.. _timers_v2: Timers ###### A :dfn:`timer` is a kernel object that measures the passage of time using the kernel's system clock. When a timer's specified time limit is reached it can perform an application-defined action, or it can simply record the expiration and wait for the application to read its status. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Concepts ******** Any number of timers can be defined. Each timer is referenced by its memory address. A timer has the following key properties: * A :dfn:`duration` specifying the time interval before the timer expires for the first time, measured in milliseconds. It must be greater than zero. * A :dfn:`period` specifying the time interval between all timer expirations after the first one, measured in milliseconds. It must be non-negative. A period of zero means that the timer is a one shot timer that stops after a single expiration. (For example then, if a timer is started with a duration of 200 and a period of 75, it will first expire after 200ms and then every 75ms after that.) * An :dfn:`expiry function` that is executed each time the timer expires. The function is executed by the system clock interrupt handler. If no expiry function is required a :c:macro:`NULL` function can be specified. * A :dfn:`stop function` that is executed if the timer is stopped prematurely while running. The function is executed by the thread that stops the timer. If no stop function is required a :c:macro:`NULL` function can be specified. * A :dfn:`status` value that indicates how many times the timer has expired since the status value was last read. A timer must be initialized before it can be used. This specifies its expiry function and stop function values, sets the timer's status to zero, and puts the timer into the **stopped** state. A timer is **started** by specifying a duration and a period. The timer's status is reset to zero, then the timer enters the **running** state and begins counting down towards expiry. When a running timer expires its status is incremented and the timer executes its expiry function, if one exists; If a thread is waiting on the timer, it is unblocked. If the timer's period is zero the timer enters the stopped state; otherwise the timer restarts with a new duration equal to its period. A running timer can be stopped in mid-countdown, if desired. The timer's status is left unchanged, then the timer enters the stopped state and executes its stop function, if one exists. If a thread is waiting on the timer, it is unblocked. Attempting to stop a non-running timer is permitted, but has no effect on the timer since it is already stopped. A running timer can be restarted in mid-countdown, if desired. The timer's status is reset to zero, then the timer begins counting down using the new duration and period values specified by the caller. If a thread is waiting on the timer, it continues waiting. A timer's status can be read directly at any time to determine how many times the timer has expired since its status was last read. Reading a timer's status resets its value to zero. The amount of time remaining before the timer expires can also be read; a value of zero indicates that the timer is stopped. A thread may read a timer's status indirectly by **synchronizing** with the timer. This blocks the thread until the timer's status is non-zero (indicating that it has expired at least once) or the timer is stopped; if the timer status is already non-zero or the timer is already stopped the thread continues without waiting. The synchronization operation returns the timer's status and resets it to zero. .. note:: Only a single user should examine the status of any given timer, since reading the status (directly or indirectly) changes its value. Similarly, only a single thread at a time should synchronize with a given timer. ISRs are not permitted to synchronize with timers, since ISRs are not allowed to block. Timer Limitations ================= Since timers are based on the system clock, the delay values specified when using a timer are **minimum** values. (See :ref:`clock_limitations`.) Implementation ************** Defining a Timer ================ A timer is defined using a variable of type :c:type:`struct k_timer`. It must then be initialized by calling :cpp:func:`k_timer_init()`. The following code defines and initializes a timer. .. code-block:: c struct k_timer my_timer; extern void my_expiry_function(struct k_timer *timer_id); k_timer_init(&my_timer, my_expiry_function, NULL); Alternatively, a timer can be defined and initialized at compile time by calling :c:macro:`K_TIMER_DEFINE`. The following code has the same effect as the code segment above. .. code-block:: c K_TIMER_DEFINE(my_timer, my_expiry_function, NULL); Using a Timer Expiry Function ============================= The following code uses a timer to perform a non-trivial action on a periodic basis. Since the required work cannot be done at interrupt level, the timer's expiry function submits a work item to the :ref:`system workqueue `, whose thread performs the work. .. code-block:: c void my_work_handler(struct k_work *work) { /* do the processing that needs to be done periodically */ ... } K_WORK_DEFINE(my_work, my_work_handler); void my_timer_handler(struct k_timer *dummy) { k_work_submit(&my_work); } K_TIMER_DEFINE(my_timer, my_timer_handler, NULL); ... /* start periodic timer that expires once every second */ k_timer_start(&my_timer, K_SECONDS(1), K_SECONDS(1)); Reading Timer Status ==================== The following code reads a timer's status directly to determine if the timer has expired on not. .. code-block:: c K_TIMER_DEFINE(my_status_timer, NULL, NULL); ... /* start one shot timer that expires after 200 ms */ k_timer_start(&my_status_timer, K_MSEC(200), 0); /* do work */ ... /* check timer status */ if (k_timer_status_get(&my_status_timer) > 0) { /* timer has expired */ } else if (k_timer_remaining_get(&my_status_timer) == 0) { /* timer was stopped (by someone else) before expiring */ } else { /* timer is still running */ } Using Timer Status Synchronization ================================== The following code performs timer status synchronization to allow a thread to do useful work while ensuring that a pair of protocol operations are separated by the specified time interval. .. code-block:: c K_TIMER_DEFINE(my_sync_timer, NULL, NULL); ... /* do first protocol operation */ ... /* start one shot timer that expires after 500 ms */ k_timer_start(&my_sync_timer, K_MSEC(500), 0); /* do other work */ ... /* ensure timer has expired (waiting for expiry, if necessary) */ k_timer_status_sync(&my_sync_timer); /* do second protocol operation */ ... .. note:: If the thread had no other work to do it could simply sleep between the two protocol operations, without using a timer. Suggested Uses ************** Use a timer to initiate an asynchronous operation after a specified amount of time. Use a timer to determine whether or not a specified amount of time has elapsed. Use a timer to perform other work while carrying out operations involving time limits. .. note:: If a thread has no other work to perform while waiting for time to pass it should call :cpp:func:`k_sleep()`. If a thread needs to measure the time required to perform an operation it can read the :ref:`system clock or the hardware clock ` directly, rather than using a timer. Configuration Options ********************* Related configuration options: * None API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: timer_apis :project: Zephyr