Kconfig options in those drivers are visible and selectable
to any board/soc when it should not. This makes sure both
depends on proper family.
Signed-off-by: Sylvio Alves <sylvio.alves@espressif.com>
Fix to properly allocate IRQs for interrupt sources over 60.
It also screens out non-allocatable IRQs used by the CPU.
Signed-off-by: Raffael Rostagno <raffael.rostagno@espressif.com>
Refactor the ESP32 target SOCs together with
all related boards. Most braking changes includes:
- changing the CONFIG_SOC_ESP32* to refer to
the actual soc line (esp32,esp32s2,esp32s3,esp32c3)
- replacing CONFIG_SOC with the CONFIG_SOC_SERIES
- creating CONFIG_SOC_FAMILY_ESP32 to embrace all
the ESP32 across all used architectures
- introducing CONFIG_SOC_PART_NUMBER_* to
provide a SOC model config
- introducing the 'common' folder to hide all
commonly used configs and files.
- updating west.yml to reflect previous changes in hal
Signed-off-by: Marek Matej <marek.matej@espressif.com>
According to Kconfig guidelines, boolean prompts must not start with
"Enable...". The following command has been used to automate the changes
in this patch:
sed -i "s/bool \"[Ee]nables\? \(\w\)/bool \"\U\1/g" **/Kconfig*
Signed-off-by: Gerard Marull-Paretas <gerard.marull@nordicsemi.no>