/* * Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define LIBC_BSS K_APP_BMEM(z_libc_partition) #define LIBC_DATA K_APP_DMEM(z_libc_partition) #if CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_ALIGNED_HEAP_SIZE K_APPMEM_PARTITION_DEFINE(z_malloc_partition); #define MALLOC_BSS K_APP_BMEM(z_malloc_partition) /* Compiler will throw an error if the provided value isn't a power of two */ MALLOC_BSS static unsigned char __aligned(CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_ALIGNED_HEAP_SIZE) heap_base[CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_ALIGNED_HEAP_SIZE]; #define MAX_HEAP_SIZE CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_ALIGNED_HEAP_SIZE #else /* CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_ALIGNED_HEAP_SIZE */ /* Heap base and size are determined based on the available unused SRAM. */ #define USED_RAM_END_ADDR POINTER_TO_UINT(&_end) #if CONFIG_X86 #define USED_RAM_SIZE (USED_RAM_END_ADDR - DT_PHYS_RAM_ADDR) #define MAX_HEAP_SIZE ((KB(DT_RAM_SIZE)) - USED_RAM_SIZE) #elif CONFIG_NIOS2 #include #define USED_RAM_SIZE (USED_RAM_END_ADDR - _RAM_ADDR) #define MAX_HEAP_SIZE (_RAM_SIZE - USED_RAM_SIZE) #elif CONFIG_RISCV #include #define USED_RAM_SIZE (USED_RAM_END_ADDR - RISCV_RAM_BASE) #define MAX_HEAP_SIZE (RISCV_RAM_SIZE - USED_RAM_SIZE) #elif CONFIG_ARM #include #if defined(CONFIG_USERSPACE) /* MPU shall program the heap area as user-accessible; therefore, heap base * (and size) shall take into account the ARM MPU minimum region granularity. */ #define HEAP_BASE ((USED_RAM_END_ADDR + \ CONFIG_ARM_MPU_REGION_MIN_ALIGN_AND_SIZE) & \ (~(CONFIG_ARM_MPU_REGION_MIN_ALIGN_AND_SIZE - 1))) #else #define HEAP_BASE USED_RAM_END_ADDR #endif /* CONFIG_USERSPACE*/ #define USED_RAM_SIZE (HEAP_BASE - CONFIG_SRAM_BASE_ADDRESS) #define MAX_HEAP_SIZE ((KB(CONFIG_SRAM_SIZE)) - USED_RAM_SIZE) #elif CONFIG_XTENSA extern void *_heap_sentry; #define MAX_HEAP_SIZE (POINTER_TO_UINT(&_heap_sentry) - USED_RAM_END_ADDR) #else #define USED_RAM_SIZE (USED_RAM_END_ADDR - CONFIG_SRAM_BASE_ADDRESS) #define MAX_HEAP_SIZE ((KB(CONFIG_SRAM_SIZE)) - USED_RAM_SIZE) #endif #ifndef HEAP_BASE #define HEAP_BASE USED_RAM_END_ADDR #endif #ifdef CONFIG_USERSPACE struct k_mem_partition z_malloc_partition; static int malloc_prepare(struct device *unused) { ARG_UNUSED(unused); #if CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_ALIGNED_HEAP_SIZE z_malloc_partition.start = (u32_t)heap_base; #else z_malloc_partition.start = HEAP_BASE; #endif z_malloc_partition.size = MAX_HEAP_SIZE; z_malloc_partition.attr = K_MEM_PARTITION_P_RW_U_RW; return 0; } SYS_INIT(malloc_prepare, APPLICATION, CONFIG_KERNEL_INIT_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); #endif /* CONFIG_USERSPACE */ #endif /* CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_ALIGNED_HEAP_SIZE */ LIBC_BSS static unsigned int heap_sz; static int _stdout_hook_default(int c) { (void)(c); /* Prevent warning about unused argument */ return EOF; } static int (*_stdout_hook)(int) = _stdout_hook_default; void __stdout_hook_install(int (*hook)(int)) { _stdout_hook = hook; } static unsigned char _stdin_hook_default(void) { return 0; } static unsigned char (*_stdin_hook)(void) = _stdin_hook_default; void __stdin_hook_install(unsigned char (*hook)(void)) { _stdin_hook = hook; } int z_impl_zephyr_read_stdin(char *buf, int nbytes) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) { *(buf + i) = _stdin_hook(); if ((*(buf + i) == '\n') || (*(buf + i) == '\r')) { i++; break; } } return i; } #ifdef CONFIG_USERSPACE static inline int z_vrfy_z_zephyr_read_stdin(char *buf, int nbytes) { Z_OOPS(Z_SYSCALL_MEMORY_WRITE(buf, nbytes)); return z_impl_zephyr_read_stdin((char *)buf, nbytes); } #include #endif int z_impl_zephyr_write_stdout(const void *buffer, int nbytes) { const char *buf = buffer; int i; for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) { if (*(buf + i) == '\n') { _stdout_hook('\r'); } _stdout_hook(*(buf + i)); } return nbytes; } #ifdef CONFIG_USERSPACE static inline int z_vrfy_z_zephyr_write_stdout(const void *buf, int nbytes) { Z_OOPS(Z_SYSCALL_MEMORY_READ(buf, nbytes)); return z_impl_zephyr_write_stdout((const void *)buf, nbytes); } #include #endif #ifndef CONFIG_POSIX_API int _read(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes) { ARG_UNUSED(fd); return z_impl_zephyr_read_stdin(buf, nbytes); } FUNC_ALIAS(_read, read, int); int _write(int fd, const void *buf, int nbytes) { ARG_UNUSED(fd); return z_impl_zephyr_write_stdout(buf, nbytes); } FUNC_ALIAS(_write, write, int); int _open(const char *name, int mode) { return -1; } FUNC_ALIAS(_open, open, int); int _close(int file) { return -1; } FUNC_ALIAS(_close, close, int); int _lseek(int file, int ptr, int dir) { return 0; } FUNC_ALIAS(_lseek, lseek, int); #else extern ssize_t write(int file, const char *buffer, size_t count); #define _write write #endif int _isatty(int file) { return 1; } FUNC_ALIAS(_isatty, isatty, int); int _kill(int i, int j) { return 0; } FUNC_ALIAS(_kill, kill, int); int _getpid(void) { return 0; } FUNC_ALIAS(_getpid, getpid, int); int _fstat(int file, struct stat *st) { st->st_mode = S_IFCHR; return 0; } FUNC_ALIAS(_fstat, fstat, int); void _exit(int status) { _write(1, "exit\n", 5); while (1) { ; } } static LIBC_DATA SYS_SEM_DEFINE(heap_sem, 1, 1); void *_sbrk(int count) { void *ret, *ptr; sys_sem_take(&heap_sem, K_FOREVER); #if CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC_ALIGNED_HEAP_SIZE ptr = heap_base + heap_sz; #else ptr = ((char *)HEAP_BASE) + heap_sz; #endif if ((heap_sz + count) < MAX_HEAP_SIZE) { heap_sz += count; ret = ptr; } else { ret = (void *)-1; } sys_sem_give(&heap_sem); return ret; } FUNC_ALIAS(_sbrk, sbrk, void *); int *__errno(void) { return z_errno(); }