Title: Test errno Description: A simple application verifies the errno value is per-thread and saved during context switches. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Building and Running Project: This project outputs to the console. It can be built and executed on QEMU as follows: make run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troubleshooting: Problems caused by out-dated project information can be addressed by issuing one of the following commands then rebuilding the project: make clean # discard results of previous builds # but keep existing configuration info or make pristine # discard results of previous builds # and restore pre-defined configuration info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Output: ***** BOOTING ZEPHYR OS vxxxx - BUILD: xxxxx ***** main thread, errno before starting co-op threads: abad1dea co-op thread 0, errno before sleep: babef00d co-op thread 1, errno before sleep: deadbeef co-op thread 1, errno after sleep: deadbeef co-op thread 0, errno after sleep: babef00d main thread, errno after running co-op threads: abad1dea =================================================================== PASS - main. =================================================================== PROJECT EXECUTION SUCCESSFUL