/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INTEL CORPORATION OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __QM_FPR_H__ #define __QM_FPR_H__ #include "qm_common.h" #include "qm_soc_regs.h" /** * Flash Protection Region control. * * @defgroup groupFPR FPR * @{ */ typedef void (*qm_fpr_callback_t)(void *data); /** * FPR enable type. */ typedef enum { QM_FPR_DISABLE, /**< Disable FPR. */ QM_FPR_ENABLE, /**< Enable FPR. */ QM_FPR_LOCK_DISABLE, /**< Disable FPR lock. */ QM_FPR_LOCK_ENABLE /**< Enable FPR lock. */ } qm_fpr_en_t; /** * FPR violation mode type. */ typedef enum { FPR_VIOL_MODE_INTERRUPT = 0, /**< Generate interrupt on violation. */ FPR_VIOL_MODE_RESET, /**< Reset SoC on violation. */ FPR_VIOL_MODE_PROBE /**< Enter probe mode on violation. */ } qm_fpr_viol_mode_t; /** * FPR region type. */ typedef enum { QM_MAIN_FLASH_SYSTEM = 0, /**< System flash region. */ #if (QUARK_D2000) QM_MAIN_FLASH_DATA, /**< Data flash region. */ #endif QM_MAIN_FLASH_NUM, /**< Number of flash regions. */ } qm_flash_region_type_t; /** * FPR read allow type. */ typedef enum { QM_FPR_HOST_PROCESSOR = BIT(0), /**< Allow host processor to access flash region. */ #if (QUARK_SE) QM_FPR_SENSOR_SUBSYSTEM = BIT(1), /**< Allow sensor subsystem to access flash region. */ #endif QM_FPR_DMA = BIT(2), /**< Allow DMA to access flash region. */ #if (QUARK_SE) QM_FPR_OTHER_AGENTS = BIT(3) /**< Allow other agents to access flash region. */ #endif } qm_fpr_read_allow_t; /** * Flash Protection Region configuration structure. */ typedef struct { qm_fpr_en_t en_mask; /**< Enable/lock bitmask. */ qm_fpr_read_allow_t allow_agents; /**< Per-agent read enable bitmask. */ uint8_t up_bound; /**< 1KB-aligned upper Flash phys addr. */ uint8_t low_bound; /**< 1KB-aligned lower Flash phys addr. */ } qm_fpr_config_t; #define QM_FPR_FPR0_REG_OFFSET (7) #define QM_FPR_WRITE_LOCK_OFFSET (31) #define QM_FPR_ENABLE_OFFSET (30) #define QM_FPR_ENABLE_MASK BIT(QM_FPR_ENABLE_OFFSET) #define QM_FPR_RD_ALLOW_OFFSET (20) #define QM_FPR_RD_ALLOW_MASK (0xF00000) #define QM_FPR_UPPER_BOUND_OFFSET (10) #define QM_FPR_UPPER_BOUND_MASK (0x3FC00) #define QM_FPR_LOW_BOUND_MASK (0xFF) #define QM_FPR_MPR_VSTS_VALID BIT(31) #define QM_FPR_LOCK BIT(31) #define QM_FPR_EN_MASK_ENABLE BIT(0) #define QM_FPR_EN_MASK_LOCK BIT(1) #define QM_FPR_AGENT_MASK_HOST BIT(0) #define QM_FPR_AGENT_MASK_SS BIT(1) #define QM_FPR_AGENT_MASK_DMA BIT(2) #define QM_FPR_AGENT_MASK_OTHER BIT(3) /** * Configure a Flash controller's Flash Protection Region. * * @param[in] flash Which Flash controller to configure. * @param[in] id FPR identifier. * @param[in] cfg FPR configuration. * @param[in] region The region of Flash to be configured. * * @return Standard errno return type for QMSI. * @retval 0 on success. * @retval Negative @ref errno for possible error codes. */ int qm_fpr_set_config(const qm_flash_t flash, const qm_fpr_id_t id, const qm_fpr_config_t *const cfg, const qm_flash_region_type_t region); /** * Configure FPR violation behaviour. * * @param[in] mode (generate interrupt, warm reset, enter probe mode). * @param[in] flash controller. * @param[in] fpr_cb for interrupt mode (only). * @param[in] data user callback data for interrupt mode (only). * * @return Standard errno return type for QMSI. * @retval 0 on success. * @retval Negative @ref errno for possible error codes. */ int qm_fpr_set_violation_policy(const qm_fpr_viol_mode_t mode, const qm_flash_t flash, qm_fpr_callback_t fpr_cb, void *data); #if (ENABLE_RESTORE_CONTEXT) /** * Save FPR context. * * Save the configuration of the specified FPR peripheral * before entering sleep. * The Flash peripheral linked to the FPR saved needs * to be saved as well by calling qm_flash_save_context(). * * FPR configuration is lost after sleep and can therefore * be modified even if this configuration was locked before sleep. * To support persistent configuration, the configuration must be * restored when resuming as part of the bootloader. * * @param[in] flash Flash index. * @param[out] ctx FPR context structure. This must not be NULL. * * @return Standard errno return type for QMSI. * @retval 0 on success. * @retval Negative @ref errno for possible error codes. */ int qm_fpr_save_context(const qm_flash_t flash, qm_fpr_context_t *const ctx); /** * Restore FPR context. * * Restore the configuration of the specified FPR peripheral * after exiting sleep. * The Flash peripheral linked to the FPR restored needs * to be restored as well by calling qm_flash_restore_context(). * * FPR configuration is lost after sleep and can therefore * be modified even if this configuration was locked before sleep. * To support persistent configuration, the configuration must be * restored when resuming as part of the bootloader. * * @param[in] flash Flash index. * @param[in] ctx FPR context structure. This must not be NULL. * * @return Standard errno return type for QMSI. * @retval 0 on success. * @retval Negative @ref errno for possible error codes. */ int qm_fpr_restore_context(const qm_flash_t flash, const qm_fpr_context_t *const ctx); #endif /* ENABLE_RESTORE_CONTEXT */ /** * @} */ #endif /* __QM_FPR_H__ */