-aod.conf
   :goals: build flash

To run the application on nRF5340DK, a Bluetooth controller application must
also run on the network core. The :ref:`bluetooth-hci-rpmsg-sample` sample
application may be used. To build this sample with direction finding support

* Copy
  to a new file,
* Make sure the same GPIO pins are assigned to Direction Finding Extension in file
  as those in the created file :file:`samples/bluetooth/hci_rpmsg/boards/nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet.overlay`.
* Copy
  to a new file,
  :file:`samples/bluetooth/hci_rpmsg/boards/nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet.conf`. Add
  the line ``CONFIG_BT_EXT_ADV=y`` to enable extended size of
  :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_BT_BUF_CMD_TX_SIZE` to support the LE Set Extended Advertising
  Data command.

Antenna matrix configuration

To use this sample with Angle of Departure enabled on Nordic SoCs, additional
configuration must be provided via :ref:`devicetree <dt-guide>` to enable
control of the antenna array.

An example devicetree overlay is in
You can customize this overlay when building for the same board, or create your
own board-specific overlay in the same directory for a different board. See
:dtcompatible:`nordic,nrf-radio` for documentation on the properties used in
this overlay. See :ref:`set-devicetree-overlays` for information on setting up
and using overlays.

Note that antenna matrix configuration for the nRF5340 SoC is part of the
network core application. When :ref:`bluetooth-hci-rpmsg-sample` is used as the
network core application, the antenna matrix configuration should be stored in
the file