# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 zephyr_get(ARMCLANG_TOOLCHAIN_PATH) assert(ARMCLANG_TOOLCHAIN_PATH "ARMCLANG_TOOLCHAIN_PATH is not set") if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 3.21 AND NOT ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} STREQUAL Ninja ) message(FATAL_ERROR "ARMClang Toolchain and '${CMAKE_GENERATOR}' generator " "doesn't work properly for target object files on CMake version: " "${CMAKE_VERSION}. Use the 'Ninja' generator or update to CMake >= 3.21." ) endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${ARMCLANG_TOOLCHAIN_PATH}) message(FATAL_ERROR "Nothing found at ARMCLANG_TOOLCHAIN_PATH: '${ARMCLANG_TOOLCHAIN_PATH}'") endif() set(TOOLCHAIN_HOME ${ARMCLANG_TOOLCHAIN_PATH}) set(COMPILER armclang) set(LINKER armlink) set(BINTOOLS armclang) set(SYSROOT_TARGET arm) set(CROSS_COMPILE ${TOOLCHAIN_HOME}/bin/) set(TOOLCHAIN_HAS_NEWLIB OFF CACHE BOOL "True if toolchain supports newlib")