.. zephyr:code-sample:: mspi-async
:name: MSPI asynchronous transfer
:relevant-api: mspi_interface
Use the MSPI API to interact with MSPI memory device asynchronously.
This sample demonstrates using the :ref:`MSPI API <mspi_api>` on a MSPI
memory device. The asynchronous transceive call need to be supported
either by a software queue or hardware queue from the controller hardware.
To this sample, however, the implementation should make no difference.
Building and Running
The application will build only for a target that has a :ref:`devicetree <dt-guide>`
``dev0`` alias that refers to an entry with the following bindings as a compatible:
* :dtcompatible:`ambiq,mspi-device`, `mspi-aps6404l`
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/drivers/mspi/mspi_async
:board: apollo3p_evb
:goals: build flash
Sample Output
.. code-block:: console
*** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v3.5.0-8581-gc80b243c7598 ***
Read data matches written data