#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import subprocess import re import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from email.utils import parseaddr import sh import logging import argparse import check_identity if "ZEPHYR_BASE" not in os.environ: logging.error("$ZEPHYR_BASE environment variable undefined.\n") exit(1) logger = None DOCS_WARNING_FILE = "doc.warnings" repository_path = os.environ['ZEPHYR_BASE'] sh_special_args = { '_tty_out': False, '_cwd': repository_path } def init_logs(): global logger log_lev = os.environ.get('LOG_LEVEL', None) level = logging.INFO if log_lev == "DEBUG": level = logging.DEBUG elif log_lev == "ERROR": level = logging.ERROR console = logging.StreamHandler() format = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-8s: %(message)s') console.setFormatter(format) logger = logging.getLogger('') logger.addHandler(console) logger.setLevel(level) logging.debug("Log init completed") def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Check for coding style and documentation warnings.") parser.add_argument('-c', '--commits', default=None, help="Commit range in the form: a..b") return parser.parse_args() def get_shas(refspec): sha_list = sh.git("rev-list", '--max-count={0}'.format(-1 if "." in refspec else 1), refspec, **sh_special_args).split() return sha_list def run_gitlint(tc, commit_range): proc = subprocess.Popen('gitlint --commits %s' %(commit_range), cwd=repository_path, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) msg = "" if proc.wait() != 0: msg = proc.stdout.read() if msg != "": failure = ET.SubElement(tc, 'failure', type="failure", message="commit message error on range: %s" %commit_range) failure.text = (str(msg)) return 1 return 0 def run_checkpatch(tc, commit_range): output = None out = "" diff = subprocess.Popen(('git', 'diff', '%s' %(commit_range)), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) try: output = subprocess.check_output(('%s/scripts/checkpatch.pl' %repository_path, '--mailback', '--no-tree', '-'), stdin=diff.stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: m = re.search("([1-9][0-9]*) errors,", str(ex.output)) if m: failure = ET.SubElement(tc, 'failure', type="failure", message="checkpatch issues") failure.text = (str(ex.output)) return 1 return 0 def check_doc(tc, range): if os.path.exists(DOCS_WARNING_FILE) and os.path.getsize(DOCS_WARNING_FILE) > 0: with open(DOCS_WARNING_FILE, "r") as f: log = f.read() failure = ET.SubElement(tc, 'failure', type="failure", message="documentation issues") failure.text = (str(log)) return 1 return 0 tests = { "gitlint": { "call": run_gitlint, "name": "Commit message style", }, "checkpatch": { "call": run_checkpatch, "name": "Code style check using checkpatch", }, "documentation": { "call": check_doc, "name": "New warnings and errors when building documentation", } } def run_tests(range): run = "Commit Message / Documentation / Coding Style" eleTestsuite = None fails = 0 passes = 0 errors = 0 total = 0 filename = "compliance.xml" eleTestsuites = ET.Element('testsuites') eleTestsuite = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuites, 'testsuite', name=run, time="0", tests="%d" %(errors + passes + fails), failures="%d" %fails, errors="%d" %errors, skip="0") for test in tests.keys(): total += 1 eleTestcase = ET.SubElement(eleTestsuite, 'testcase', classname="%s" %(test), name="%s" %(tests[test]['name']), time="0") fails += tests[test]['call'](eleTestcase, range) eleTestsuite.set("tests", "%s" %total) eleTestsuite.set("failures", "%s" %fails) result = ET.tostring(eleTestsuites) f = open(filename, 'wb') f.write(result) f.close() return fails def main(): args = parse_args() if not args.commits: exit(1) fails = run_tests(args.commits) print(fails) sys.exit(fails) if __name__ == "__main__": #init_logs() main()