# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 get_property(RUNNERS GLOBAL PROPERTY ZEPHYR_RUNNERS) # Enable verbose output, if requested. if(CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE) set(RUNNER_VERBOSE "--verbose") else() set(RUNNER_VERBOSE) endif() # Persist the runner-related state in the cache. Everything except # the list of available runners is configurable, but the set of # pre-configured runners is internal, since they must be configured through # the board files. # # Everything is marked with FORCE so that re-running CMake updates the # configuration if the board files change. if(RUNNERS) set(ZEPHYR_RUNNERS ${RUNNERS} CACHE INTERNAL "Available runners") # Runner configuration. This is provided to all runners, and is # distinct from the free-form arguments provided by e.g. # board_runner_args(). # # Always applicable: set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_BOARD_DIR "${BOARD_DIR}" CACHE STRING "Board definition directory" FORCE) set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_KERNEL_ELF "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${KERNEL_ELF_NAME}" CACHE STRING "Path to kernel image in ELF format" FORCE) get_property(HEX_FILES_TO_MERGE GLOBAL PROPERTY HEX_FILES_TO_MERGE) if(HEX_FILES_TO_MERGE) set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_KERNEL_HEX "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${MERGED_HEX_NAME}" CACHE STRING "Path to merged image in Intel Hex format" FORCE) else() set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_KERNEL_HEX "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${KERNEL_HEX_NAME}" CACHE STRING "Path to kernel image in Intel Hex format" FORCE) endif() set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_KERNEL_BIN "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${KERNEL_BIN_NAME}" CACHE STRING "Path to kernel image as raw binary" FORCE) # Not always applicable, but so often needed that they're provided # by default: (TODO: clean this up) if(DEFINED CMAKE_GDB) set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_GDB "${CMAKE_GDB}" CACHE STRING "Path to GDB binary, if applicable" FORCE) endif() if(DEFINED OPENOCD) set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_OPENOCD "${OPENOCD}" CACHE STRING "Path to openocd binary, if applicable" FORCE) endif() if(DEFINED OPENOCD_DEFAULT_PATH) set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_CONFIG_OPENOCD_SEARCH "${OPENOCD_DEFAULT_PATH}" CACHE STRING "Path to add to openocd search path, if applicable" FORCE) endif() # Runner-specific command line arguments obtained from the board's # build scripts, the application's scripts, etc. foreach(runner ${RUNNERS}) string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER ${runner} runner_id) # E.g. args = BOARD_RUNNER_ARGS_openocd, BOARD_RUNNER_ARGS_dfu_util, etc. get_property(runner_args GLOBAL PROPERTY "BOARD_RUNNER_ARGS_${runner_id}") set(ZEPHYR_RUNNER_ARGS_${runner_id} ${runner_args} CACHE STRING "Runner-specific arguments for ${runner}" FORCE) endforeach() endif() if(BOARD_FLASH_RUNNER) set(ZEPHYR_BOARD_FLASH_RUNNER ${BOARD_FLASH_RUNNER} CACHE STRING "Default runner for flashing binaries" FORCE) endif() if(BOARD_DEBUG_RUNNER) set(ZEPHYR_BOARD_DEBUG_RUNNER ${BOARD_DEBUG_RUNNER} CACHE STRING "Default runner for debugging" FORCE) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{WEST_DIR} AND NOT WEST_DIR) set(WEST_DIR $ENV{WEST_DIR}) endif(DEFINED ENV{WEST_DIR} AND NOT WEST_DIR) if(WEST_DIR) set(WEST "PYTHONPATH=${WEST_DIR}/src" "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE};${WEST_DIR}/src/west/main.py;--zephyr-base=$ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE} ") endif() # Generate the flash, debug, debugserver, attach targets within the build # system itself. if(WEST) # Verify that the west version found can be used for flashing, e.g. is not the bootstrapper. execute_process(COMMAND ${WEST} flash -h RESULT_VARIABLE return_code OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_QUIET) if(NOT ${return_code}) set(WEST_FLASH True) endif(NOT ${return_code}) endif(WEST) foreach(target flash debug debugserver attach) if(target STREQUAL flash) set(comment "Flashing ${BOARD}") elseif(target STREQUAL debug) set(comment "Debugging ${BOARD}") elseif(target STREQUAL debugserver) set(comment "Debugging ${BOARD}") if(EMU_PLATFORM) # cmake/qemu/CMakeLists.txt will add a debugserver target for # emulation platforms, so we don't add one here continue() endif() elseif(target STREQUAL attach) set(comment "Debugging ${BOARD}") endif() list(APPEND FLASH_DEPS ${logical_target_for_zephyr_elf}) # We pass --skip-rebuild here because the DEPENDS value ensures the # build is already up to date before west is run. if(WEST_FLASH) set(cmd ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env ${WEST} ${RUNNER_VERBOSE} ${target} --skip-rebuild DEPENDS ${FLASH_DEPS} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${APPLICATION_BINARY_DIR} ) add_custom_target(${target} COMMAND ${cmd} COMMENT ${comment} USES_TERMINAL ) elseif(WEST) add_custom_target(${target} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo \"West version found in path does not support '${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} ${target}', ensure west is installed and not only the bootstrapper. run 'west init' to fetch west.\" USES_TERMINAL ) else() add_custom_target(${target} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo \"West was not found in path. To support '${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} ${target}', please install west bootstrapper with: 'pip install west --user', and thereafter 'west init'.\" USES_TERMINAL ) endif(WEST_FLASH) endforeach()