

.. zephyr:code-sample:: zbus-hello-world
   :name: zbus Hello World
   :relevant-api: zbus_apis

   Make three threads talk to each other using zbus.

This sample implements a simple hello world application using zbus to make the threads talk to each other.

Building and Running

This project outputs to the console.  It can be built and executed
on QEMU as follows:

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/subsys/zbus/hello_world
   :host-os: unix
   :board: qemu_x86
   :goals: run

Sample Output

.. code-block:: console

    D: Sensor sample started raw reading, version 0.1-2!
    D: Channel list:
    D: 0 - Channel acc_data:
    D:       Message size: 12
    D:       Observers:
    D:       - my_listener
    D:       - my_subscriber
    D: 1 - Channel version:
    D:       Message size: 4
    D:       Observers:
    D: Observers list:
    D: 0 - Listener my_listener
    D: 1 - Subscriber my_subscriber
    D: START processing channel acc_data change
    D: From listener -> Acc x=1, y=1, z=1
    D: FINISH processing channel acc_data change
    D: From subscriber -> Acc x=1, y=1, z=1
    D: START processing channel acc_data change
    D: From listener -> Acc x=2, y=2, z=2
    D: FINISH processing channel acc_data change
    D: From subscriber -> Acc x=2, y=2, z=2

Exit QEMU by pressing :kbd:`CTRL+A` :kbd:`x`.