
500 lines
20 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2019, Nordic Semiconductor ASA
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import configparser
import os
import pathlib
import subprocess
import pytest
from west import configuration as config
from conftest import cmd
SYSTEM = config.ConfigFile.SYSTEM
GLOBAL = config.ConfigFile.GLOBAL
LOCAL = config.ConfigFile.LOCAL
ALL = config.ConfigFile.ALL
def config_tmpdir(tmpdir):
# Fixture for running from a temporary directory with
# environmental overrides in place so all configuration files
# live inside of it. This makes sure we don't touch
# the user's actual files.
# We also set ZEPHYR_BASE (to avoid complaints in subcommand
# stderr), but to a spurious location (so that attempts to read
# from inside of it are caught here).
# Using this makes the tests run faster than if we used
# west_init_tmpdir from conftest.py, and also ensures that the
# configuration code doesn't depend on features like the existence
# of a manifest file, helping separate concerns.
system = tmpdir / 'config.system'
glbl = tmpdir / 'config.global'
local = tmpdir / 'config.local'
os.environ['ZEPHYR_BASE'] = str(tmpdir.join('no-zephyr-here'))
os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_SYSTEM'] = str(system)
os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_GLOBAL'] = str(glbl)
os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL'] = str(local)
# Make sure our environment variables (as well as other topdirs)
# are being respected, and we aren't going to touch the user's real
# files.
td = tmpdir / 'another-topdir'
assert config._location(SYSTEM) == str(system)
assert config._location(GLOBAL) == str(glbl)
assert config._location(LOCAL) == str(local)
assert (config._location(LOCAL, topdir=str(td)) ==
str(td / '.west' / 'config'))
# All clear: switch to the temporary directory and run the test.
yield tmpdir
# Clean up after ourselves so other test cases don't know about
# this tmpdir.
del os.environ['ZEPHYR_BASE']
del os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_SYSTEM']
del os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_GLOBAL']
del os.environ['WEST_CONFIG_LOCAL']
def cfg(f=ALL, topdir=None):
# Load a fresh configuration object at the given level, and return it.
cp = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
config.read_config(config_file=f, config=cp, topdir=topdir)
return cp
def test_config_global():
# Set a global config option via the command interface. Make sure
# it can be read back using the API calls and at the command line
# at ALL and GLOBAL locations only.
cmd('config --global pytest.global foo')
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['global'] == 'foo'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['global'] == 'foo'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=LOCAL)
assert cmd('config pytest.global').rstrip() == 'foo'
assert cmd('config --global pytest.global').rstrip() == 'foo'
# Make sure we can change the value of an existing variable.
cmd('config --global pytest.global bar')
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['global'] == 'bar'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['global'] == 'bar'
assert cmd('config pytest.global').rstrip() == 'bar'
assert cmd('config --global pytest.global').rstrip() == 'bar'
# Sanity check that we can create multiple variables per section.
# Just use the API here; there's coverage already that the command line
# and API match.
cmd('config --global pytest.global2 foo2')
all, glb, lcl = cfg(f=ALL), cfg(f=GLOBAL), cfg(f=LOCAL)
assert all['pytest']['global'] == 'bar'
assert glb['pytest']['global'] == 'bar'
assert 'pytest' not in lcl
assert all['pytest']['global2'] == 'foo2'
assert glb['pytest']['global2'] == 'foo2'
assert 'pytest' not in lcl
def test_config_local():
# test_config_system for local variables.
cmd('config --local pytest.local foo')
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['local'] == 'foo'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['local'] == 'foo'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert cmd('config pytest.local').rstrip() == 'foo'
assert cmd('config --local pytest.local').rstrip() == 'foo'
cmd('config --local pytest.local bar')
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['local'] == 'bar'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['local'] == 'bar'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert cmd('config pytest.local').rstrip() == 'bar'
assert cmd('config --local pytest.local').rstrip() == 'bar'
cmd('config --local pytest.local2 foo2')
all, glb, lcl = cfg(f=ALL), cfg(f=GLOBAL), cfg(f=LOCAL)
assert all['pytest']['local'] == 'bar'
assert 'pytest' not in glb
assert lcl['pytest']['local'] == 'bar'
assert all['pytest']['local2'] == 'foo2'
assert 'pytest' not in glb
assert lcl['pytest']['local2'] == 'foo2'
def test_config_system():
# Basic test of system-level configuration.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'val', configfile=SYSTEM)
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=LOCAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'val2', configfile=SYSTEM)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'val2'
def test_config_system_precedence():
# Test precedence rules, including system level.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'sys', configfile=SYSTEM)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'sys'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'sys'
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'glb', configfile=GLOBAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'sys'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'glb'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'glb'
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'lcl', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'sys'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'glb'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'lcl'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'lcl'
def test_system_creation():
# Test that the system file -- and just that file -- is created on
# demand.
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(SYSTEM))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(GLOBAL))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(LOCAL))
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'val', configfile=SYSTEM)
assert os.path.isfile(config._location(SYSTEM))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(GLOBAL))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(LOCAL))
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=LOCAL)
def test_global_creation():
