Move to latest cmake version with many bug fixes and enhancements.
Signed-off-by: Anas Nashif <>
Signed-off-by: Carles Cufi <>
When using an IDE (e.g. Eclipse, Qt Creator), the project name gets
displayed. This greatly simplifies the navigation between projects when
having many of them open at the same time. Naming every project "NONE"
defeats this functionality.
This patch tries to use sensible project names while not duplicating
too much of what is already represented in the path. This is done by
using the name of the directory the relevant CMakeLists.txt file is
stored in. To ensure unique project names in the samples (and again, in
the tests folder) folder, small manual adjustments have been done.
Signed-off-by: Reto Schneider <>
Prepend the text 'cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.2)' into the
application and test build scripts.
Modern versions of CMake will spam users with a deprecation warning
when the toplevel CMakeLists.txt does not specify a CMake
version. This is documented in bug #8355.
To resolve this we include a cmake_minimum_required() line into the
toplevel build scripts. Additionally, cmake_minimum_required is
invoked from within boilerplate.cmake. The highest version will be
This patch allows us to afterwards change CMake policy CMP000 from OLD
to NEW which in turn finally rids us of the verbose warning.
The extra boilerplate is considered more acceptable than the verbosity
of the CMP0000 policy.
Signed-off-by: Sebastian Bøe <>
This sample (which should eventually become a proper test) suite
builds from simple applications of the new primitives to a full
context switch test and interrupt handling suite (based on the
CPU-internal CCOMPARE2 timer).
It's been extraordinarily useful finding regressing as the asm2 code
gets modified and should probably stick around as long as possible.
Signed-off-by: Andy Ross <>