.. zephyr:board:: bytesensi_l Overview ******** The byteSENSI-L is a fun LoRa device based on nRF52 MCU that integrates many sensors. Hardware ******** Supported Features ================== +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | Interface | Controller | Driver/Component | +===========+============+======================+ | CLOCK | on-chip | clock_control | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | FLASH | on-chip | flash | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | GPIO | on-chip | gpio | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | GPS | u-blox | gnss | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | I2C(M) | on-chip | i2c | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | MPU | on-chip | arch/arm | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | NVIC | on-chip | arch/arm | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | RADIO | on-chip | Bluetooth | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | RADIO | Semtech | LoRa | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | RTC | on-chip | system clock | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | RTT | Segger | console | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ | WDT | on-chip | watchdog | +-----------+------------+----------------------+ Connections and IOs =================== External Connectors ------------------- External Supply @ X1 +-------+--------------+---------------------------------------+ | PIN # | Signal Name | Function | +=======+==============+=======================================+ | 1 | VBAT | Power input instead of CR2477 battery | +-------+--------------+---------------------------------------+ | 2 | GND | Ground | +-------+--------------+---------------------------------------+ Programming Connector @ SL1 +-------+--------------+ | PIN # | Signal Name | +=======+==============+ | 1 | VBAT | +-------+--------------+ | 2 | SWDIO | +-------+--------------+ | 3 | GND | +-------+--------------+ | 4 | SWDCLK | +-------+--------------+ | 5 | GND | +-------+--------------+ | 6 | NC (SWO) | +-------+--------------+ | 7 | NC (Key) | +-------+--------------+ | 8 | NC | +-------+--------------+ | 9 | GND | +-------+--------------+ | 10 | nReset | +-------+--------------+ I2C Sensor @ X3 +-------+--------------+-------------------------+ | PIN # | Signal Name | Function | +=======+==============+=========================+ | 1 | VBAT | Power out | +-------+--------------+-------------------------+ | 2 | SCL | I2C clock at P0.15 | +-------+--------------+-------------------------+ | 3 | SDA | I2C data at P0.16 | +-------+--------------+-------------------------+ | 4 | INT | Interrupt at P0.13 | +-------+--------------+-------------------------+ | 5 | I2C_ADDR | tied to VBAT | +-------+--------------+-------------------------+ | 6 | GND | Ground | +-------+--------------+-------------------------+ One Wire Sensor @ X2 +-------+----------------+-------------------------+ | PIN # | Signal Name | Function | +=======+================+=========================+ | 1 | VDD | 4V8 | +-------+----------------+-------------------------+ | 2 | IO | One Wire | +-------+----------------+-------------------------+ | 3 | GND | Ground | +-------+----------------+-------------------------+ External BLE Antenna @ J1 External LoRa Antenna @ J2 External GPS Antenna @ J3 Programming and Debugging ************************* Flashing ======== The byteSENSI-L board can be flashed with the SEGGER JLink programmer. You can build and flash applications in the usual way. Here is an example for the :zephyr:code-sample:`hello_world` application. .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/hello_world :board: bytesensi_l :goals: build flash :compact: Debugging ========= Debugging your application can be done with ``west debug``. Serial console ============== The byteSENSI-L board only uses Segger's RTT console for providing serial console. There is no physical serial port available. References ********** * `bytesatwork website `_ * `bytesatwork wiki `_