.. _bluetooth_connection_mgmt: Connection Management ##################### The Zephyr Bluetooth stack uses an abstraction called :c:type:`bt_conn` to represent connections to other devices. The internals of this struct are not exposed to the application, but a limited amount of information (such as the remote address) can be acquired using the :cpp:func:`bt_conn_get_info` API. Connection objects are reference counted, and the application is expected to use the :cpp:func:`bt_conn_ref` API whenever storing a connection pointer for a longer period of time, since this ensures that the object remains valid (even if the connection would get disconnected). Similarly the :cpp:func:`bt_conn_unref` API is to be used when releasing a reference to a connection. An application may track connections by registering a :c:type:`bt_conn_cb` struct using the :cpp:func:`bt_conn_cb_register` API. This struct lets the application define callbacks for connection & disconnection events, as well as other events related to a connection such as a change in the security level or the connection parameters. When acting as a central the application will also get hold of the connection object through the return value of the :cpp:func:`bt_conn_create_le` API. API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: bt_conn :project: Zephyr :members: