.. _bt_l2cap: Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP) #################################################### L2CAP layer enables connection-oriented channels which can be enable with the configuration option: :option:`CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_DYNAMIC_CHANNEL`. This channels support segmentation and reassembly transparently, they also support credit based flow control making it suitable for data streams. Channels instances are represented by the :cpp:class:`bt_l2cap_chan` struct which contains the callbacks in the :cpp:class:`bt_l2cap_chan_ops` struct to inform when the channel has been connected, disconnected or when the encryption has changed. In addition to that it also contains the ``recv`` callback which is called whenever an incoming data has been received. Data received this way can be marked as processed by returning 0 or using :cpp:func:`bt_l2cap_chan_recv_complete` API if processing is asynchronous. .. note:: The ``recv`` callback is called directly from RX Thread thus it is not recommended to block for long periods of time. For sending data the :cpp:func:`bt_l2cap_chan_send` API can be used noting that it may block if no credits are available, and resuming as soon as more credits are available. Servers can be registered using :cpp:func:`bt_l2cap_server_register` API passing the :cpp:class:`bt_l2cap_server` struct which informs what ``psm`` it should listen to, the required security level ``sec_level``, and the callback ``accept`` which is called to authorize incoming connection requests and allocate channel instances. Client channels can be initiated with use of :cpp:func:`bt_l2cap_chan_connect` API and can be disconnected with the :cpp:func:`bt_l2cap_chan_disconnect` API. Note that the later can also disconnect channel instances created by servers. API Reference ************* .. doxygengroup:: bt_l2cap :project: Zephyr