2018-11-27 00:22:42 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script will relocate .text, .rodata, .data and .bss sections from required files
# and places it in the required memory region. This memory region and file
# are given to this python script in the form of a string.
# Example of such a string would be:
# SRAM2:/home/xyz/zephyr/samples/hello_world/src/main.c,\
# SRAM1:/home/xyz/zephyr/samples/hello_world/src/main2.c
# To invoke this script:
# python3 gen_relocate_app.py -i input_string -o generated_linker -c generated_code
# Configuration that needs to be sent to the python script.
# if the memory is like SRAM1/SRAM2/CCD/AON then place full object in
# the sections
# if the memory type is appended with _DATA / _TEXT/ _RODATA/ _BSS only the
# selected memory is placed in the required memory region. Others are
# ignored.
# NOTE: multiple regions can be appended together like SRAM2_DATA_BSS
# this will place data and bss inside SRAM2
import sys
import argparse
import os
import glob
import warnings
from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
# This script will create linker comands for text,rodata data, bss section relocation
__{0}_{1}_rom_start = LOADADDR(_{2}_{3}_SECTION_NAME);
# generic section creation format
/* Linker section for memory region {2} for {3} section */
. = ALIGN(4);
. = ALIGN(4);
}} {5}
__{0}_{1}_end = .;
__{0}_{1}_start = ADDR(_{2}_{3}_SECTION_NAME);
__{0}_{1}_size = SIZEOF(_{2}_{3}_SECTION_NAME);
/* Auto generated code. Do not modify.*/
#include <zephyr.h>
#include <linker/linker-defs.h>
#include <kernel_structs.h>
extern char __{0}_{1}_start[];
extern char __{0}_{1}_rom_start[];
2018-12-17 16:51:34 +08:00
extern char __{0}_{1}_size[];
2018-11-27 00:22:42 +08:00
void data_copy_xip_relocation(void)
void bss_zeroing_relocation(void)
(void)memcpy(&__{0}_{1}_start, &__{0}_{1}_rom_start,
2018-12-17 16:51:34 +08:00
(u32_t) &__{0}_{1}_size);
2018-11-27 00:22:42 +08:00
(void)memset(&__{0}_bss_start, 0,
2018-12-17 16:51:34 +08:00
(u32_t) &__{0}_bss_size);
2018-11-27 00:22:42 +08:00
def find_sections(filename, full_list_of_sections):
with open(filename, 'rb') as obj_file_desc:
full_lib = ELFFile(obj_file_desc)
if not full_lib:
print("Error parsing file: ", filename)
sections = [x for x in full_lib.iter_sections()]
for section in sections:
if ".text." in section.name:
if ".rodata." in section.name:
if ".data." in section.name:
if ".bss." in section.name:
# Common variables will be placed in the .bss section
# only after linking in the final executable. This "if" findes
# common symbols and warns the user of the problem.
# The solution to which is simply assigning a 0 to
# bss variable and it will go to the required place.
if ".symtab" in section.name:
symbols = [x for x in section.iter_symbols()]
for symbol in symbols:
if symbol.entry["st_shndx"] == 'SHN_COMMON':
warnings.warn("Common variable found. Move "+
symbol.name + " to bss by assigning it to 0/NULL")
return full_list_of_sections
def assign_to_correct_mem_region(memory_type,
full_list_of_sections, complete_list_of_sections):
all_regions = False
iteration_sections = {"text":False, "rodata":False, "data":False, "bss":False}
if "_TEXT" in memory_type:
iteration_sections["text"] = True
memory_type = memory_type.replace("_TEXT", "")
if "_RODATA" in memory_type:
iteration_sections["rodata"] = True
memory_type = memory_type.replace("_RODATA", "")
if "_DATA" in memory_type:
iteration_sections["data"] = True
memory_type = memory_type.replace("_DATA", "")
if "_BSS" in memory_type:
iteration_sections["bss"] = True
memory_type = memory_type.replace("_BSS", "")
if not (iteration_sections["data"] or iteration_sections["bss"] or
iteration_sections["text"] or iteration_sections["rodata"]):
all_regions = True
if memory_type in complete_list_of_sections:
for iter_sec in ["text", "rodata", "data", "bss"]:
if ((iteration_sections[iter_sec] or all_regions) and
full_list_of_sections[iter_sec] != []):
complete_list_of_sections[memory_type][iter_sec] += (
#new memory type was found. in which case just assign the
# full_list_of_sections to the memorytype dict
tmp_list = {"text":[], "rodata":[], "data":[], "bss":[]}
for iter_sec in ["text", "rodata", "data", "bss"]:
if ((iteration_sections[iter_sec] or all_regions) and
full_list_of_sections[iter_sec] != []):
tmp_list[iter_sec] = full_list_of_sections[iter_sec]
complete_list_of_sections[memory_type] = tmp_list
return complete_list_of_sections
def print_linker_sections(list_sections):
print_string = ''
for section in list_sections:
print_string += PRINT_TEMPLATE.format(section)
return print_string
def string_create_helper(region, memory_type,
full_list_of_sections, load_address_in_flash):
linker_string = ''
if load_address_in_flash:
load_address_string = LOAD_ADDRESS_LOCATION_FLASH.format(memory_type)
load_address_string = LOAD_ADDRESS_LOCATION_BSS.format(memory_type)
if full_list_of_sections[region] != []:
# Create a complete list of funcs/ variables that goes in for this
# memory type
tmp = print_linker_sections(full_list_of_sections[region])
linker_string += LINKER_SECTION_SEQ.format(memory_type.lower(), region,
memory_type.upper(), region.upper(),
tmp, load_address_string)
if load_address_in_flash:
