# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Configures CMake for using ccac # MWDT compiler (CCAC) can't be used for preprocessing the DTS sources as it has # weird restrictions about file extensions. Synopsys Jira issue: P10019563-38578 # Let's temporarily use GNU compiler instead. find_program(CMAKE_DTS_PREPROCESSOR arc-elf32-gcc) if (NOT CMAKE_DTS_PREPROCESSOR) find_program(CMAKE_DTS_PREPROCESSOR arc-linux-gcc) endif() if (NOT CMAKE_DTS_PREPROCESSOR) find_program(CMAKE_DTS_PREPROCESSOR gcc) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_DTS_PREPROCESSOR) message(FATAL_ERROR "Zephyr was unable to find any GNU compiler (ARC or host one) for DTS preprocessing") endif() find_program(CMAKE_C_COMPILER ${CROSS_COMPILE}ccac PATH ${TOOLCHAIN_HOME} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_program(CMAKE_LLVM_COV ${CROSS_COMPILE}llvm-cov PATH ${TOOLCHAIN_HOME} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) set(CMAKE_GCOV "${CMAKE_LLVM_COV} gcov") if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER STREQUAL CMAKE_C_COMPILER-NOTFOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Zephyr was unable to find the Metaware compiler") endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} --version RESULT_VARIABLE ret OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_QUIET ) if(ret) message(FATAL_ERROR "Executing the below command failed. Are permissions set correctly? '${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} --version'" ) endif()