sample: name: Zbus Benchmark tests: sample.zbus.benchmark_async: tags: zbus min_ram: 16 filter: CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_EXISTS and not (CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX and not CONFIG_BOARD_NATIVE_SIM) harness: console harness_config: type: multi_line ordered: true regex: - "I: Benchmark 1 to 8 using LISTENERS to transmit with message size: 256 bytes" - "I: Bytes sent = 262144, received = 262144" - "I: Average data rate: (\\d+).(\\d+)MB/s" - "I: Duration: (\\d+).(\\d+)s" - "@(.*)" extra_configs: - CONFIG_BM_ONE_TO=8 - CONFIG_BM_MESSAGE_SIZE=256 - CONFIG_BM_LISTENERS=y - arch:nios2:CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SEC=1000 - CONFIG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE=1024 integration_platforms: - qemu_x86 sample.zbus.benchmark_async_msg_sub: tags: zbus min_ram: 16 filter: CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_EXISTS and not (CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX and not CONFIG_BOARD_NATIVE_SIM) harness: console harness_config: type: multi_line ordered: true regex: - "I: Benchmark 1 to 8 using MSG_SUBSCRIBERS to transmit with message size: 256 bytes" - "I: Bytes sent = 262144, received = 262144" - "I: Average data rate: (\\d+).(\\d+)MB/s" - "I: Duration: (\\d+).(\\d+)s" - "@(.*)" extra_configs: - CONFIG_BM_ONE_TO=8 - CONFIG_BM_MESSAGE_SIZE=256 - CONFIG_BM_MSG_SUBSCRIBERS=y - arch:nios2:CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SEC=1000 - CONFIG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE=1024 integration_platforms: - qemu_x86 sample.zbus.benchmark_sync: tags: zbus min_ram: 16 filter: CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_EXISTS and not (CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX and not CONFIG_BOARD_NATIVE_SIM) harness: console harness_config: type: multi_line ordered: true regex: - "I: Benchmark 1 to 8 using SUBSCRIBERS to transmit with message size: 256 bytes" - "I: Bytes sent = 262144, received = 262144" - "I: Average data rate: (\\d+).(\\d+)MB/s" - "I: Duration: (\\d+).(\\d+)s" - "@(.*)" extra_configs: - CONFIG_BM_ONE_TO=8 - CONFIG_BM_MESSAGE_SIZE=256 - CONFIG_BM_SUBSCRIBERS=y - arch:nios2:CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SEC=1000 - CONFIG_IDLE_STACK_SIZE=1024 integration_platforms: - qemu_x86