linker_string += SECTION_LOAD_MEMORY_SEQ.format(memory_type.lower(),
return linker_string
def generate_linker_script(linker_file, complete_list_of_sections):
gen_string = ''
for memory_type, full_list_of_sections in complete_list_of_sections.items():
gen_string += string_create_helper("text", memory_type, full_list_of_sections, 1)
gen_string += string_create_helper("rodata", memory_type, full_list_of_sections, 1)
gen_string += string_create_helper("data", memory_type, full_list_of_sections, 1)
gen_string += string_create_helper("bss", memory_type, full_list_of_sections, 0)
#finally writting to the linker file
with open(linker_file, "a+") as file_desc:
def generate_memcpy_code(memory_type, full_list_of_sections, code_generation):
all_sections = True
generate_section = {"text":False, "rodata":False, "data":False, "bss":False}
for section_name in ["_TEXT", "_RODATA", "_DATA", "_BSS"]:
if section_name in memory_type:
generate_section[section_name.lower()[1:]] = True
memory_type = memory_type.replace(section_name, "")
all_sections = False
if all_sections:
generate_section["text"] = True
generate_section["rodata"] = True
generate_section["data"] = True
generate_section["bss"] = True
#add all the regions that needs to be copied on boot up
for mtype in ["text", "rodata", "data"]:
if full_list_of_sections[mtype] and generate_section[mtype]:
code_generation["copy_code"] += MEMCPY_TEMPLATE.format(memory_type.lower(), mtype)
code_generation["extern"] += EXTERN_LINKER_VAR_DECLARATION.format(
memory_type.lower(), mtype)
# add for all the bss data that needs to be zeored on boot up
if full_list_of_sections["bss"] and generate_section["bss"]:
code_generation["zero_code"] += MEMSET_TEMPLATE.format(memory_type.lower())
code_generation["extern"] += EXTERN_LINKER_VAR_DECLARATION.format(
memory_type.lower(), "bss")
return code_generation
def dump_header_file(header_file, code_generation):
code_string = ''
# create a dummy void function if there is no code to generate for
# bss/data/text regions
code_string += code_generation["extern"]
if code_generation["copy_code"]:
code_string += DATA_COPY_FUNCTION.format(code_generation["copy_code"])
code_string += DATA_COPY_FUNCTION.format("void;")
if code_generation["zero_code"]:
code_string += BSS_ZEROING_FUNCTION.format(code_generation["zero_code"])
code_string += BSS_ZEROING_FUNCTION.format("return;")
with open(header_file, "w") as header_file_desc:
def parse_args():
global args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", required=True,
help="obj file's directory")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input_rel_dict", required=True,
help="input src:memory type(sram2 or ccm or aon etc) string")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=False, help="Output ld file")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--output_code", required=False,
help="Output relocation code header file")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0,
help="Verbose Output")
args = parser.parse_args()
#return the absolute path for the object file.
def get_obj_filename(searchpath, filename):
# get the object file name which is almost always pended with .obj
obj_filename = filename.split("/")[-1] + ".obj"
for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(searchpath):
for filename1 in files:
if filename1 == obj_filename:
if filename.split("/")[-2] in dirpath.split("/")[-1]:
fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, filename1)
return fullname
# Create a dict with key as memory type and files as a list of values.
def create_dict_wrt_mem():
#need to support wild card *
rel_dict = dict()
if args.input_rel_dict == '':
print("Disable CONFIG_CODE_DATA_RELOCATION if no file needs relocation")
for line in args.input_rel_dict.split(';'):
mem_region, file_name = line.split(':')
file_name_list = glob.glob(file_name)
if not file_name_list:
warnings.warn("File: "+file_name+" Not found")
if mem_region == '':
if args.verbose:
print("Memory region ", mem_region, " Selected for file:", file_name_list)
if mem_region in rel_dict:
rel_dict[mem_region] = file_name_list
return rel_dict
def main():
searchpath = args.directory
linker_file = args.output
rel_dict = create_dict_wrt_mem()
complete_list_of_sections = {}
# Create/or trucate file contents if it already exists
# raw = open(linker_file, "w")
code_generation = {"copy_code": '', "zero_code":'', "extern":''}
#for each memory_type, create text/rodata/data/bss sections for all obj files
for memory_type, files in rel_dict.items():
full_list_of_sections = {"text":[], "rodata":[], "data":[], "bss":[]}
for filename in files:
obj_filename = get_obj_filename(searchpath, filename)
# the obj file wasn't found. Probably not compiled.
if not obj_filename:
full_list_of_sections = find_sections(obj_filename, full_list_of_sections)
#cleanup and attach the sections to the memory type after cleanup.
complete_list_of_sections = assign_to_correct_mem_region(memory_type,
generate_linker_script(linker_file, complete_list_of_sections)
for mem_type, list_of_sections in complete_list_of_sections.items():
code_generation = generate_memcpy_code(mem_type,
list_of_sections, code_generation)
dump_header_file(args.output_code, code_generation)
if __name__ == '__main__':