/* * USB loopback function * * Copyright (c) 2018 Phytec Messtechnik GmbH * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #define SYS_LOG_LEVEL CONFIG_SYS_LOG_USB_DEVICE_LEVEL #define SYS_LOG_DOMAIN "usb/loopback" #include #define LOOPBACK_OUT_EP_ADDR 0x01 #define LOOPBACK_IN_EP_ADDR 0x81 #define LOOPBACK_OUT_EP_IDX 0 #define LOOPBACK_IN_EP_IDX 1 #if !defined(CONFIG_USB_COMPOSITE_DEVICE) static u8_t interface_data[64]; #endif static u8_t loopback_buf[1024]; struct usb_loopback_config { struct usb_if_descriptor if0; struct usb_ep_descriptor if0_out_ep; struct usb_ep_descriptor if0_in_ep; } __packed; USBD_CLASS_DESCR_DEFINE(primary) struct usb_loopback_config loopback_cfg = { /* Interface descriptor 0 */ .if0 = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_if_descriptor), .bDescriptorType = USB_INTERFACE_DESC, .bInterfaceNumber = 0, .bAlternateSetting = 0, .bNumEndpoints = 2, .bInterfaceClass = CUSTOM_CLASS, .bInterfaceSubClass = 0, .bInterfaceProtocol = 0, .iInterface = 0, }, /* Data Endpoint OUT */ .if0_out_ep = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ep_descriptor), .bDescriptorType = USB_ENDPOINT_DESC, .bEndpointAddress = LOOPBACK_OUT_EP_ADDR, .bmAttributes = USB_DC_EP_BULK, .wMaxPacketSize = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_LOOPBACK_BULK_EP_MPS), .bInterval = 0x00, }, /* Data Endpoint IN */ .if0_in_ep = { .bLength = sizeof(struct usb_ep_descriptor), .bDescriptorType = USB_ENDPOINT_DESC, .bEndpointAddress = LOOPBACK_IN_EP_ADDR, .bmAttributes = USB_DC_EP_BULK, .wMaxPacketSize = sys_cpu_to_le16(CONFIG_LOOPBACK_BULK_EP_MPS), .bInterval = 0x00, }, }; static void loopback_out_cb(u8_t ep, enum usb_dc_ep_cb_status_code ep_status) { u32_t bytes_to_read; usb_read(ep, NULL, 0, &bytes_to_read); SYS_LOG_DBG("ep 0x%x, bytes to read %d ", ep, bytes_to_read); usb_read(ep, loopback_buf, bytes_to_read, NULL); } static void loopback_in_cb(u8_t ep, enum usb_dc_ep_cb_status_code ep_status) { if (usb_write(ep, loopback_buf, CONFIG_LOOPBACK_BULK_EP_MPS, NULL)) { SYS_LOG_DBG("ep 0x%x", ep); } } static struct usb_ep_cfg_data ep_cfg[] = { { .ep_cb = loopback_out_cb, .ep_addr = LOOPBACK_OUT_EP_ADDR, }, { .ep_cb = loopback_in_cb, .ep_addr = LOOPBACK_IN_EP_ADDR, }, }; static void loopback_status_cb(enum usb_dc_status_code status, u8_t *param) { switch (status) { case USB_DC_CONFIGURED: loopback_in_cb(ep_cfg[LOOPBACK_IN_EP_IDX].ep_addr, 0); SYS_LOG_DBG("USB device configured"); break; case USB_DC_SET_HALT: SYS_LOG_DBG("Set Feature ENDPOINT_HALT"); break; case USB_DC_CLEAR_HALT: SYS_LOG_DBG("Clear Feature ENDPOINT_HALT"); if (*param == ep_cfg[LOOPBACK_IN_EP_IDX].ep_addr) { loopback_in_cb(ep_cfg[LOOPBACK_IN_EP_IDX].ep_addr, 0); } break; default: break; } } static int loopback_vendor_handler(struct usb_setup_packet *setup, s32_t *len, u8_t **data) { SYS_LOG_DBG("Class request: bRequest 0x%x bmRequestType 0x%x len %d", setup->bRequest, setup->bmRequestType, *len); if (REQTYPE_GET_RECIP(setup->bmRequestType) != REQTYPE_RECIP_DEVICE) { return -ENOTSUP; } if (REQTYPE_GET_DIR(setup->bmRequestType) == REQTYPE_DIR_TO_DEVICE && setup->bRequest == 0x5b) { SYS_LOG_DBG("Host-to-Device, data %p", *data); return 0; } if ((REQTYPE_GET_DIR(setup->bmRequestType) == REQTYPE_DIR_TO_HOST) && (setup->bRequest == 0x5c)) { if (setup->wLength > sizeof(loopback_buf)) { return -ENOTSUP; } *data = loopback_buf; *len = setup->wLength; SYS_LOG_DBG("Device-to-Host, wLength %d, data %p", setup->wLength, *data); return 0; } return -ENOTSUP; } static void loopback_interface_config(u8_t bInterfaceNumber) { loopback_cfg.if0.bInterfaceNumber = bInterfaceNumber; } USBD_CFG_DATA_DEFINE(loopback) struct usb_cfg_data loopback_config = { .usb_device_description = NULL, .interface_config = loopback_interface_config, .interface_descriptor = &loopback_cfg.if0, .cb_usb_status = loopback_status_cb, .interface = { .class_handler = NULL, .custom_handler = NULL, .vendor_handler = loopback_vendor_handler, .vendor_data = loopback_buf, .payload_data = NULL, }, .num_endpoints = ARRAY_SIZE(ep_cfg), .endpoint = ep_cfg, }; static int loopback_init(struct device *dev) { #ifndef CONFIG_USB_COMPOSITE_DEVICE int ret; loopback_config.interface.payload_data = interface_data; loopback_config.usb_device_description = usb_get_device_descriptor(); /* Initialize the USB driver with the right configuration */ ret = usb_set_config(&loopback_config); if (ret < 0) { SYS_LOG_ERR("Failed to config USB"); return ret; } /* Enable USB driver */ ret = usb_enable(&loopback_config); if (ret < 0) { SYS_LOG_ERR("Failed to enable USB"); return ret; } #endif SYS_LOG_DBG(""); return 0; } SYS_INIT(loopback_init, APPLICATION, CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEVICE);