665 lines
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* \file cy_tcpwm.h
* \version 1.10
* The header file of the TCPWM driver.
* \copyright
* Copyright 2016-2018, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* \defgroup group_tcpwm Timer Counter PWM (TCPWM)
* \{
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_common Common
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_counter Timer/Counter (TCPWM)
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_pwm PWM (TCPWM)
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_quaddec Quadrature Decoder (TCPWM)
* \} */
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm
* \{
* The TCPWM driver is a multifunction driver that implements Timer Counter,
* PWM, and Quadrature Decoder functionality using the TCPWM block.
* Each TCPWM block is a collection of counters that can all be triggered
* simultaneously. For each function call, the base register address of
* the TCPWM being used must be passed first, followed by the index of
* the counter you want to touch next.
* For some functions, you can manage multiple counters simultaneously. You
* provide a bit field representing each counter, rather than the single counter
* index).
* The TCPWM supports three operating modes:
* * Timer/Counter
* * PWM
* * Quadrature Decoder
* \n
* \b Timer/Counter
* Use this mode whenever a specific timing interval or measurement is
* needed. Examples include:
* * Creating a periodic interrupt for running other system tasks
* * Measuring frequency of an input signal
* * Measuring pulse width of an input signal
* * Measuring time between two external events
* * Counting events
* * Triggering other system resources after x number events
* * Capturing time stamps when events occur
* The Timer/Counter has the following features:
* * 16- or 32-bit Timer/Counter
* * Programmable Period Register
* * Programmable Compare Register. Compare value can be swapped with a
* buffered compare value on comparison event
* * Capture with buffer register
* * Count Up, Count Down, or Count Up and Down Counting modes
* * Continuous or One Shot Run modes
* * Interrupt and Output on Overflow, Underflow, Capture, or Compare
* * Start, Reload, Stop, Capture, and Count Inputs
* \n
* \b PWM
* Use this mode when an output square wave is needed with a specific
* period and duty cycle, such as:
* * Creating arbitrary square wave outputs
* * Driving an LED (changing the brightness)
* * Driving Motors (dead time assertion available)
* The PWM has the following features:
* * 16- or 32-bit Counter
* * Two Programmable Period registers that can be swapped
* * Two Output Compare registers that can be swapped on overflow and/or
* underflow
* * Left Aligned, Right Aligned, Center Aligned, and Asymmetric Aligned modes
* * Continuous or One Shot run modes
* * Pseudo Random mode
* * Two PWM outputs with Dead Time insertion, and programmable polarity
* * Interrupt and Output on Overflow, Underflow, or Compare
* * Start, Reload, Stop, Swap (Capture), and Count Inputs
* * Multiple Components can be synchronized together for applications
* such as three phase motor control
* \n
* \b Quadrature \b Decoder
* A quadrature decoder is used to decode the output of a quadrature encoder.
* A quadrature encoder senses the position, velocity, and direction of
* an object (for example a rotating axle, or a spinning mouse ball).
* A quadrature decoder can also be used for precision measurement of speed,
* acceleration, and position of a motor's rotor, or with a rotary switch to
* determine user input. \n
* The Quadrature Decoder has the following features:
* * 16- or 32-bit Counter
* * Counter Resolution of x1, x2, and x4 the frequency of the phiA (Count) and
* phiB (Start) inputs
* * Index Input to determine absolute position
* * A positive edge on phiA increments the counter when phiB is 0 and decrements
* the counter when phiB is 1
* \section group_tcpwm_configuration Configuration Considerations
* For each mode, the TCPWM driver has a configuration structure, an Init
* function, and an Enable function.
* Provide the configuration parameters in the appropriate structure (see
* Counter \ref group_tcpwm_data_structures_counter, PWM
* \ref group_tcpwm_data_structures_pwm, or QuadDec
* \ref group_tcpwm_data_structures_quaddec).
* Then call the appropriate Init function:
* \ref Cy_TCPWM_Counter_Init, \ref Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Init, or
* \ref Cy_TCPWM_QuadDec_Init. Provide the address of the filled structure as a
* parameter. To enable the counter, call the appropriate Enable function:
* \ref Cy_TCPWM_Counter_Enable, \ref Cy_TCPWM_PWM_Enable, or
* \ref Cy_TCPWM_QuadDec_Enable).
* Many functions work with an individual counter. You can also manage multiple
* counters simultaneously for certain functions. These are listed in the
* \ref group_tcpwm_functions_common
* section of the TCPWM. You can enable, disable, or trigger (in various ways)
* multiple counters simultaneously. For these functions you provide a bit field
* representing each counter in the TCPWM you want to control. You can
* represent the bit field as an ORed mask of each counter, like
* ((1U << cntNumX) | (1U << cntNumX) | (1U << cntNumX)), where X is the counter
* number from 0 to 31.
* \note
* * If none of the input terminals (start, reload(index)) are used, the
* software event \ref Cy_TCPWM_TriggerStart or
* \ref Cy_TCPWM_TriggerReloadOrIndex must be called to start the counting.
* * If count input terminal is not used, the \ref CY_TCPWM_INPUT_LEVEL macro
* should be set for the countInputMode parameter and the \ref CY_TCPWM_INPUT_1
* macro should be set for the countInput parameter in the configuration
* structure of the appropriate mode(Counter
* \ref group_tcpwm_data_structures_counter, PWM
* \ref group_tcpwm_data_structures_pwm, or QuadDec
* \ref group_tcpwm_data_structures_quaddec).
* \section group_tcpwm_more_information More Information
* For more information on the TCPWM peripheral, refer to the technical
* reference manual (TRM).
* \section group_tcpwm_MISRA MISRA-C Compliance
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr>
* <th>MISRA Rule</th>
* <th>Rule Class (Required/Advisory)</th>
* <th>Rule Description</th>
* <th>Description of Deviation(s)</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>14.2</td>
* <td>R</td>
* <td>All non-null statements shall either: a) have at least one side-effect
* however executed, or b) cause control flow to change.</td>
* <td>The unused function parameters are cast to void. This statement
* has no side-effect and is used to suppress a compiler warning.</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* \section group_tcpwm_changelog Changelog
* <table class="doxtable">
* <tr><th>Version</th><th>Changes</th><th>Reason for Change</th></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.10</td>
* <td>Flattened the driver source code organization into the single
* source directory and the single include directory
* </td>
* <td>Simplified the driver library directory structure</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.0.1</td>
* <td>Added a deviation to the MISRA Compliance section.
* Added function-level code snippets.</td>
* <td>Documentation update and clarification</td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>1.0</td>
* <td>Initial version</td>
* <td></td>
* </tr>
* </table>
/** \} group_tcpwm */
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm_common
* Common API for the Timer Counter PWM Block.
* \{
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_macros_common Macros
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_functions_common Functions
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_data_structures_common Data Structures
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_enums Enumerated Types
#if !defined(CY_TCPWM_H)
#define CY_TCPWM_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "cy_syslib.h"
#include "cy_device_headers.h"
#include "cy_device.h"
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm_macros_common
* \{
/** Driver major version */
/** Driver minor version */
* API Constants
/** TCPWM driver identifier */
#define CY_TCPWM_ID (CY_PDL_DRV_ID(0x2DU))
/** \defgroup group_tcpwm_input_selection TCPWM Input Selection
* \{
* Selects which input to use
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_0 (0U) /**< Input is tied to logic 0 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_1 (1U) /**< Input is tied to logic 1 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_0 (2U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 0 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_1 (3U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 1 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_2 (4U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 2 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_3 (5U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 3 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_4 (6U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 4 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_5 (7U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 5 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_6 (8U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 6 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_7 (9U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 7 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_8 (10U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 8 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_9 (11U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 9 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_10 (12U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 10 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_11 (13U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 11 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_12 (14U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 12 */
#define CY_TCPWM_INPUT_TRIG_13 (15U) /**< Input is connected to the trigger input 13 */
/** Input is defined by Creator, and Init() function does not need to configure input */
/** \} group_tcpwm_input_selection */
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_input_modes Input Modes
* \{
* Configures how TCPWM inputs behave
/** A rising edge triggers the event (Capture, Start, Reload, etc..) */
/** A falling edge triggers the event (Capture, Start, Reload, etc..) */
/** A rising edge or falling edge triggers the event (Capture, Start, Reload, etc..) */
/** The event is triggered on each edge of the TCPWM clock if the input is high */
/** \} group_tcpwm_input_modes */
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources Interrupt Sources
* \{
* Interrupt Sources
#define CY_TCPWM_INT_ON_TC (1U) /**< Interrupt on Terminal count(TC) */
#define CY_TCPWM_INT_ON_CC (2U) /**< Interrupt on Compare/Capture(CC) */
#define CY_TCPWM_INT_NONE (0U) /**< No Interrupt */
#define CY_TCPWM_INT_ON_CC_OR_TC (3U) /**< Interrupt on TC or CC */
/** \} group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources */
* Registers Constants
* \defgroup group_tcpwm_reg_const Default registers constants
* \{
* Default constants for CNT Registers
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_CTRL_DEFAULT (0x0U) /**< Default value for CTRL register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_COUNTER_DEFAULT (0x0U) /**< Default value for COUNTER register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_CC_DEFAULT (0xFFFFFFFFU) /**< Default value for CC register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_CC_BUFF_DEFAULT (0xFFFFFFFFU) /**< Default value for CC_BUFF register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_PERIOD_DEFAULT (0xFFFFFFFFU) /**< Default value for PERIOD register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_PERIOD_BUFF_DEFAULT (0xFFFFFFFFU) /**< Default value for PERIOD_BUFF register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_TR_CTRL0_DEFAULT (0x10U) /**< Default value for TR_CTRL0 register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_TR_CTRL1_DEFAULT (0x3FFU) /**< Default value for TR_CTRL1 register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_TR_CTRL2_DEFAULT (0x3FU) /**< Default value for TR_CTRL2 register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_INTR_DEFAULT (0x3U) /**< Default value for INTR register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_INTR_SET_DEFAULT (0x0U) /**< Default value for INTR_SET register */
#define CY_TCPWM_CNT_INTR_MASK_DEFAULT (0x0U) /**< Default value for INTR_MASK register */
/** \} group_tcpwm_reg_const */
/** Position of Up counting counter status */
/** Initial value for the counter in the Up counting mode */
/** Initial value for the counter in the Up/Down counting modes */
/** \} group_tcpwm_macros_common */
* Enumerations
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm_enums
* \{
/** TCPWM status definitions */
typedef enum
CY_TCPWM_SUCCESS = 0x00U, /**< Successful */
CY_TCPWM_BAD_PARAM = CY_TCPWM_ID | CY_PDL_STATUS_ERROR | 0x01U, /**< One or more invalid parameters */
} cy_en_tcpwm_status_t;
/** \} group_tcpwm_enums */
* Function Prototypes
* \addtogroup group_tcpwm_functions_common
* \{
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_Enable_Multiple(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_Disable_Multiple(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_TriggerStart(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_TriggerReloadOrIndex(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_TriggerStopOrKill(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_TriggerCaptureOrSwap(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatus(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_ClearInterrupt(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t source);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_SetInterrupt(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t source);
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_SetInterruptMask(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t mask);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptMask(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatusMasked(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum);
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_Enable_Multiple
* Enables the counter(s) in the TCPWM block. Multiple blocks can be started
* simultaneously.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param counters
* A bit field representing each counter in the TCPWM block.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_Enable_Multiple
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_Enable_Multiple(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters)
TCPWM_CTRL_SET(base) = counters;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_Disable_Multiple
* Disables the counter(s) in the TCPWM block. Multiple TCPWM can be disabled
* simultaneously.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param counters
* A bit field representing each counter in the TCPWM block.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_Disable_Multiple
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_Disable_Multiple(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters)
TCPWM_CTRL_CLR(base) = counters;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_TriggerStart
* Triggers a software start on the selected TCPWMs.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param counters
* A bit field representing each counter in the TCPWM block.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_Enable_Multiple
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_TriggerStart(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters)
TCPWM_CMD_START(base) = counters;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_TriggerReloadOrIndex
* Triggers a software reload event (or index in QuadDec mode).
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance
* \param counters
* A bit field representing each counter in the TCPWM block.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_TriggerReloadOrIndex
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_TriggerReloadOrIndex(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters)
TCPWM_CMD_RELOAD(base) = counters;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_TriggerStopOrKill
* Triggers a stop in the Timer Counter mode, or a kill in the PWM mode.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param counters
* A bit field representing each counter in the TCPWM block.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_TriggerStopOrKill
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_TriggerStopOrKill(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters)
TCPWM_CMD_STOP(base) = counters;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_TriggerCaptureOrSwap
* Triggers a Capture in the Timer Counter mode, and a Swap in the PWM mode.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param counters
* A bit field representing each counter in the TCPWM block.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_Counter_Capture
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_TriggerCaptureOrSwap(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t counters)
TCPWM_CMD_CAPTURE(base) = counters;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatus
* Returns which event triggered the interrupt.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
*. See \ref group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatus
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatus(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
return(TCPWM_CNT_INTR(base, cntNum));
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_ClearInterrupt
* Clears Active Interrupt Source
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param source
* source to clear. See \ref group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatusMasked
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_ClearInterrupt(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t source)
TCPWM_CNT_INTR(base, cntNum) = source;
(void)TCPWM_CNT_INTR(base, cntNum);
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_SetInterrupt
* Triggers an interrupt via a software write.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param source
* The source to set an interrupt. See \ref group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources.
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_SetInterrupt
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_SetInterrupt(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t source)
TCPWM_CNT_INTR_SET(base, cntNum) = source;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_SetInterruptMask
* Sets an interrupt mask. A 1 means that when the event occurs, it will cause an
* interrupt; a 0 means no interrupt will be triggered.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \param mask
*. See \ref group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_SetInterruptMask
__STATIC_INLINE void Cy_TCPWM_SetInterruptMask(TCPWM_Type *base, uint32_t cntNum, uint32_t mask)
TCPWM_CNT_INTR_MASK(base, cntNum) = mask;
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptMask
* Returns the interrupt mask.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
* Interrupt Mask. See \ref group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_SetInterruptMask
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptMask(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
return(TCPWM_CNT_INTR_MASK(base, cntNum));
* Function Name: Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatusMasked
* Returns which masked interrupt triggered the interrupt.
* \param base
* The pointer to a TCPWM instance.
* \param cntNum
* The Counter instance number in the selected TCPWM.
* \return
* Interrupt Mask. See \ref group_tcpwm_interrupt_sources
* \funcusage
* \snippet tcpwm/tcpwm_v1_0_counter_sut_01.cydsn/main_cm4.c snippet_Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatusMasked
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t Cy_TCPWM_GetInterruptStatusMasked(TCPWM_Type const *base, uint32_t cntNum)
return(TCPWM_CNT_INTR_MASKED(base, cntNum));
/** \} group_tcpwm_functions_common */
/** \} group_tcpwm_common */
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* CY_IP_MXTCPWM */
#endif /* CY_TCPWM_H */
/* [] END OF FILE */