
358 lines
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.. _installing_zephyr_win:
Development Environment Setup on Windows
This section describes how to configure your development environment and
to build Zephyr applications in a Microsoft Windows environment.
This guide was tested by building the Zephyr :ref:`hello_world` sample
application on Windows versions 7, 8.1, and 10.
Update Your Operating System
Before proceeding with the build, ensure that you are running your
Windows system with the latest updates installed.
.. _windows_requirements:
Installing Requirements and Dependencies
There are 3 different ways of developing for Zephyr on Microsoft Windows.
The first one is fully Windows native, whereas the 2 additional ones require
emulation layers that slow down build times and are not as optimal. All of
them are presented here for completeness, but unless you have a particular
requirement for a UNIX tool that is not available on Windows, we strongly
recommend you use the Windows Command Prompt for performance and minimal
dependency set.
Option 1: Windows Command Prompt
The easiest way to install the dependencies natively on Microsoft Windows is
to use the :program:`Chocolatey` package manager (`Chocolatey website`_).
If you prefer to install those manually then simply download the required
packages from their respective websites.
.. note::
There are multiple ``set`` statements in this tutorial. You can avoid
typing them every time by placing them inside a ``.cmd`` file and
running that every time you open a Command Prompt.
#. If you're behind a corporate firewall, you'll likely need to specify a
proxy to get access to internet resources::
set HTTP_PROXY=http://user:password@proxy.mycompany.com:1234
set HTTPS_PROXY=http://user:password@proxy.mycompany.com:1234
#. Install :program:`Chocolatey` by following the instructions on the
`Chocolatey install`_ website.
#. Open a Command Prompt (`cmd.exe`) as an **Administrator**.
#. Optionally disable global confirmation to avoid having to add `-y` to all
.. code-block:: console
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
#. Install CMake:
.. code-block:: console
choco install cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'
#. Install the rest of the tools:
.. code-block:: console
choco install git python ninja dtc-msys2 gperf
#. Close the Command Prompt window.
#. Open a Command Prompt (`cmd.exe`) as a **regular user**.
#. Clone a copy of the Zephyr source into your home directory using Git.
.. code-block:: console
cd %userprofile%
git clone https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr.git
#. Install the required Python modules::
cd %userprofile%\zephyr
pip3 install --user -r scripts/requirements.txt
#. If you require pyocd, an open source python2 library for programming and
debugging ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers, use this command::
pip2 install --user -r scripts/py2-requirements.txt
#. The build system should now be ready to work with any toolchain installed in
your system. In the next step you'll find instructions for installing
toolchains for building both x86 and ARM applications.
#. Install cross compiler toolchain:
* For x86, install the 2017 Windows host ISSM toolchain from the Intel
Developer Zone: `ISSM Toolchain`_. Use your web browser to
download the toolchain's ``tar.gz`` file. You can then use 7-Zip or a
similar tool to extract it into a destination folder.
.. note::
The ISSM toolset only supports development for Intel |reg| Quark |trade|
Microcontrollers, for example, the Arduino 101 board. (Check out the
"Zephyr Development Environment
Setup" in this `Getting Started on Arduino 101 with ISSM`_ document.)
Additional setup is required to use the ISSM GUI for development.
* For ARM, install GNU ARM Embedded from the ARM developer website:
`GNU ARM Embedded`_ (install to :file:`c:\\gccarmemb`).
#. Within the Command Prompt, set up environment variables for the installed
tools and for the Zephyr environment:
For x86:
.. code-block:: console
set ISSM_INSTALLATION_PATH=c:\issm0-toolchain-windows-2017-01-25
Use the path where you extracted the ISSM toolchain.
For ARM:
.. code-block:: console
To use the same toolchain in new sessions in the future you can set the
variables in the file :file:`%userprofile%\\zephyrrc.cmd`.
And for either, run the :file:`zephyr-env.cmd` file in order to set the
:makevar:`ZEPHYR_BASE` environment variable:
.. code-block:: console
.. note:: In previous releases of Zephyr, the ``ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT``
variable was called ``ZEPHYR_GCC_VARIANT``.
#. Finally, you can try building the :ref:`hello_world` sample to check things
To build for the Intel |reg| Quark |trade| (x86-based) Arduino 101:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:host-os: win
:generator: ninja
:board: arduino_101
:goals: build
To build for the ARM-based Nordic nRF52 Development Kit:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:host-os: win
:generator: ninja
:board: nrf52_pca10040
:goals: build
This should check that all the tools and toolchain are set up correctly for
your own Zephyr development.
Option 2: MSYS2
Alternatively, one can set up the Zephyr development environment with
MSYS2, a modern UNIX environment for Windows. Follow the steps below
to set it up:
#. Download and install :program:`MSYS2`. Download the appropriate (32 or
64-bit) MSYS2 installer from the `MSYS2 website`_ and execute it. On the
final installation screen, check the "Run MSYS2 now." box to start up an
MSYS2 shell when installation is complete. Follow the rest of the
installation instructions on the MSYS2 website to update the package
database and core system packages. You may be advised to "terminate MSYS2
without returning to shell and check for updates again". If so, simply
close the ``MSYS2 MSYS Shell`` desktop app and run it again to complete the update.)
