644 lines
22 KiB
Executable File
644 lines
22 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2016, 2020 Intel Corporation
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Based on a script by:
# Chereau, Fabien <fabien.chereau@intel.com>
import argparse
import os
import sys
import re
from pathlib import Path
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import elftools
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
from elftools.elf.sections import SymbolTableSection
from elftools.dwarf.descriptions import describe_form_class
from elftools.dwarf.descriptions import (
describe_DWARF_expr, set_global_machine_arch)
from elftools.dwarf.locationlists import (
LocationExpr, LocationParser)
if LooseVersion(elftools.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.24'):
sys.exit("pyelftools is out of date, need version 0.24 or later")
from colorama import init, Fore
from anytree import RenderTree, NodeMixin, findall_by_attr
from anytree.exporter import JsonExporter
# ELF section flags
SHF_EXEC = 0x4
DT_LOCATION = re.compile(r"\(DW_OP_addr: ([0-9a-f]+)\)")
def get_symbol_addr(sym):
return sym['st_value']
def get_symbol_size(sym):
return sym['st_size']
# Given a list of start/end addresses, test if the symbol
# lies within any of these address ranges
def is_symbol_in_ranges(sym, ranges):
for bound in ranges:
if bound['start'] <= sym['st_value'] <= bound['end']:
return True
return False
# Get the bounding addresses from a DIE variable or subprogram
def get_die_mapped_address(die, parser, dwarfinfo):
low = None
high = None
if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_variable':
if 'DW_AT_location' in die.attributes:
loc_attr = die.attributes['DW_AT_location']
if parser.attribute_has_location(loc_attr, die.cu['version']):
loc = parser.parse_from_attribute(loc_attr, die.cu['version'])
if isinstance(loc, LocationExpr):
addr = describe_DWARF_expr(loc.loc_expr,
matcher = DT_LOCATION.match(addr)
if matcher:
low = int(matcher.group(1), 16)
high = low + 1
if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_subprogram':
if 'DW_AT_low_pc' in die.attributes:
low = die.attributes['DW_AT_low_pc'].value
high_pc = die.attributes['DW_AT_high_pc']
high_pc_class = describe_form_class(high_pc.form)
if high_pc_class == 'address':
high = high_pc.value
elif high_pc_class == 'constant':
high = low + high_pc.value
return low, high
# Find the symbol from a symbol list
# where it matches the address in DIE variable,
# or within the range of a DIE subprogram
def match_symbol_address(symlist, die, parser, dwarfinfo):
low, high = get_die_mapped_address(die, parser, dwarfinfo)
if low is None:
return None
for sym in symlist:
if low <= sym['symbol']['st_value'] < high:
return sym
return None
# Fetch the symbols from the symbol table and put them
# into ROM, RAM buckets
def get_symbols(elf, addr_ranges):
rom_syms = dict()
ram_syms = dict()
unassigned_syms = dict()
rom_addr_ranges = addr_ranges['rom']
ram_addr_ranges = addr_ranges['ram']
for section in elf.iter_sections():
if isinstance(section, SymbolTableSection):
for sym in section.iter_symbols():
# Ignore symbols with size == 0
if get_symbol_size(sym) == 0:
found_sec = False
entry = {'name': sym.name,
'symbol': sym,
'mapped_files': set()}
# If symbol is in ROM area?
if is_symbol_in_ranges(sym, rom_addr_ranges):
if sym.name not in rom_syms:
rom_syms[sym.name] = list()
found_sec = True
# If symbol is in RAM area?
if is_symbol_in_ranges(sym, ram_addr_ranges):
if sym.name not in ram_syms:
ram_syms[sym.name] = list()
found_sec = True
if not found_sec:
unassigned_syms['sym_name'] = entry
ret = {'rom': rom_syms,
'ram': ram_syms,
'unassigned': unassigned_syms}
return ret
# Parse ELF header to find out the address ranges of ROM or RAM sections
# and their total sizes
def get_section_ranges(elf):
rom_addr_ranges = list()
ram_addr_ranges = list()
rom_size = 0
ram_size = 0
for section in elf.iter_sections():
size = section['sh_size']
sec_start = section['sh_addr']
sec_end = sec_start + size - 1
bound = {'start': sec_start, 'end': sec_end}
if section['sh_type'] == 'SHT_NOBITS':
# BSS and noinit sections
ram_size += size
elif section['sh_type'] == 'SHT_PROGBITS':
# Sections to be in flash or memory
flags = section['sh_flags']
# Text section
rom_size += size
# Data occupies both ROM and RAM
# since at boot, content is copied from ROM to RAM
rom_size += size
ram_size += size
elif (flags & SHF_ALLOC) == SHF_ALLOC:
# Read only data
rom_size += size
ret = {'rom': rom_addr_ranges,
'rom_total_size': rom_size,
'ram': ram_addr_ranges,
'ram_total_size': ram_size}
return ret
def get_die_filename(die, lineprog):
zephyrbase = os.path.normpath(args.zephyrbase)
file_index = die.attributes['DW_AT_decl_file'].value
file_entry = lineprog['file_entry'][file_index - 1]
dir_index = file_entry['dir_index']
if dir_index == 0:
filename = file_entry.name
directory = lineprog.header['include_directory'][dir_index - 1]
filename = os.path.join(directory, file_entry.name)
path = Path(filename.decode())
# Prepend output path to relative path
if not path.is_absolute():
output = Path(args.output)
path = output.joinpath(path)
# Change path to relative to Zephyr base
path = path.resolve()
except OSError as e:
if '<built-in>' in str(path):
# This is expected, built-ins can't be resolved
return path
raise e
new_path = path.relative_to(zephyrbase)
path = new_path
except ValueError:
return path
# Sequentially process DIEs in compiler units with direct file mappings
# within the DIEs themselves, and do simply matching between DIE names
# and symbol names.
def do_simple_name_matching(elf, symbol_dict, processed):
mapped_symbols = processed['mapped_symbols']
mapped_addresses = processed['mapped_addr']
unmapped_symbols = processed['unmapped_symbols']
newly_mapped_syms = set()
dwarfinfo = elf.get_dwarf_info()
location_lists = dwarfinfo.location_lists()
location_parser = LocationParser(location_lists)
unmapped_dies = set()
# Loop through all compile units
for compile_unit in dwarfinfo.iter_CUs():
lineprog = dwarfinfo.line_program_for_CU(compile_unit)
if lineprog is None:
# Loop through each DIE and find variables and
# subprograms (i.e. functions)
for die in compile_unit.iter_DIEs():
sym_name = None
# Process variables
if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_variable':
# DW_AT_declaration
# having 'DW_AT_location' means this maps
# to an actual address (e.g. not an extern)
if 'DW_AT_location' in die.attributes:
sym_name = die.get_full_path()
# Process subprograms (i.e. functions) if they are valid
if die.tag == 'DW_TAG_subprogram':
# Refer to another DIE for name
if ('DW_AT_abstract_origin' in die.attributes) or (
'DW_AT_specification' in die.attributes):
# having 'DW_AT_low_pc' means it maps to
# an actual address
elif 'DW_AT_low_pc' in die.attributes:
# DW_AT_low_pc == 0 is a weak function
# which has been overriden
if die.attributes['DW_AT_low_pc'].value != 0:
sym_name = die.get_full_path()
# For mangled function names, the linkage name
# is what appears in the symbol list
if 'DW_AT_linkage_name' in die.attributes:
linkage = die.attributes['DW_AT_linkage_name']
sym_name = linkage.value.decode()
if sym_name is not None:
# Skip DIE with no reference back to a file
if not 'DW_AT_decl_file' in die.attributes:
is_die_mapped = False
if sym_name in symbol_dict:
symlist = symbol_dict[sym_name]
symbol = match_symbol_address(symlist, die,
if symbol is not None:
symaddr = symbol['symbol']['st_value']
if symaddr not in mapped_addresses:
is_die_mapped = True
path = get_die_filename(die, lineprog)
if not is_die_mapped:
mapped_symbols = mapped_symbols.union(newly_mapped_syms)
unmapped_symbols = unmapped_symbols.difference(newly_mapped_syms)
