/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Martin Jäger * Copyright (c) 2022 tado GmbH * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include "lorawan_services.h" #include #include #include LOG_MODULE_REGISTER(lorawan_services, CONFIG_LORAWAN_SERVICES_LOG_LEVEL); struct service_uplink_msg { sys_snode_t node; /* absolute ticks when this message should be scheduled */ int64_t ticks; /* sufficient space for up to 3 answers (max 6 bytes each) */ uint8_t data[18]; uint8_t len; uint8_t port; bool used; }; K_THREAD_STACK_DEFINE(thread_stack_area, CONFIG_LORAWAN_SERVICES_THREAD_STACK_SIZE); /* * The services need a dedicated work queue, as the LoRaWAN stack uses the system * work queue and gets blocked if other LoRaWAN messages are sent and processed from * the system work queue in parallel. */ static struct k_work_q services_workq; static struct k_work_delayable uplink_work; /* single-linked list (with pointers) and array for implementation of priority queue */ static struct service_uplink_msg messages[10]; static sys_slist_t msg_list; static struct k_sem msg_sem; static void uplink_handler(struct k_work *work) { struct service_uplink_msg msg_copy; struct service_uplink_msg *first; sys_snode_t *node; int err; ARG_UNUSED(work); /* take semaphore and create a copy of the next message */ k_sem_take(&msg_sem, K_FOREVER); node = sys_slist_get(&msg_list); if (node == NULL) { goto out; } first = CONTAINER_OF(node, struct service_uplink_msg, node); msg_copy = *first; first->used = false; sys_slist_remove(&msg_list, NULL, &first->node); /* semaphore must be given back before calling lorawan_send */ k_sem_give(&msg_sem); err = lorawan_send(msg_copy.port, msg_copy.data, msg_copy.len, LORAWAN_MSG_UNCONFIRMED); if (!err) { LOG_DBG("Message sent to port %d", msg_copy.port); } else { LOG_ERR("Sending message to port %d failed: %d", msg_copy.port, err); } /* take the semaphore again to schedule next uplink */ k_sem_take(&msg_sem, K_FOREVER); node = sys_slist_peek_head(&msg_list); if (node == NULL) { goto out; } first = CONTAINER_OF(node, struct service_uplink_msg, node); k_work_reschedule_for_queue(&services_workq, &uplink_work, K_TIMEOUT_ABS_TICKS(first->ticks)); out: k_sem_give(&msg_sem); } static inline void insert_uplink(struct service_uplink_msg *msg_new) { struct service_uplink_msg *msg_prev; if (sys_slist_is_empty(&msg_list)) { sys_slist_append(&msg_list, &msg_new->node); } else { int count = 0; SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_CONTAINER(&msg_list, msg_prev, node) { count++; if (msg_prev->ticks <= msg_new->ticks) { break; } } if (msg_prev != NULL) { sys_slist_insert(&msg_list, &msg_prev->node, &msg_new->node); } else { sys_slist_append(&msg_list, &msg_new->node); } } } int lorawan_services_schedule_uplink(uint8_t port, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len, uint32_t timeout) { struct service_uplink_msg *next; int64_t timeout_abs_ticks; if (len > sizeof(messages[0].data)) { LOG_ERR("Uplink payload for port %u too long: %u bytes", port, len); LOG_HEXDUMP_ERR(data, len, "Payload: "); return -EFBIG; } timeout_abs_ticks = k_uptime_ticks() + k_ms_to_ticks_ceil64(timeout); k_sem_take(&msg_sem, K_FOREVER); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(messages); i++) { if (!messages[i].used) { memcpy(messages[i].data, data, len); messages[i].port = port; messages[i].len = len; messages[i].ticks = timeout_abs_ticks; messages[i].used = true; insert_uplink(&messages[i]); next = SYS_SLIST_PEEK_HEAD_CONTAINER(&msg_list, next, node); if (next != NULL) { k_work_reschedule_for_queue(&services_workq, &uplink_work, K_TIMEOUT_ABS_TICKS(next->ticks)); } k_sem_give(&msg_sem); return 0; } } k_sem_give(&msg_sem); LOG_WRN("Message queue full, message for port %u dropped.", port); return -ENOSPC; } int lorawan_services_reschedule_work(struct k_work_delayable *dwork, k_timeout_t delay) { return k_work_reschedule_for_queue(&services_workq, dwork, delay); } static int lorawan_services_init(void) { sys_slist_init(&msg_list); k_sem_init(&msg_sem, 1, 1); k_work_queue_init(&services_workq); k_work_queue_start(&services_workq, thread_stack_area, K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF(thread_stack_area), CONFIG_LORAWAN_SERVICES_THREAD_PRIORITY, NULL); k_work_init_delayable(&uplink_work, uplink_handler); k_thread_name_set(&services_workq.thread, "lorawan_services"); return 0; } SYS_INIT(lorawan_services_init, APPLICATION, CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);