/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include #include #include #define TOTAL_CMSIS_THREAD_PRIORITIES (osPriorityRealtime - osPriorityIdle + 1) static inline int _is_thread_cmsis_inactive(struct k_thread *thread) { uint8_t state = thread->base.thread_state; return state & (_THREAD_PRESTART | _THREAD_DEAD); } static inline int32_t zephyr_to_cmsis_priority(uint32_t z_prio) { return(osPriorityRealtime - z_prio); } static inline uint32_t cmsis_to_zephyr_priority(int32_t c_prio) { return(osPriorityRealtime - c_prio); } static void zephyr_thread_wrapper(void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3) { void * (*fun_ptr)(void *) = arg3; fun_ptr(arg1); } /* clear related bit in cmsis thread status bitarray * when terminating a thread */ void z_thread_cmsis_status_mask_clear(struct k_thread *thread) { uint32_t offset, instance; osThreadDef_t *thread_def = (osThreadDef_t *)(thread->custom_data); if (thread_def != NULL) { /* get thread instance index according to stack address */ offset = thread->stack_info.start - (uintptr_t)thread_def->stack_mem; instance = offset / K_THREAD_STACK_LEN(CONFIG_CMSIS_THREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE); sys_bitarray_clear_bit((sys_bitarray_t *)(thread_def->status_mask), instance); } } /** * @brief Create a new thread. */ osThreadId osThreadCreate(const osThreadDef_t *thread_def, void *arg) { struct k_thread *cm_thread; uint32_t prio; k_tid_t tid; uint32_t stacksz; int ret; size_t instance; k_thread_stack_t (*stk_ptr)[K_THREAD_STACK_LEN(CONFIG_CMSIS_THREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE)]; if ((thread_def == NULL) || (thread_def->instances == 0)) { return NULL; } BUILD_ASSERT( CONFIG_NUM_PREEMPT_PRIORITIES >= TOTAL_CMSIS_THREAD_PRIORITIES, "Configure NUM_PREEMPT_PRIORITIES to at least" " TOTAL_CMSIS_THREAD_PRIORITIES"); __ASSERT(thread_def->stacksize <= CONFIG_CMSIS_THREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE, "invalid stack size\n"); if (k_is_in_isr()) { return NULL; } __ASSERT((thread_def->tpriority >= osPriorityIdle) && (thread_def->tpriority <= osPriorityRealtime), "invalid priority\n"); /* get an available thread instance */ ret = sys_bitarray_alloc((sys_bitarray_t *)(thread_def->status_mask), 1, &instance); if (ret != 0) { return NULL; } stacksz = thread_def->stacksize; if (stacksz == 0U) { stacksz = CONFIG_CMSIS_THREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE; } k_poll_signal_init(thread_def->poll_signal); k_poll_event_init(thread_def->poll_event, K_POLL_TYPE_SIGNAL, K_POLL_MODE_NOTIFY_ONLY, thread_def->poll_signal); cm_thread = thread_def->cm_thread; stk_ptr = thread_def->stack_mem; prio = cmsis_to_zephyr_priority(thread_def->tpriority); k_thread_custom_data_set((void *)thread_def); tid = k_thread_create(&cm_thread[instance], stk_ptr[instance], stacksz, (k_thread_entry_t)zephyr_thread_wrapper, (void *)arg, NULL, thread_def->pthread, prio, 0, K_NO_WAIT); /* make custom_data pointer of thread point to its source thread_def, * then we can use it to release thread instances * when terminating threads */ tid->custom_data = (void *)thread_def; return ((osThreadId)tid); } /** * @brief Return the thread ID of the current running thread. */ osThreadId osThreadGetId(void) { if (k_is_in_isr()) { return NULL; } return (osThreadId)k_current_get(); } /** * @brief Get current priority of an active thread. */ osPriority osThreadGetPriority(osThreadId thread_id) { k_tid_t thread = (k_tid_t)thread_id; uint32_t priority; if ((thread_id == NULL) || (k_is_in_isr())) { return osPriorityError; } priority = k_thread_priority_get(thread); return zephyr_to_cmsis_priority(priority); } /** * @brief Change priority of an active thread. */ osStatus osThreadSetPriority(osThreadId thread_id, osPriority priority) { if (thread_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } if (k_is_in_isr()) { return osErrorISR; } if (priority < osPriorityIdle || priority > osPriorityRealtime) { return osErrorValue; } if (_is_thread_cmsis_inactive((k_tid_t)thread_id)) { return osErrorResource; } k_thread_priority_set((k_tid_t)thread_id, cmsis_to_zephyr_priority(priority)); return osOK; } /** * @brief Terminate execution of a thread. */ osStatus osThreadTerminate(osThreadId thread_id) { if (thread_id == NULL) { return osErrorParameter; } if (k_is_in_isr()) { return osErrorISR; } if (_is_thread_cmsis_inactive((k_tid_t)thread_id)) { return osErrorResource; } k_thread_abort((k_tid_t)thread_id); return osOK; } /** * @brief Pass control to next thread that is in READY state. */ osStatus osThreadYield(void) { if (k_is_in_isr()) { return osErrorISR; } k_yield(); return osOK; }