.. zephyr:code-sample:: littlefs
:name: LittleFS filesystem
:relevant-api: file_system_api flash_area_api
Use file system API over LittleFS.
This sample app demonstrates use of Zephyr's :ref:`file system API
<file_system_api>` over `littlefs`_, using file system with files that:
* count the number of times the system has booted
* holds binary pattern with properly incremented values in it
Other information about the file system is also displayed.
.. _littlefs:
Flash memory device
The partition labeled "storage" will be used for the file system; see
:ref:`flash_map_api`. If that area does not already have a
compatible littlefs file system its contents will be replaced by an
empty file system. You will see diagnostics like this::
[00:00:00.010,192] <inf> littlefs: LittleFS version 2.0, disk version 2.0
[00:00:00.010,559] <err> littlefs: Corrupted dir pair at 0 1
[00:00:00.010,559] <wrn> littlefs: can't mount (LFS -84); formatting
The error and warning are normal for a new file system.
After the file system is mounted you'll also see::
[00:00:00.182,434] <inf> littlefs: filesystem mounted!
[00:00:00.867,034] <err> fs: failed get file or dir stat (-2)
This error is also normal for Zephyr not finding a file (the boot count,
in this case).
Block device (e.g. SD card)
One needs to prepare the SD/MMC card with littlefs file system on
the host machine with the `lfs`_ program.
.. _lfs:
.. code-block:: console
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/sda
lfs -d -s -f --read_size=512 --prog_size=512 --block_size=512 --cache_size=512 --lookahead_size=8192 --format /dev/sda
lfs -d -s -f --read_size=512 --prog_size=512 --block_size=512 --cache_size=512 --lookahead_size=8192 /dev/sda ./mnt_littlefs
cd ./mnt_littlefs
echo -en '\x01' > foo.txt
cd -
fusermount -u ./mnt_littlefs
Building and Running
Flash memory device
This example should work on any board that provides a "storage"
partition. Two tested board targets are described below.
You can set ``CONFIG_APP_WIPE_STORAGE`` to force the file system to be
Block device (e.g. SD card)
This example has been devised and initially tested on :ref:`Nucleo H743ZI <nucleo_h743zi_board>`
board. It can be also run on any other board with SD/MMC card connected to it.
To build the test:
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/subsys/fs/littlefs
:board: nucleo_h743zi
:goals: build flash
:gen-args: -DCONF_FILE=prj_blk.conf
At the moment, only two types of block devices are acceptable in this sample: SDMMC and MMC.
It is possible that both the `zephyr,sdmmc-disk` and `zephyr,mmc-disk` block devices will be
present and enabled in the final board dts and configuration files simultaneously, the mount
point name for the `littlefs` file system block device will be determined based on the
following logic:
* if the ``CONFIG_SDMMC_VOLUME_NAME`` configuration is defined, it will be used
as the mount point name;
* if the ``CONFIG_SDMMC_VOLUME_NAME`` configuration is not defined, but the
``CONFIG_MMC_VOLUME_NAME`` configuration is defined, ``CONFIG_MMC_VOLUME_NAME`` will
be used as the mount point name;
* if neither ``CONFIG_SDMMC_VOLUME_NAME`` nor ``CONFIG_MMC_VOLUME_NAME`` configurations
are defined, the mount point name will not be determined, and an appropriate error will
apear during the sample build.
NRF52840 Development Kit
On this device the file system will be placed in the SOC flash.
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/subsys/fs/littlefs
:board: nrf52840dk_nrf52840
:goals: build
Particle Xenon
On this device the file system will be placed on the external SPI NOR
flash memory.
.. zephyr-app-commands::
:zephyr-app: samples/subsys/fs/littlefs
:board: particle_xenon
:goals: build