.. zephyr:code-sample:: ble_mesh_demo :name: Mesh Demo :relevant-api: bt_mesh bluetooth Implement a Bluetooth Mesh demo application. Overview ******** This sample is a Bluetooth Mesh application intended for demonstration purposes only. The application provisions and configures itself (i.e. no external provisioner needed) with hard-coded network and application key values. The local unicast address can be set using a NODE_ADDR build variable (e.g. NODE_ADDR=0x0001 for unicast address 0x0001), or by manually editing the value in the ``board.h`` file. Because of the hard-coded values, the application is not suitable for production use, but is quite convenient for quick demonstrations of mesh functionality. The application has some features especially designed for the BBC micro:bit boards, such as the ability to send messages using the board's buttons as well as showing information of received messages on the board's 5x5 LED display. It's generally recommended to use unicast addresses in the range of 0x0001-0x0009 for the micro:bit since these map nicely to displayed addresses and the list of destination addresses which can be cycled with a button press. A special address, 0x000f, will make the application become a heart-beat publisher and enable the other nodes to show information of the received heartbeat messages. Requirements ************ * A board with Bluetooth LE support, or * QEMU with BlueZ running on the host Building and Running ******************** This sample can be found under :zephyr_file:`samples/bluetooth/mesh_demo` in the Zephyr tree. See :zephyr:code-sample-category:`bluetooth` samples for details on how to run the sample inside QEMU. For other boards, build and flash the application as follows: .. zephyr-app-commands:: :zephyr-app: samples/bluetooth/mesh_demo :board: :goals: flash :compact: Refer to your :ref:`board's documentation ` for alternative flash instructions if your board doesn't support the ``flash`` target. To run the application on an :ref:`nrf5340dk_nrf5340`, a Bluetooth controller application must also run on the network core. The :zephyr:code-sample:`bluetooth_hci_ipc` sample application may be used. Build this sample with configuration :zephyr_file:`samples/bluetooth/hci_ipc/nrf5340_cpunet_bt_mesh-bt_ll_sw_split.conf` to enable mesh support.