/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hdc1008.h" static void hdc1008_gpio_callback(struct device *dev, struct gpio_callback *cb, uint32_t pins) { struct hdc1008_data *drv_data = CONTAINER_OF(cb, struct hdc1008_data, gpio_cb); ARG_UNUSED(pins); gpio_pin_disable_callback(dev, CONFIG_HDC1008_GPIO_PIN_NUM); k_sem_give(&drv_data->data_sem); } static int hdc1008_sample_fetch(struct device *dev, enum sensor_channel chan) { struct hdc1008_data *drv_data = dev->driver_data; uint8_t buf[4]; __ASSERT_NO_MSG(chan == SENSOR_CHAN_ALL); gpio_pin_enable_callback(drv_data->gpio, CONFIG_HDC1008_GPIO_PIN_NUM); buf[0] = HDC1008_REG_TEMP; if (i2c_write(drv_data->i2c, buf, 1, HDC1008_I2C_ADDRESS) < 0) { SYS_LOG_DBG("Failed to write address pointer"); return -EIO; } k_sem_take(&drv_data->data_sem, K_FOREVER); if (i2c_read(drv_data->i2c, buf, 4, HDC1008_I2C_ADDRESS) < 0) { SYS_LOG_DBG("Failed to read sample data"); return -EIO; } drv_data->t_sample = (buf[0] << 8) + buf[1]; drv_data->rh_sample = (buf[2] << 8) + buf[3]; return 0; } static int hdc1008_channel_get(struct device *dev, enum sensor_channel chan, struct sensor_value *val) { struct hdc1008_data *drv_data = dev->driver_data; uint64_t tmp; /* * See datasheet "Temperature Register" and "Humidity * Register" sections for more details on processing * sample data. */ if (chan == SENSOR_CHAN_TEMP) { /* val = -40 + 165 * sample / 2^16 */ tmp = 165 * (uint64_t)drv_data->t_sample; val->type = SENSOR_VALUE_TYPE_INT_PLUS_MICRO; val->val1 = (int32_t)(tmp >> 16) - 40; val->val2 = (1000000 * (tmp & 0xFFFF)) >> 16; } else if (chan == SENSOR_CHAN_HUMIDITY) { /* val = 100000 * sample / 2^16 */ tmp = 100000 * (uint64_t)drv_data->rh_sample; val->type = SENSOR_VALUE_TYPE_INT_PLUS_MICRO; val->val1 = tmp >> 16; val->val2 = (1000000 * (tmp & 0xFFFF)) >> 16; } else { return -ENOTSUP; } return 0; } static const struct sensor_driver_api hdc1008_driver_api = { .sample_fetch = hdc1008_sample_fetch, .channel_get = hdc1008_channel_get, }; static uint16_t read16(struct device *dev, uint8_t a, uint8_t d) { uint8_t buf[2]; if (i2c_burst_read(dev, a, d, (uint8_t *)buf, 2) < 0) { SYS_LOG_ERR("Error reading register."); } return (buf[0] << 8 | buf[1]); } static int hdc1008_init(struct device *dev) { struct hdc1008_data *drv_data = dev->driver_data; drv_data->i2c = device_get_binding(CONFIG_HDC1008_I2C_MASTER_DEV_NAME); if (drv_data->i2c == NULL) { SYS_LOG_DBG("Failed to get pointer to %s device!", CONFIG_HDC1008_I2C_MASTER_DEV_NAME); return -EINVAL; } if (read16(drv_data->i2c, HDC1008_I2C_ADDRESS, HDC1000_MANUFID) != 0x5449) { SYS_LOG_ERR("Failed to get correct manufacturer ID"); return -EINVAL; } if (read16(drv_data->i2c, HDC1008_I2C_ADDRESS, HDC1000_DEVICEID) != 0x1000) { SYS_LOG_ERR("Failed to get correct device ID"); return -EINVAL; } k_sem_init(&drv_data->data_sem, 0, UINT_MAX); /* setup data ready gpio interrupt */ drv_data->gpio = device_get_binding(CONFIG_HDC1008_GPIO_DEV_NAME); if (drv_data->gpio == NULL) { SYS_LOG_DBG("Failed to get pointer to %s device", CONFIG_HDC1008_GPIO_DEV_NAME); return -EINVAL; } gpio_pin_configure(drv_data->gpio, CONFIG_HDC1008_GPIO_PIN_NUM, GPIO_DIR_IN | GPIO_INT | GPIO_INT_EDGE | GPIO_INT_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_INT_DEBOUNCE); gpio_init_callback(&drv_data->gpio_cb, hdc1008_gpio_callback, BIT(CONFIG_HDC1008_GPIO_PIN_NUM)); if (gpio_add_callback(drv_data->gpio, &drv_data->gpio_cb) < 0) { SYS_LOG_DBG("Failed to set GPIO callback"); return -EIO; } dev->driver_api = &hdc1008_driver_api; return 0; } static struct hdc1008_data hdc1008_data; DEVICE_INIT(hdc1008, CONFIG_HDC1008_NAME, hdc1008_init, &hdc1008_data, NULL, POST_KERNEL, CONFIG_SENSOR_INIT_PRIORITY);