# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/generated) # Zephyr code can configure itself based on a KConfig'uration with the # header file autoconf.h. There exists an analogous file # generated_dts_board_unfixed.h that allows configuration based on information # encoded in DTS. # # Here we call on dtc, the gcc preprocessor, and # scripts/dts/extract_dts_includes.py to generate this header file at # CMake configure-time. # # See ~/zephyr/doc/dts set(GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_UNFIXED_H ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/generated/generated_dts_board_unfixed.h) set(GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_CONF ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/generated/generated_dts_board.conf) set_ifndef(DTS_SOURCE ${BOARD_DIR}/${BOARD}.dts) set_ifndef(DTS_COMMON_OVERLAYS ${ZEPHYR_BASE}/dts/common/common.dts) # 'DTS_ROOT' is a list of directories where a directory tree with DT # files may be found. It always includes the application directory and # ${ZEPHYR_BASE}. list(APPEND DTS_ROOT ${APPLICATION_SOURCE_DIR} ${ZEPHYR_BASE} ) set(dts_files ${DTS_SOURCE} ${DTS_COMMON_OVERLAYS} ${shield_dts_files} ) # TODO: What to do about non-posix platforms where NOT CONFIG_HAS_DTS (xtensa)? # Drop support for NOT CONFIG_HAS_DTS perhaps? if(EXISTS ${DTS_SOURCE}) set(SUPPORTS_DTS 1) else() set(SUPPORTS_DTS 0) endif() if(SUPPORTS_DTS) if(DTC_OVERLAY_FILE) # Convert from space-separated files into file list string(REPLACE " " ";" DTC_OVERLAY_FILE_AS_LIST ${DTC_OVERLAY_FILE}) list(APPEND dts_files ${DTC_OVERLAY_FILE_AS_LIST} ) endif() set(i 0) unset(DTC_INCLUDE_FLAG_FOR_DTS) foreach(dts_file ${dts_files}) list(APPEND DTC_INCLUDE_FLAG_FOR_DTS -include ${dts_file}) if(i EQUAL 0) message(STATUS "Loading ${dts_file} as base") else() message(STATUS "Overlaying ${dts_file}") endif() # Ensure that changes to 'dts_file's cause CMake to be re-run set_property(DIRECTORY APPEND PROPERTY CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${dts_file} ) math(EXPR i "${i}+1") endforeach() foreach(dts_root ${DTS_ROOT}) foreach(dts_root_path include dts/common dts/${ARCH} dts ) set(full_path ${dts_root}/${dts_root_path}) if(EXISTS ${full_path}) list(APPEND DTS_ROOT_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRS -isystem ${full_path} ) endif() endforeach() endforeach() foreach(dts_root ${DTS_ROOT}) set(full_path ${dts_root}/dts/bindings) if(EXISTS ${full_path}) list(APPEND DTS_ROOT_BINDINGS ${full_path} ) endif() endforeach() # TODO: Cut down on CMake configuration time by avoiding # regeneration of generated_dts_board_unfixed.h on every configure. How # challenging is this? What are the dts dependencies? We run the # preprocessor, and it seems to be including all kinds of # directories with who-knows how many header files. # Run the C preprocessor on an empty C source file that has one or # more DTS source files -include'd into it to create the # intermediary file *.dts.pre.tmp execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -x assembler-with-cpp -nostdinc ${DTS_ROOT_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${DTC_INCLUDE_FLAG_FOR_DTS} # include the DTS source and overlays ${NOSYSDEF_CFLAG} -D__DTS__ -P -E ${ZEPHYR_BASE}/misc/empty_file.c -o ${BOARD}.dts.pre.tmp WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE ret ) if(NOT "${ret}" STREQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "command failed with return code: ${ret}") endif() # Run the DTC on *.dts.pre.tmp to create the intermediary file *.dts_compiled set(DTC_WARN_UNIT_ADDR_IF_ENABLED "") check_dtc_flag("-Wunique_unit_address_if_enabled" check) if (check) set(DTC_WARN_UNIT_ADDR_IF_ENABLED "-Wunique_unit_address_if_enabled") endif() set(DTC_NO_WARN_UNIT_ADDR "") check_dtc_flag("-Wno-unique_unit_address" check) if (check) set(DTC_NO_WARN_UNIT_ADDR "-Wno-unique_unit_address") endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${DTC} -O dts -o ${BOARD}.dts_compiled -b 0 -E unit_address_vs_reg ${DTC_NO_WARN_UNIT_ADDR} ${DTC_WARN_UNIT_ADDR_IF_ENABLED} ${EXTRA_DTC_FLAGS} # User settable ${BOARD}.dts.pre.tmp WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE ret ) if(NOT "${ret}" STREQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "command failed with return code: ${ret}") endif() set(CMD_EXTRACT_DTS_INCLUDES ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${ZEPHYR_BASE}/scripts/dts/extract_dts_includes.py --dts ${BOARD}.dts_compiled --yaml ${DTS_ROOT_BINDINGS} --keyvalue ${GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_CONF} --include ${GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_UNFIXED_H} --old-alias-names ) # Run extract_dts_includes.py to create a .conf and a header file that can be # included into the CMake namespace execute_process( COMMAND ${CMD_EXTRACT_DTS_INCLUDES} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE ret ) if(NOT "${ret}" STREQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "command failed with return code: ${ret}") endif() import_kconfig(CONFIG_ ${GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_CONF}) import_kconfig(DT_ ${GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_CONF}) else() file(WRITE ${GENERATED_DTS_BOARD_UNFIXED_H} "/* WARNING. THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT MODIFY! */") endif(SUPPORTS_DTS)