processed['mapped_symbols'] = mapped_symbols
processed['mapped_addr'] = mapped_addresses
processed['unmapped_symbols'] = unmapped_symbols
processed['unmapped_dies'] = unmapped_dies
# There are functions and variables which are aliases to
# other functions/variables. So this marks them as mapped
# so they will not get counted again when a tree is being
# built for display.
def mark_address_aliases(symbol_dict, processed):
mapped_symbols = processed['mapped_symbols']
mapped_addresses = processed['mapped_addr']
unmapped_symbols = processed['unmapped_symbols']
already_mapped_syms = set()
for ums in unmapped_symbols:
for one_sym in symbol_dict[ums]:
symbol = one_sym['symbol']
if symbol['st_value'] in mapped_addresses:
mapped_symbols = mapped_symbols.union(already_mapped_syms)
unmapped_symbols = unmapped_symbols.difference(already_mapped_syms)
processed['mapped_symbols'] = mapped_symbols
processed['mapped_addr'] = mapped_addresses
processed['unmapped_symbols'] = unmapped_symbols
# This uses the address ranges of DIEs and map them to symbols
# residing within those ranges, and works on DIEs that have not
# been mapped in previous steps. This works on symbol names
# that do not match the names in DIEs, e.g. "<func>" in DIE,
# but "<func>.constprop.*" in symbol name list. This also
# helps with mapping the mangled function names in C++,
# since the names in DIE are actual function names in source
# code and not mangled version of them.
def do_address_range_matching(elf, symbol_dict, processed):
if 'unmapped_dies' not in processed:
mapped_symbols = processed['mapped_symbols']
mapped_addresses = processed['mapped_addr']
unmapped_symbols = processed['unmapped_symbols']
newly_mapped_syms = set()
dwarfinfo = elf.get_dwarf_info()
location_lists = dwarfinfo.location_lists()
location_parser = LocationParser(location_lists)
unmapped_dies = processed['unmapped_dies']
# Group DIEs by compile units
cu_list = dict()
for die in unmapped_dies:
cu = die.cu
if cu not in cu_list:
cu_list[cu] = {'dies': set()}
# Loop through all compile units
for cu in cu_list:
lineprog = dwarfinfo.line_program_for_CU(cu)
# Map offsets from DIEs
offset_map = dict()
for die in cu.iter_DIEs():
offset_map[die.offset] = die
for die in cu_list[cu]['dies']:
if not die.tag == 'DW_TAG_subprogram':
path = None
# Has direct reference to file, so use it
if 'DW_AT_decl_file' in die.attributes:
path = get_die_filename(die, lineprog)
# Loop through indirect reference until a direct
# reference to file is found
if ('DW_AT_abstract_origin' in die.attributes) or (
'DW_AT_specification' in die.attributes):
die_ptr = die
while path is None:
if not (die_ptr.tag == 'DW_TAG_subprogram') or not (
('DW_AT_abstract_origin' in die_ptr.attributes) or
('DW_AT_specification' in die_ptr.attributes)):
if 'DW_AT_abstract_origin' in die_ptr.attributes:
ofname = 'DW_AT_abstract_origin'
elif 'DW_AT_specification' in die_ptr.attributes:
ofname = 'DW_AT_specification'
offset = die_ptr.attributes[ofname].value
offset += die_ptr.cu.cu_offset
# There is nothing to reference so no need to continue
if offset not in offset_map:
die_ptr = offset_map[offset]
if 'DW_AT_decl_file' in die_ptr.attributes:
path = get_die_filename(die_ptr, lineprog)
# Nothing to map
if path is not None:
low, high = get_die_mapped_address(die, location_parser,
if low is None:
for ums in unmapped_symbols:
for one_sym in symbol_dict[ums]:
symbol = one_sym['symbol']
symaddr = symbol['st_value']
if symaddr not in mapped_addresses:
if low <= symaddr < high:
mapped_symbols = mapped_symbols.union(newly_mapped_syms)
unmapped_symbols = unmapped_symbols.difference(newly_mapped_syms)
processed['mapped_symbols'] = mapped_symbols
processed['mapped_addr'] = mapped_addresses
processed['unmapped_symbols'] = unmapped_symbols
# Any unmapped symbols are added under the root node if those
# symbols reside within the desired memory address ranges
# (e.g. ROM or RAM).
def set_root_path_for_unmapped_symbols(symbol_dict, addr_range, processed):
mapped_symbols = processed['mapped_symbols']
mapped_addresses = processed['mapped_addr']
unmapped_symbols = processed['unmapped_symbols']
newly_mapped_syms = set()
for ums in unmapped_symbols:
for one_sym in symbol_dict[ums]:
symbol = one_sym['symbol']
symaddr = symbol['st_value']
if is_symbol_in_ranges(symbol, addr_range):
if symaddr not in mapped_addresses:
path = Path(':')
mapped_symbols = mapped_symbols.union(newly_mapped_syms)
unmapped_symbols = unmapped_symbols.difference(newly_mapped_syms)
processed['mapped_symbols'] = mapped_symbols
processed['mapped_addr'] = mapped_addresses
processed['unmapped_symbols'] = unmapped_symbols
class TreeNode(NodeMixin):
def __init__(self, name, identifier, size=0, parent=None, children=None):
super(TreeNode, self).__init__()
self.name = name
self.size = size
self.parent = parent
self.identifier = identifier
if children:
self.children = children
def __repr__(self):
return self.name
def generate_any_tree(symbol_dict):
root = TreeNode('root', ":")
# A set of helper function for building a simple tree with a path-like
# hierarchy.
def _insert_one_elem(root, path, size):
cur = None
node = None
parent = root
for part in path.parts:
if cur is None:
cur = part
cur = str(Path(cur, part))
results = findall_by_attr(root, cur, name="identifier")
if results:
item = results[0]
item.size += size
parent = item
if node:
parent = node
node = TreeNode(name=str(part), identifier=cur, size=size, parent=parent)
for name, sym in symbol_dict.items():
for symbol in sym:
size = get_symbol_size(symbol['symbol'])
for file in symbol['mapped_files']:
path = Path(file, name)
if path.is_absolute():
zb = Path(args.zephyrbase)
if zb.parent in path.parents:
path = path.relative_to(zb.parent)
_insert_one_elem(root, path, size)
return root
def node_sort(items):
return sorted(items, key=lambda item: item.name)
def print_any_tree(root, total_size):
print('{:101s} {:7s} {:8s}'.format(
Fore.YELLOW + "Path", "Size", "%" + Fore.RESET))
print('=' * 110)
for row in RenderTree(root, childiter=node_sort):
f = len(row.pre) + len(row.node.name)
s = str(row.node.size).rjust(100-f)
percent = 100 * float(row.node.size) / float(total_size)
cc = cr = ""
if not row.node.children:
cc = Fore.CYAN
cr = Fore.RESET
elif row.node.name.endswith(".c") or row.node.name.endswith(".h"):
cc = Fore.GREEN
cr = Fore.RESET
print(f"{row.pre}{cc}{row.node.name}{cr} {s} {Fore.BLUE}{percent:.2f}%{Fore.RESET}")
print('=' * 110)
def parse_args():
global args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-k", "--kernel", required=True,
help="Zephyr ELF binary")
parser.add_argument("-z", "--zephyrbase", required=True,
help="Zephyr base path")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=True,
help="Output path")
parser.add_argument("target", choices=['rom', 'ram'])
parser.add_argument("-d", "--depth", dest="depth", type=int,
help="How deep should we go into the tree",
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="Print extra debugging information")
parser.add_argument("--json", help="store results in a JSON file.")
args = parser.parse_args()
def main():
# Init colorama
assert os.path.exists(args.kernel), "{0} does not exist.".format(args.kernel)
elf = ELFFile(open(args.kernel, "rb"))
assert elf.has_dwarf_info(), "ELF file has no DWARF information"
addr_ranges = get_section_ranges(elf)
symbols = get_symbols(elf, addr_ranges)
for sym in symbols['unassigned']:
print("WARN: Symbol '{0}' is not in RAM or ROM".format(sym['name']))
symbol_dict = None
if args.target == 'rom':
symbol_dict = symbols['rom']
symsize = addr_ranges['rom_total_size']
ranges = addr_ranges['rom']
elif args.target == 'ram':
symbol_dict = symbols['ram']
symsize = addr_ranges['ram_total_size']
ranges = addr_ranges['ram']
if symbol_dict is not None:
processed = {"mapped_symbols": set(),
"mapped_addr": set(),
"unmapped_symbols": set(symbol_dict.keys())}
do_simple_name_matching(elf, symbol_dict, processed)
mark_address_aliases(symbol_dict, processed)
do_address_range_matching(elf, symbol_dict, processed)
mark_address_aliases(symbol_dict, processed)
set_root_path_for_unmapped_symbols(symbol_dict, ranges, processed)
if args.verbose:
for sym in processed['unmapped_symbols']:
print("INFO: Unmapped symbol: {0}".format(sym))
root = generate_any_tree(symbol_dict)
print_any_tree(root, symsize)
if args.json:
exporter = JsonExporter(indent=2, sort_keys=True)
data = exporter.export(root)
with open(args.json, "w") as fp:
if __name__ == "__main__":