Test Description ---------------- The object tracing test is a sanity test to verify that the object tracing API remains healthy. It uses the philsophers as an application that implements multiple threads that are synchronized with semaphores. The application initializes their objects and starts the philosophers' thread interaction. A specific thread, called object monitor, accesses the object tracing API and reports the number of expected objects. The sanity test script expects each test to finish its execution and then it considers the test completed. For that reason the philosophers' threads execute a finite number of iterations. After that the application execution ends. Sample Output -------------- ***** BOOTING ZEPHYR OS vxxxx - BUILD: yyyyy ***** Running test suite test_obj_tracing =================================================================== starting test - test_tracing SEMAPHORE REF: 0x004002d0 SEMAPHORE REF: 0x004002bc SEMAPHORE REF: 0x004002a8 SEMAPHORE REF: 0x00400294 SEMAPHORE REF: 0x00400280 SEMAPHORE REF: 0x0042402c SEMAPHORE REF: 0x00424250 SEMAPHORE QUANTITY: 6 COOP: 0x00400040 OPTIONS: 0x00, STATE: 0x00 COOP: 0x00400200 OPTIONS: 0x00, STATE: 0x02 COOP: 0x004001a8 OPTIONS: 0x00, STATE: 0x02 COOP: 0x00400150 OPTIONS: 0x00, STATE: 0x00 COOP: 0x004000f8 OPTIONS: 0x00, STATE: 0x02 COOP: 0x004000a0 OPTIONS: 0x00, STATE: 0x00 PREMPT: 0x00401254 OPTIONS: 0x00, STATE: 0x02 COOP: 0x00401020 OPTIONS: 0x01, STATE: 0x00 COOP: 0x00401080 OPTIONS: 0x01, STATE: 0x00 THREAD QUANTITY: 9 PASS - test_tracing. =================================================================== =================================================================== PROJECT EXECUTION SUCCESSFUL