# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2021, Nordic Semiconductor ASA # Validate shields and setup shields target. # # This module will validate the SHIELD argument. # # If a shield implementation is not found for one of the specified shields an # error will be raised and list of valid shields will be printed. # # Outcome: # The following variables will be defined when this module completes: # - shield_conf_files: List of shield specific Kconfig fragments # - shield_dts_files : List of shield specific devicetree files # - shield_dts_fixups: List of shield specific devicetree fixups # - SHIELD_AS_LIST : A CMake list of shields created from SHIELD variable. # # Optional variables: # - BOARD_ROOT: CMake list of board roots containing board implementations # # Variables set by this module and not mentioned above are considered internal # use only and may be removed, renamed, or re-purposed without prior notice. include_guard(GLOBAL) include(extensions) # Check that SHIELD has not changed. zephyr_check_cache(SHIELD WATCH) if(SHIELD) message(STATUS "Shield(s): ${SHIELD}") endif() if(DEFINED SHIELD) string(REPLACE " " ";" SHIELD_AS_LIST "${SHIELD}") endif() # SHIELD-NOTFOUND is a real CMake list, from which valid shields can be popped. # After processing all shields, only invalid shields will be left in this list. set(SHIELD-NOTFOUND ${SHIELD_AS_LIST}) # Use BOARD to search for a '_defconfig' file. # e.g. zephyr/boards/arm/96b_carbon_nrf51/96b_carbon_nrf51_defconfig. # When found, use that path to infer the ARCH we are building for. foreach(root ${BOARD_ROOT}) set(shield_dir ${root}/boards/shields) # Match the Kconfig.shield files in the shield directories to make sure we are # finding shields, e.g. x_nucleo_iks01a1/Kconfig.shield file(GLOB_RECURSE shields_refs_list ${shield_dir}/*/Kconfig.shield) # The above gives a list like # x_nucleo_iks01a1/Kconfig.shield;x_nucleo_iks01a2/Kconfig.shield # we construct a list of shield names by extracting the folder and find # and overlay files in there. Each overlay corresponds to a shield. # We obtain the shield name by removing the overlay extension. unset(SHIELD_LIST) foreach(shields_refs ${shields_refs_list}) get_filename_component(shield_path ${shields_refs} DIRECTORY) file(GLOB shield_overlays RELATIVE ${shield_path} ${shield_path}/*.overlay) foreach(overlay ${shield_overlays}) get_filename_component(shield ${overlay} NAME_WE) list(APPEND SHIELD_LIST ${shield}) set(SHIELD_DIR_${shield} ${shield_path}) endforeach() endforeach() if(DEFINED SHIELD) foreach(s ${SHIELD_AS_LIST}) if(NOT ${s} IN_LIST SHIELD_LIST) continue() endif() list(REMOVE_ITEM SHIELD-NOTFOUND ${s}) # if shield config flag is on, add shield overlay to the shield overlays # list and dts_fixup file to the shield fixup file list(APPEND shield_dts_files ${SHIELD_DIR_${s}}/${s}.overlay ) list(APPEND shield_dts_fixups ${SHIELD_DIR_${s}}/dts_fixup.h ) list(APPEND SHIELD_DIRS ${SHIELD_DIR_${s}} ) # search for shield/shield.conf file if(EXISTS ${SHIELD_DIR_${s}}/${s}.conf) # add shield.conf to the shield config list list(APPEND shield_conf_files ${SHIELD_DIR_${s}}/${s}.conf ) endif() zephyr_file(CONF_FILES ${SHIELD_DIR_${s}}/boards DTS shield_dts_files KCONF shield_conf_files ) zephyr_file(CONF_FILES ${SHIELD_DIR_${s}}/boards/${s} DTS shield_dts_files KCONF shield_conf_files ) endforeach() endif() endforeach() # Prepare shield usage command printing. # This command prints all shields in the system in the following cases: # - User specifies an invalid SHIELD # - User invokes ' shields' target list(SORT SHIELD_LIST) if(DEFINED SHIELD AND NOT (SHIELD-NOTFOUND STREQUAL "")) # Convert the list to pure string with newlines for printing. string(REPLACE ";" "\n" shield_string "${SHIELD_LIST}") foreach (s ${SHIELD-NOTFOUND}) message("No shield named '${s}' found") endforeach() message("Please choose from among the following shields:\n" "${shield_string}" ) unset(CACHED_SHIELD CACHE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid SHIELD; see above.") endif() # Prepend each shield with COMMAND -E echo " for printing. # Each shield is printed as new command because build files are not fond of newlines. list(TRANSFORM SHIELD_LIST PREPEND "COMMAND;${CMAKE_COMMAND};-E;echo;" OUTPUT_VARIABLE shields_target_cmd ) add_custom_target(shields ${shields_target_cmd} USES_TERMINAL)