

.. zephyr:code-sample:: nrf_battery
   :name: Battery Voltage Measurement

   Measure the voltage of the device power supply.


This sample demonstrates using Nordic configurations of the Zephyr ADC
infrastructure to measure the voltage of the device power supply.  Two
power supply configurations are supported:

* If the board devicetree has a ``/vbatt`` node with compatible
  ``voltage-divider`` then the voltage is measured using that divider. An
  example of a devicetree node describing a voltage divider for battery
  monitoring is:

   .. code-block:: devicetree

      / {
         vbatt {
            compatible = "voltage-divider";
            io-channels = <&adc 4>;
            output-ohms = <180000>;
            full-ohms = <(1500000 + 180000)>;
            power-gpios = <&sx1509b 4 0>;

* If the board does not have a voltage divider and so no ``/vbatt`` node
  present, the ADC configuration (device and channel) needs to be provided via
  the ``zephyr,user`` node. In this case the power source is assumed to be
  directly connected to the digital voltage signal, and the internal source for
  ``Vdd`` is selected. An example of a Devicetree configuration for this case is
  shown below:

   .. code-block :: devicetree

      / {
         zephyr,user {
            io-channels = <&adc 4>;

Note that in many cases where there is no voltage divider the digital
voltage will be fed from a regulator that provides a fixed voltage
regardless of source voltage, rather than by the source directly. In
configuration involving a regulator the measured voltage will be

The sample provides discharge curves that map from a measured voltage to
an estimate of remaining capacity.  The correct curve depends on the
battery source: a standard LiPo cell requires a curve that is different
from a standard alkaline battery.  Curves can be measured, or estimated
using the data sheet for the battery.

Application Details

The application initializes battery measurement on startup, then loops
displaying the battery status every five seconds.


A Nordic-based board, optionally with a voltage divider specified in its
devicetree configuration as noted above.

Building and Running

The code can be found in :zephyr_file:`samples/boards/nordic/battery`.

.. zephyr-app-commands::
   :zephyr-app: samples/boards/nordic/battery
   :board: thingy52/nrf52832
   :goals: build flash

Sample Output

.. code-block:: console

   *** Booting Zephyr OS build zephyr-v2.2.0-318-g84219bdc1ac2  ***
   [0:00:00.016]: 4078 mV; 10000 pptt
   [0:00:04.999]: 4078 mV; 10000 pptt
   [0:00:09.970]: 4078 mV; 10000 pptt
   [0:00:14.939]: 4069 mV; 10000 pptt
   [0:00:19.910]: 4078 mV; 10000 pptt
   [0:00:24.880]: 4069 mV; 10000 pptt