/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PTHREAD_INIT_FLAGS PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE #define PTHREAD_CANCELED ((void *) -1) #define LOWEST_POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY 1 PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFINE(pthread_key_lock); static const pthread_attr_t init_pthread_attrs = { .priority = LOWEST_POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY, .stack = NULL, .stacksize = 0, .flags = PTHREAD_INIT_FLAGS, .delayedstart = K_NO_WAIT, #if defined(CONFIG_PREEMPT_ENABLED) .schedpolicy = SCHED_RR, #else .schedpolicy = SCHED_FIFO, #endif .detachstate = PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE, .initialized = true, }; static struct posix_thread posix_thread_pool[CONFIG_MAX_PTHREAD_COUNT]; static u32_t pthread_num; static bool is_posix_prio_valid(u32_t priority, int policy) { if (priority >= sched_get_priority_min(policy) && priority <= sched_get_priority_max(policy)) { return true; } return false; } static u32_t zephyr_to_posix_priority(s32_t z_prio, int *policy) { u32_t prio; if (z_prio < 0) { *policy = SCHED_FIFO; prio = -1 * (z_prio + 1); } else { *policy = SCHED_RR; prio = (CONFIG_NUM_PREEMPT_PRIORITIES - z_prio); } return prio; } static s32_t posix_to_zephyr_priority(u32_t priority, int policy) { s32_t prio; if (policy == SCHED_FIFO) { /* Zephyr COOP priority starts from -1 */ prio = -1 * (priority + 1); } else { prio = (CONFIG_NUM_PREEMPT_PRIORITIES - priority); } return prio; } /** * @brief Set scheduling parameter attributes in thread attributes object. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *attr, const struct sched_param *schedparam) { int priority = schedparam->priority; if (!attr || !attr->initialized || (is_posix_prio_valid(priority, attr->schedpolicy) == false)) { return EINVAL; } attr->priority = priority; return 0; } /** * @brief Set stack attributes in thread attributes object. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_setstack(pthread_attr_t *attr, void *stackaddr, size_t stacksize) { if (stackaddr == NULL) { return EACCES; } attr->stack = stackaddr; attr->stacksize = stacksize; return 0; } static void zephyr_thread_wrapper(void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3) { void * (*fun_ptr)(void *) = arg3; fun_ptr(arg1); pthread_exit(NULL); } /** * @brief Create a new thread. * * Pthread attribute should not be NULL. API will return Error on NULL * attribute value. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_create(pthread_t *newthread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*threadroutine)(void *), void *arg) { s32_t prio; pthread_condattr_t cond_attr; struct posix_thread *thread; /* * FIXME: Pthread attribute must be non-null and it provides stack * pointer and stack size. So even though POSIX 1003.1 spec accepts * attrib as NULL but zephyr needs it initialized with valid stack. */ if (!attr || !attr->initialized || !attr->stack || !attr->stacksize) { return EINVAL; } if (pthread_num >= CONFIG_MAX_PTHREAD_COUNT) { return EAGAIN; } prio = posix_to_zephyr_priority(attr->priority, attr->schedpolicy); thread = &posix_thread_pool[pthread_num]; pthread_mutex_init(&thread->state_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&thread->cancel_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->cancel_lock); thread->cancel_state = (1 << _PTHREAD_CANCEL_POS) & attr->flags; thread->cancel_pending = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->cancel_lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->state_lock); thread->state = attr->detachstate; pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->state_lock); pthread_cond_init(&thread->state_cond, &cond_attr); sys_slist_init(&thread->key_list); pthread_num++; *newthread = (pthread_t) k_thread_create(&thread->thread, attr->stack, attr->stacksize, (k_thread_entry_t) zephyr_thread_wrapper, (void *)arg, NULL, threadroutine, prio, (~K_ESSENTIAL & attr->flags), attr->delayedstart); return 0; } /** * @brief Set cancelability State. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_setcancelstate(int state, int *oldstate) { struct posix_thread *pthread = (struct posix_thread *) pthread_self(); if (state != PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE && state != PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE) { return EINVAL; } *oldstate = pthread->cancel_state; pthread_mutex_lock(&pthread->cancel_lock); pthread->cancel_state = state; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pthread->cancel_lock); if (state == PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE && pthread->cancel_pending) { pthread_exit((void *)PTHREAD_CANCELED); } return 0; } /** * @brief Cancel execution of a thread. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_cancel(pthread_t pthread) { struct posix_thread *thread = (struct posix_thread *) pthread; int cancel_state; if (thread == NULL || thread->state == PTHREAD_TERMINATED) { return ESRCH; } pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->cancel_lock); thread->cancel_pending = 1; cancel_state = thread->cancel_state; pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->cancel_lock); if (cancel_state == PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE) { pthread_mutex_lock(&thread->state_lock); if (thread->state == PTHREAD_DETACHED) { thread->state = PTHREAD_TERMINATED; } else { thread->retval = PTHREAD_CANCELED; thread->state = PTHREAD_EXITED; pthread_cond_broadcast(&thread->state_cond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&thread->state_lock); k_thread_abort((k_tid_t) thread); } return 0; } /** * @brief Set thread scheduling policy and parameters. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t pthread, int policy, const struct sched_param *param) { k_tid_t thread = (k_tid_t)pthread; int new_prio; if (thread == NULL) { return ESRCH; } if (policy != SCHED_RR && policy != SCHED_FIFO) { return EINVAL; } new_prio = posix_to_zephyr_priority(param->priority, policy); if (is_posix_prio_valid(new_prio, policy) == false) { return EINVAL; } k_thread_priority_set(thread, new_prio); return 0; } /** * @brief Initialise threads attribute object * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *attr) { if (attr == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } memcpy(attr, &init_pthread_attrs, sizeof(pthread_attr_t)); return 0; } /** * @brief Get thread scheduling policy and parameters * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t pthread, int *policy, struct sched_param *param) { struct posix_thread *thread = (struct posix_thread *) pthread; u32_t priority; if (thread == NULL || thread->state == PTHREAD_TERMINATED) { return ESRCH; } priority = k_thread_priority_get((k_tid_t) thread); param->priority = zephyr_to_posix_priority(priority, policy); return 0; } /** * @brief Dynamic package initialization * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *once, void (*init_func)(void)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&pthread_key_lock); if (*once == PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&pthread_key_lock); return 0; } init_func(); *once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; pthread_mutex_unlock(&pthread_key_lock); return 0; } /** * @brief Terminate calling thread. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ void pthread_exit(void *retval) { struct posix_thread *self = (struct posix_thread *)pthread_self(); pthread_key_obj *key_obj; pthread_thread_data *thread_spec_data; sys_snode_t *node_l; /* Make a thread as cancelable before exiting */ pthread_mutex_lock(&self->cancel_lock); if (self->cancel_state == PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE) { self->cancel_state = PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&self->cancel_lock); pthread_mutex_lock(&self->state_lock); if (self->state == PTHREAD_JOINABLE) { self->retval = retval; self->state = PTHREAD_EXITED; self->retval = retval; pthread_cond_broadcast(&self->state_cond); } else { self->state = PTHREAD_TERMINATED; } SYS_SLIST_FOR_EACH_NODE(&self->key_list, node_l) { thread_spec_data = (pthread_thread_data *)node_l; key_obj = thread_spec_data->key; if ((key_obj->destructor != NULL) && (thread_spec_data != NULL)) { (key_obj->destructor)(thread_spec_data->spec_data); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&self->state_lock); k_thread_abort((k_tid_t)self); } /** * @brief Wait for a thread termination. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **status) { struct posix_thread *pthread = (struct posix_thread *) thread; int ret = 0; if (pthread == NULL) { return ESRCH; } if (pthread == pthread_self()) { return EDEADLK; } pthread_mutex_lock(&pthread->state_lock); if (pthread->state == PTHREAD_JOINABLE) { pthread_cond_wait(&pthread->state_cond, &pthread->state_lock); } if (pthread->state == PTHREAD_EXITED) { if (status) { *status = pthread->retval; } } else if (pthread->state == PTHREAD_DETACHED) { ret = EINVAL; } else { ret = ESRCH; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pthread->state_lock); return ret; } /** * @brief Detach a thread. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_detach(pthread_t thread) { struct posix_thread *pthread = (struct posix_thread *) thread; int ret = 0; if (pthread == NULL) { return ESRCH; } pthread_mutex_lock(&pthread->state_lock); switch (pthread->state) { case PTHREAD_JOINABLE: pthread->state = PTHREAD_DETACHED; /* Broadcast the condition. * This will make threads waiting to join this thread continue. */ pthread_cond_broadcast(&pthread->state_cond); break; case PTHREAD_EXITED: pthread->state = PTHREAD_TERMINATED; /* THREAD has already exited. * Pthread remained to provide exit status. */ break; case PTHREAD_TERMINATED: ret = ESRCH; break; default: ret = EINVAL; break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pthread->state_lock); return ret; } /** * @brief Get detach state attribute in thread attributes object. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_getdetachstate(const pthread_attr_t *attr, int *detachstate) { if (!attr || !attr->initialized) { return EINVAL; } *detachstate = attr->detachstate; return 0; } /** * @brief Set detach state attribute in thread attributes object. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_setdetachstate(pthread_attr_t *attr, int detachstate) { if (!attr || !attr->initialized || (detachstate != PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED && detachstate != PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE)) { return EINVAL; } attr->detachstate = detachstate; return 0; } /** * @brief Get scheduling policy attribute in Thread attributes. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(const pthread_attr_t *attr, int *policy) { if (!attr || !attr->initialized) { return EINVAL; } *policy = attr->schedpolicy; return 0; } /** * @brief Set scheduling policy attribute in Thread attributes object. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *attr, int policy) { if (!attr || !attr->initialized || (policy != SCHED_RR && policy != SCHED_FIFO)) { return EINVAL; } attr->schedpolicy = policy; return 0; } /** * @brief Get stack size attribute in thread attributes object. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_getstacksize(const pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t *stacksize) { if (!attr || !attr->initialized) { return EINVAL; } *stacksize = attr->stacksize; return 0; } /** * @brief Get stack attributes in thread attributes object. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_getstack(const pthread_attr_t *attr, void **stackaddr, size_t *stacksize) { if (!attr || !attr->initialized) { return EINVAL; } *stackaddr = attr->stack; *stacksize = attr->stacksize; return 0; } /** * @brief Get thread attributes object scheduling parameters. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_getschedparam(const pthread_attr_t *attr, struct sched_param *schedparam) { if (!attr || !attr->initialized) { return EINVAL; } schedparam->priority = attr->priority; return 0; } /** * @brief Destroy thread attributes object. * * See IEEE 1003.1 */ int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *attr) { if (attr && attr->initialized) { attr->initialized = false; return 0; } return EINVAL; }