/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "gatt_internal.h" int bt_gatt_register(struct bt_gatt_attr *attrs, size_t count) { return -ENOSYS; } void bt_gatt_foreach_attr(uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t end_handle, bt_gatt_attr_func_t func, void *user_data) { } struct bt_gatt_attr *bt_gatt_attr_next(const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr) { return NULL; } int bt_gatt_attr_read(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t buf_len, uint16_t offset, const void *value, uint16_t value_len) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_attr_read_service(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_attr_read_included(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_attr_read_chrc(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_attr_read_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_attr_write_ccc(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, const void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_attr_read_cep(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_attr_read_cud(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_attr_read_cpf(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, void *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t offset) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_notify(struct bt_conn *conn, const struct bt_gatt_attr *attr, const void *data, uint16_t len) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_exchange_mtu(struct bt_conn *conn, bt_gatt_rsp_func_t func) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_discover(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_discover_params *params) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_read(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_read_params *params) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_write(struct bt_conn *conn, uint16_t handle, uint16_t offset, const void *data, uint16_t length, bt_gatt_rsp_func_t func) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_write_without_response(struct bt_conn *conn, uint16_t handle, const void *data, uint16_t length, bool sign) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_subscribe(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) { return -ENOSYS; } int bt_gatt_unsubscribe(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_gatt_subscribe_params *params) { return -ENOSYS; } void bt_gatt_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn) { } int bt_gatt_read_multiple(struct bt_conn *conn, const uint16_t *handles, size_t count, bt_gatt_read_func_t func) { return -ENOSYS; } void on_ble_gattc_write_rsp(const struct ble_gattc_write_rsp *ev, void *priv) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gattc_read_rsp(const struct ble_gattc_read_rsp *ev, uint8_t *data, uint8_t data_len, void *priv) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gattc_value_evt(const struct ble_gattc_value_evt *ev, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t buflen) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gatts_write_evt(const struct ble_gatt_wr_evt *ev, const uint8_t *buf, uint8_t buflen) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gatts_get_attribute_value_rsp(const struct ble_gatts_attribute_response *par, uint8_t *data, uint8_t length) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gatt_register_rsp(const struct ble_gatt_register *par, const struct ble_gatt_attr_idx_entry *attr, uint8_t len) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gattc_discover_rsp(const struct ble_gattc_evt *ev, const struct ble_gattc_attr *data, uint8_t data_len) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gatts_send_svc_changed_rsp(const struct ble_core_response *par) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gatts_set_attribute_value_rsp(const struct ble_gatts_attribute_response *par) { BT_DBG(""); } void on_ble_gatts_send_notif_ind_rsp(const struct ble_gatt_notif_ind_rsp *par) { BT_DBG(""); }