.. _eclair: ECLAIR support ############## Bugseng `ECLAIR `__ is a certified static analysis tool and platform for software verification. Applications range from coding rule validation, with a particular emphasis on the MISRA and BARR-C coding standards, to the computation of software metrics, to the checking of independence and freedom from interference among software components, to the automatic detection of important classes of software errors. .. important:: ECLAIR is a commercial tool, and it is not free software. You need to have a valid license to use it. Running ECLAIR ************** To run ECLAIR, :ref:`west build ` should be called with a ``-DZEPHYR_SCA_VARIANT=eclair`` parameter. .. code-block:: shell west build -b mimxrt1064_evk samples/basic/blinky -- -DZEPHYR_SCA_VARIANT=eclair .. note:: This will only invoke the ECLAIR analysis with the predefined ruleset ``first_analysis``. If you want to use a different ruleset, you need to provide a configuration file. See the next section for more information. Configurations ************** The configure of the ECLAIR SCA environment can either be done via a cmake options file or with adapted options as command line arguments. To invoke a cmake options file into the ECLAIR call, you can define the ``ECLAIR_OPTIONS_FILE`` variable, for example: .. code-block:: shell west build -b mimxrt1064_evk samples/basic/blinky -- -DZEPHYR_SCA_VARIANT=eclair -DECLAIR_OPTIONS_FILE=my_options.cmake The default (if no config file is given) configuration is always ``first_analysis``, which is a tiny selection of rules to verify that everything is correctly working. If the default configuration wants to be overwritten via the command line and not via a options file, that can be achived by giving the argument ``-DOption=ON|OFF``. For example: .. code-block:: shell west build -b mimxrt1064_evk samples/basic/blinky -- -DZEPHYR_SCA_VARIANT=eclair -DECLAIR_REPORTS_SARIF=ON Zephyr is a large and complex project, so the configuration sets are split the Zephyr's guidelines selection (taken from https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/contribute/coding_guidelines/index.html) in five sets to make it more digestible to use on a private machine: * first_analysis (default): a tiny selection of the projects coding guidelines to verify that everything is correctly working. * STU: Selection of the projects coding guidelines, which can be verified by analysing the single translation units independently. * STU_heavy: Selection of complex STU project coding guidelines that require a significant amount of time. * WP: All whole program project coding guidelines ("system" in MISRA's parlance). * std_lib: Project coding guidelines about the C Standard Library. Related cmake options: * ``ECLAIR_RULESET_FIRST_ANALYSIS`` * ``ECLAIR_RULESET_STU`` * ``ECLAIR_RULESET_STU_HEAVY`` * ``ECLAIR_RULESET_WP`` * ``ECLAIR_RULESET_STD_LIB`` User defined ruleset ==================== If you want to use your own defined ruleset instead of the predefined zephyr coding guidelines rulesets. You can do so by setting :code:`ECLAIR_RULESET_USER=ON`. Created your own rulset file for ECLAIR with the following naming format: ``analysis_.ecl``. After creating the file define the name of the ruleset for ECLAIR with the cmake variable :code:`ECLAIR_USER_RULESET_NAME`. If the ruleset file is not in the application source directory, you can define the path to the ruleset file with the cmake variable :code:`ECLAIR_USER_RULESET_PATH`. This configuration takes relative paths and absolute paths. Related cmake options and variables: * ``ECLAIR_RULESET_USER`` * ``ECLAIR_USER_RULESET_NAME`` * ``ECLAIR_USER_RULESET_PATH`` Generate additional report formats ********************************** ECLAIR can generate additional report formats (e.g. DOC, ODT, XLSX) and different variants of repots in addition to the default ecd file. Following additional reports and report formats can be generated: * Metrics in spreadsheet format. * Findings in spreadsheet format. * Findings in SARIF format. * Summary report in plain textual format. * Summary report in DOC format. * Summary report in ODT format. * Detailed reports in txt format. * Detailed report in DOC format. * Detailed report in ODT format. Related cmake options: * ``ECLAIR_METRICS_TAB`` * ``ECLAIR_REPORTS_TAB`` * ``ECLAIR_REPORTS_SARIF`` * ``ECLAIR_SUMMARY_TXT`` * ``ECLAIR_SUMMARY_DOC`` * ``ECLAIR_SUMMARY_ODT`` * ``ECLAIR_FULL_TXT`` * ``ECLAIR_FULL_DOC`` * ``ECLAIR_FULL_ODT`` Detail level of full reports ============================ The detail level of the txt and doc full reports can also be adapted by a configuration. In this case the following configurations are avilable: * Show all areas * Show only the first area Related cmake options: * ``ECLAIR_FULL_DOC_ALL_AREAS`` * ``ECLAIR_FULL_DOC_FIRST_AREA`` * ``ECLAIR_FULL_TXT_ALL_AREAS`` * ``ECLAIR_FULL_TXT_FIRST_AREA``