/* Bluetooth Mesh */ /* * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BT_DBG_ENABLED IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_MESH_DEBUG_BEACON) #define LOG_MODULE_NAME bt_mesh_beacon #include "common/log.h" #include "adv.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "net.h" #include "prov.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "beacon.h" #include "foundation.h" #define UNPROVISIONED_INTERVAL K_SECONDS(5) #define PROVISIONED_INTERVAL K_SECONDS(10) #define BEACON_TYPE_UNPROVISIONED 0x00 #define BEACON_TYPE_SECURE 0x01 /* 3 transmissions, 20ms interval */ #define UNPROV_XMIT BT_MESH_TRANSMIT(2, 20) /* 1 transmission, 20ms interval */ #define PROV_XMIT BT_MESH_TRANSMIT(0, 20) static struct k_delayed_work beacon_timer; static struct bt_mesh_subnet *cache_check(uint8_t data[21]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bt_mesh.sub); i++) { struct bt_mesh_subnet *sub = &bt_mesh.sub[i]; if (sub->net_idx == BT_MESH_KEY_UNUSED) { continue; } if (!memcmp(sub->beacon_cache, data, 21)) { return sub; } } return NULL; } static void cache_add(uint8_t data[21], struct bt_mesh_subnet *sub) { memcpy(sub->beacon_cache, data, 21); } static void beacon_complete(int err, void *user_data) { struct bt_mesh_subnet *sub = user_data; BT_DBG("err %d", err); sub->beacon_sent = k_uptime_get_32(); } void bt_mesh_beacon_create(struct bt_mesh_subnet *sub, struct net_buf_simple *buf) { uint8_t flags = bt_mesh_net_flags(sub); struct bt_mesh_subnet_keys *keys; net_buf_simple_add_u8(buf, BEACON_TYPE_SECURE); if (sub->kr_flag) { keys = &sub->keys[1]; } else { keys = &sub->keys[0]; } net_buf_simple_add_u8(buf, flags); /* Network ID */ net_buf_simple_add_mem(buf, keys->net_id, 8); /* IV Index */ net_buf_simple_add_be32(buf, bt_mesh.iv_index); net_buf_simple_add_mem(buf, sub->auth, 8); BT_DBG("net_idx 0x%04x flags 0x%02x NetID %s", sub->net_idx, flags, bt_hex(keys->net_id, 8)); BT_DBG("IV Index 0x%08x Auth %s", bt_mesh.iv_index, bt_hex(sub->auth, 8)); } /* If the interval has passed or is within 5 seconds from now send a beacon */ #define BEACON_THRESHOLD(sub) \ ((10 * ((sub)->beacons_last + 1)) * MSEC_PER_SEC - (5 * MSEC_PER_SEC)) static int secure_beacon_send(void) { static const struct bt_mesh_send_cb send_cb = { .end = beacon_complete, }; uint32_t now = k_uptime_get_32(); int i; BT_DBG(""); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bt_mesh.sub); i++) { struct bt_mesh_subnet *sub = &bt_mesh.sub[i]; struct net_buf *buf; uint32_t time_diff; if (sub->net_idx == BT_MESH_KEY_UNUSED) { continue; } time_diff = now - sub->beacon_sent; if (time_diff < (600 * MSEC_PER_SEC) && time_diff < BEACON_THRESHOLD(sub)) { continue; } buf = bt_mesh_adv_create(BT_MESH_ADV_BEACON, PROV_XMIT, K_NO_WAIT); if (!buf) { BT_ERR("Unable to allocate beacon buffer"); return -ENOBUFS; } bt_mesh_beacon_create(sub, &buf->b); bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, &send_cb, sub); net_buf_unref(buf); } return 0; } static int unprovisioned_beacon_send(void) { const struct bt_mesh_prov *prov; uint8_t uri_hash[16] = { 0 }; struct net_buf *buf; uint16_t oob_info; BT_DBG(""); buf = bt_mesh_adv_create(BT_MESH_ADV_BEACON, UNPROV_XMIT, K_NO_WAIT); if (!buf) { BT_ERR("Unable to allocate beacon buffer"); return -ENOBUFS; } prov = bt_mesh_prov_get(); net_buf_add_u8(buf, BEACON_TYPE_UNPROVISIONED); net_buf_add_mem(buf, prov->uuid, 16); if (prov->uri && bt_mesh_s1(prov->uri, uri_hash) == 0) { oob_info = prov->oob_info | BT_MESH_PROV_OOB_URI; } else { oob_info = prov->oob_info; } net_buf_add_be16(buf, oob_info); net_buf_add_mem(buf, uri_hash, 4); bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, NULL, NULL); net_buf_unref(buf); if (prov->uri) { size_t len; buf = bt_mesh_adv_create(BT_MESH_ADV_URI, UNPROV_XMIT, K_NO_WAIT); if (!buf) { BT_ERR("Unable to allocate URI buffer"); return -ENOBUFS; } len = strlen(prov->uri); if (net_buf_tailroom(buf) < len) { BT_WARN("Too long URI to fit advertising data"); } else { net_buf_add_mem(buf, prov->uri, len); bt_mesh_adv_send(buf, NULL, NULL); } net_buf_unref(buf); } return 0; } static void unprovisioned_beacon_recv(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { #if defined(CONFIG_BT_MESH_PB_ADV) const struct bt_mesh_prov *prov; uint8_t *uuid; uint16_t oob_info; uint32_t uri_hash_val; uint32_t *uri_hash = NULL; if (buf->len != 18 && buf->len != 22) { BT_ERR("Invalid unprovisioned beacon length (%u)", buf->len); return; } uuid = net_buf_simple_pull_mem(buf, 16); oob_info = net_buf_simple_pull_be16(buf); if (buf->len == 4) { uri_hash_val = net_buf_simple_pull_be32(buf); uri_hash = &uri_hash_val; } BT_DBG("uuid %s", bt_hex(uuid, 16)); prov = bt_mesh_prov_get(); if (prov->unprovisioned_beacon) { prov->unprovisioned_beacon(uuid, (bt_mesh_prov_oob_info_t)oob_info, uri_hash); } #endif } static void update_beacon_observation(void) { static bool first_half; int i; /* Observation period is 20 seconds, whereas the beacon timer * runs every 10 seconds. We process what's happened during the * window only after the seconnd half. */ first_half = !first_half; if (first_half) { return; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bt_mesh.sub); i++) { struct bt_mesh_subnet *sub = &bt_mesh.sub[i]; if (sub->net_idx == BT_MESH_KEY_UNUSED) { continue; } sub->beacons_last = sub->beacons_cur; sub->beacons_cur = 0U; } } static void beacon_send(struct k_work *work) { /* Don't send anything if we have an active provisioning link */ if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_MESH_PROV) && bt_prov_active()) { k_delayed_work_submit(&beacon_timer, UNPROVISIONED_INTERVAL); return; } BT_DBG(""); if (bt_mesh_is_provisioned()) { update_beacon_observation(); secure_beacon_send(); /* Only resubmit if beaconing is still enabled */ if (bt_mesh_beacon_get() == BT_MESH_BEACON_ENABLED || atomic_test_bit(bt_mesh.flags, BT_MESH_IVU_INITIATOR)) { k_delayed_work_submit(&beacon_timer, PROVISIONED_INTERVAL); } } else if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BT_MESH_PB_ADV)) { unprovisioned_beacon_send(); k_delayed_work_submit(&beacon_timer, UNPROVISIONED_INTERVAL); } } static void secure_beacon_recv(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { uint8_t *data, *net_id, *auth; struct bt_mesh_subnet *sub; uint32_t iv_index; bool new_key, kr_change, iv_change; uint8_t flags; if (buf->len < 21) { BT_ERR("Too short secure beacon (len %u)", buf->len); return; } sub = cache_check(buf->data); if (sub) { /* We've seen this beacon before - just update the stats */ goto update_stats; } /* So we can add to the cache if auth matches */ data = buf->data; flags = net_buf_simple_pull_u8(buf); net_id = net_buf_simple_pull_mem(buf, 8); iv_index = net_buf_simple_pull_be32(buf); auth = buf->data; BT_DBG("flags 0x%02x id %s iv_index 0x%08x", flags, bt_hex(net_id, 8), iv_index); sub = bt_mesh_subnet_find(net_id, flags, iv_index, auth, &new_key); if (!sub) { BT_DBG("No subnet that matched beacon"); return; } if (sub->kr_phase == BT_MESH_KR_PHASE_2 && !new_key) { BT_WARN("Ignoring Phase 2 KR Update secured using old key"); return; } cache_add(data, sub); /* If we have NetKey0 accept initiation only from it */ if (bt_mesh_subnet_get(BT_MESH_KEY_PRIMARY) && sub->net_idx != BT_MESH_KEY_PRIMARY) { BT_WARN("Ignoring secure beacon on non-primary subnet"); goto update_stats; } BT_DBG("net_idx 0x%04x iv_index 0x%08x, current iv_index 0x%08x", sub->net_idx, iv_index, bt_mesh.iv_index); if (atomic_test_bit(bt_mesh.flags, BT_MESH_IVU_INITIATOR) && (atomic_test_bit(bt_mesh.flags, BT_MESH_IVU_IN_PROGRESS) == BT_MESH_IV_UPDATE(flags))) { bt_mesh_beacon_ivu_initiator(false); } iv_change = bt_mesh_net_iv_update(iv_index, BT_MESH_IV_UPDATE(flags)); kr_change = bt_mesh_kr_update(sub, BT_MESH_KEY_REFRESH(flags), new_key); if (kr_change) { bt_mesh_net_beacon_update(sub); } if (iv_change) { /* Update all subnets */ bt_mesh_net_sec_update(NULL); } else if (kr_change) { /* Key Refresh without IV Update only impacts one subnet */ bt_mesh_net_sec_update(sub); } update_stats: if (bt_mesh_beacon_get() == BT_MESH_BEACON_ENABLED && sub->beacons_cur < 0xff) { sub->beacons_cur++; } } void bt_mesh_beacon_recv(struct net_buf_simple *buf) { uint8_t type; BT_DBG("%u bytes: %s", buf->len, bt_hex(buf->data, buf->len)); if (buf->len < 1) { BT_ERR("Too short beacon"); return; } type = net_buf_simple_pull_u8(buf); switch (type) { case BEACON_TYPE_UNPROVISIONED: unprovisioned_beacon_recv(buf); break; case BEACON_TYPE_SECURE: secure_beacon_recv(buf); break; default: BT_WARN("Unknown beacon type 0x%02x", type); break; } } void bt_mesh_beacon_init(void) { k_delayed_work_init(&beacon_timer, beacon_send); } void bt_mesh_beacon_ivu_initiator(bool enable) { atomic_set_bit_to(bt_mesh.flags, BT_MESH_IVU_INITIATOR, enable); if (enable) { k_work_submit(&beacon_timer.work); } else if (bt_mesh_beacon_get() == BT_MESH_BEACON_DISABLED) { k_delayed_work_cancel(&beacon_timer); } } void bt_mesh_beacon_enable(void) { int i; if (!bt_mesh_is_provisioned()) { k_work_submit(&beacon_timer.work); return; } for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bt_mesh.sub); i++) { struct bt_mesh_subnet *sub = &bt_mesh.sub[i]; if (sub->net_idx == BT_MESH_KEY_UNUSED) { continue; } sub->beacons_last = 0U; sub->beacons_cur = 0U; bt_mesh_net_beacon_update(sub); } k_work_submit(&beacon_timer.work); } void bt_mesh_beacon_disable(void) { if (!atomic_test_bit(bt_mesh.flags, BT_MESH_IVU_INITIATOR)) { k_delayed_work_cancel(&beacon_timer); } }