#. Launch the ``MSYS2 MSYS Shell`` desktop app from your start menu (if it's not still open).
.. note::
Make sure you start ``MSYS2 MSYS Shell``, not ``MSYS2 MinGW Shell``.
.. note::
If you need to inherit the existing Windows environment variables into
MSYS2 you will need to create a **Windows** environment variable like so::
.. note::
There are multiple ``export`` statements in this tutorial. You can avoid
typing them every time by placing them at the bottom of your
``~/.bash_profile`` file.
#. If you're behind a corporate firewall, you'll likely need to specify a
proxy to get access to internet resources::
export http_proxy=http://proxy.mycompany.com:123
export https_proxy=$http_proxy
#. Update MSYS2's packages and install the dependencies required to build
Zephyr (you may need to restart the MSYS2 shell):
.. code-block:: console
pacman -Syu
pacman -S git cmake make gcc dtc diffutils ncurses-devel python3 gperf
#. Compile :program:`Ninja` from source (Ninja is not available as
an MSYS2 package) and install it:
.. code-block:: console
git clone git://github.com/ninja-build/ninja.git && cd ninja
git checkout release
./configure.py --bootstrap
cp ninja.exe /usr/bin/
#. From within the MSYS2 MSYS Shell, clone a copy of the Zephyr source
into your home directory using Git. (Some Zephyr tools require
Unix-style line endings, so we'll configure Git for this repo to
not do the automatic Unix/Windows line ending conversion (using
``--config core.autocrlf=false``).
.. code-block:: console
cd ~
git clone --config core.autocrlf=false https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr.git
#. Install pip and the required Python modules::
curl -O 'https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py'
rm get-pip.py
cd ~/zephyr # or to the folder where you cloned the zephyr repo
pip install --user -r scripts/requirements.txt
#. The build system should now be ready to work with any toolchain installed in
your system. In the next step you'll find instructions for installing
toolchains for building both x86 and ARM applications.
#. Install cross compiler toolchain:
* For x86, install the 2017 Windows host ISSM toolchain from the Intel
Developer Zone: `ISSM Toolchain`_. Use your web browser to
download the toolchain's ``tar.gz`` file.
You'll need the tar application to unpack this file. In an ``MSYS2 MSYS``
console, install ``tar`` and use it to extract the toolchain archive::
pacman -S tar
tar -zxvf /c/Users/myusername/Downloads/issm-toolchain-windows-2017-01-15.tar.gz -C /c
substituting the .tar.gz path name with the one you downloaded.
.. note::
The ISSM toolset only supports development for Intel |reg| Quark |trade|
Microcontrollers, for example, the Arduino 101 board. (Check out the
"Zephyr Development Environment
Setup" in this `Getting Started on Arduino 101 with ISSM`_ document.)
Additional setup is required to use the ISSM GUI for development.
* For ARM, install GNU ARM Embedded from the ARM developer website:
`GNU ARM Embedded`_ (install to :file:`c:\\gccarmemb`).
#. Within the MSYS console, set up environment variables for the installed
tools and for the Zephyr environment (using the provided shell script):
For x86:
.. code-block:: console
export ISSM_INSTALLATION_PATH=/c/issm0-toolchain-windows-2017-01-25
Use the path where you extracted the ISSM toolchain.
For ARM:
.. code-block:: console
export GCCARMEMB_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/c/gccarmemb
And for either, run the provided script to set up zephyr project specific
.. code-block:: console
cd <zephyr git clone location>
source zephyr-env.sh
#. Finally, you can try building the :ref:`hello_world` sample to check things
To build for the Intel |reg| Quark |trade| (x86-based) Arduino 101:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: arduino_101
:host-os: win
:goals: build
To build for the ARM-based Nordic nRF52 Development Kit:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/hello_world
:board: nrf52_pca10040
:host-os: win
:goals: build
This should check that all the tools and toolchain are set up correctly for
your own Zephyr development.
Option 3: Windows 10 WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
If you are running a recent version of Windows 10 you can make use of the
built-in functionality to natively run Ubuntu binaries directly on a standard
command-prompt. This allows you to install the standard Zephyr SDK and build
for all supported architectures without the need for a Virtual Machine.
#. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) following the instructions on the
official Microsoft website: `WSL Installation`_
.. note::
For the Zephyr SDK to function properly you will need Windows 10
build 15002 or greater. You can check which Windows 10 build you are
running in the "About your PC" section of the System Settings.
If you are running an older Windows 10 build you might need to install
the Creator's Update.
#. Follow the instructions for Ubuntu detailed in the Zephyr Linux Getting
Started Guide which can be found here: :ref:`installation_linux`
.. _GNU ARM Embedded: https://developer.arm.com/open-source/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads
.. _Chocolatey website: https://chocolatey.org/
.. _Chocolatey install: https://chocolatey.org/install
.. _MSYS2 website: http://www.msys2.org/
.. _ISSM Toolchain: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/issm-toolchain-only-download
.. _Getting Started on Arduino 101 with ISSM: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/getting-started-arduino-101genuino-101-with-intel-system-studio-for-microcontrollers
.. _WSL Installation: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide