# # Copyright 2018-2022 NXP # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # if (CONFIG_DISPLAY) message(WARNING " CONFIG_DISPLAY: Running this firmware on a board without a display may damage the board ") endif() if(CONFIG_NXP_IMX_RT_BOOT_HEADER) zephyr_library() if(NOT DEFINED CONFIG_BOARD_MIMXRT1064_EVK) message(WARNING "It appears you are using the board definition for " "the MIMXRT1064-EVK, but targeting a custom board. You may need to " "update your flash configuration or device configuration data blocks") endif() set(RT1064_BOARD_DIR "${ZEPHYR_HAL_NXP_MODULE_DIR}/mcux/mcux-sdk/boards/evkmimxrt1064") if(CONFIG_BOOT_FLEXSPI_NOR) # Include flash configuration block for RT1064 EVK from NXP's HAL. # This configuration block may need modification if another flash chip is # used on your custom board. See NXP AN12238 for more information. zephyr_compile_definitions(XIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE=1) zephyr_compile_definitions(BOARD_FLASH_SIZE=CONFIG_FLASH_SIZE*1024) zephyr_library_sources(${RT1064_BOARD_DIR}/xip/evkmimxrt1064_flexspi_nor_config.c) zephyr_library_include_directories(${RT1064_BOARD_DIR}/xip) endif() if(CONFIG_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_DATA) # Include device configuration data block for RT1064 EVK from NXP's HAL. # This configuration block may need modification if another SDRAM chip # is used on your custom board. zephyr_compile_definitions(XIP_BOOT_HEADER_DCD_ENABLE=1) zephyr_library_sources(${RT1064_BOARD_DIR}/dcd.c) endif() endif()