# Like test_system_creation, for global config options.
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(SYSTEM))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(GLOBAL))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(LOCAL))
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'val', configfile=GLOBAL)
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(SYSTEM))
assert os.path.isfile(config._location(GLOBAL))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(LOCAL))
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=LOCAL)
def test_local_creation():
# Like test_system_creation, for local config options.
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(SYSTEM))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(GLOBAL))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(LOCAL))
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'val', configfile=LOCAL)
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(SYSTEM))
assert not os.path.isfile(config._location(GLOBAL))
assert os.path.isfile(config._location(LOCAL))
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
def test_local_creation_with_topdir():
# Like test_local_creation, with a specified topdir.
system = pathlib.Path(config._location(SYSTEM))
glbl = pathlib.Path(config._location(GLOBAL))
local = pathlib.Path(config._location(LOCAL))
topdir = pathlib.Path(os.getcwd()) / 'test-topdir'
topdir_west = topdir / '.west'
assert not topdir_west.exists()
topdir_config = topdir_west / 'config'
assert not system.exists()
assert not glbl.exists()
assert not local.exists()
assert not topdir_config.exists()
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'val', configfile=LOCAL,
assert not system.exists()
assert not glbl.exists()
assert not local.exists()
assert topdir_config.exists()
assert cfg(f=ALL, topdir=str(topdir))['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert cfg(f=LOCAL, topdir=str(topdir))['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
def test_delete_basic():
# Basic deletion test: write local, verify global and system deletions
# don't work, then delete local does work.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'val', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'val'
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=SYSTEM)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=GLOBAL)
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=LOCAL)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=ALL)
def test_delete_all():
# Deleting ConfigFile.ALL should delete from everywhere.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'system', configfile=SYSTEM)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'global', configfile=GLOBAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'local', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=ALL)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=ALL)
def test_delete_none():
# Deleting None should delete from lowest-precedence global or
# local file only.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'system', configfile=SYSTEM)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'global', configfile=GLOBAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'local', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=None)
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=None)
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=None)
def test_delete_list():
# Test delete of a list of places.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'system', configfile=SYSTEM)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'global', configfile=GLOBAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'local', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=[GLOBAL, LOCAL])
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=LOCAL)
def test_delete_system():
# Test SYSTEM-only delete.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'system', configfile=SYSTEM)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'global', configfile=GLOBAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'local', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=SYSTEM)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
def test_delete_global():
# Test GLOBAL-only delete.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'system', configfile=SYSTEM)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'global', configfile=GLOBAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'local', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=GLOBAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
def test_delete_local():
# Test LOCAL-only delete.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'system', configfile=SYSTEM)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'global', configfile=GLOBAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'local', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=LOCAL)
def test_delete_local_with_topdir():
# Test LOCAL-only delete with specified topdir.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'system', configfile=SYSTEM)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'global', configfile=GLOBAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key', 'local', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key', configfile=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=SYSTEM)['pytest']['key'] == 'system'
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['key'] == 'global'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=LOCAL)
def test_delete_local_one():
# Test LOCAL-only delete of one option doesn't affect the other.
config.update_config('pytest', 'key1', 'foo', configfile=LOCAL)
config.update_config('pytest', 'key2', 'bar', configfile=LOCAL)
config.delete_config('pytest', 'key1', configfile=LOCAL)
assert 'pytest' in cfg(f=LOCAL)
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['key2'] == 'bar'
def test_delete_cmd_all():
# west config -D should delete from everywhere
cmd('config --system pytest.key system')
cmd('config --global pytest.key global')
cmd('config --local pytest.key local')
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['key'] == 'local'
cmd('config -D pytest.key')
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=ALL)
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('config -D pytest.key')
def test_delete_cmd_none():
# west config -d should delete from lowest-precedence global or
# local file only.
cmd('config --system pytest.key system')
cmd('config --global pytest.key global')
cmd('config --local pytest.key local')
cmd('config -d pytest.key')
assert cmd('config pytest.key').rstrip() == 'global'
cmd('config -d pytest.key')
assert cmd('config pytest.key').rstrip() == 'system'
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('config -d pytest.key')
def test_delete_cmd_system():
# west config -d --system should only delete from system
cmd('config --system pytest.key system')
cmd('config --global pytest.key global')
cmd('config --local pytest.key local')
cmd('config -d --system pytest.key')
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('config --system pytest.key')
assert cmd('config --global pytest.key').rstrip() == 'global'
assert cmd('config --local pytest.key').rstrip() == 'local'
def test_delete_cmd_global():
# west config -d --global should only delete from global
cmd('config --system pytest.key system')
cmd('config --global pytest.key global')
cmd('config --local pytest.key local')
cmd('config -d --global pytest.key')
assert cmd('config --system pytest.key').rstrip() == 'system'
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('config --global pytest.key')
assert cmd('config --local pytest.key').rstrip() == 'local'
def test_delete_cmd_local():
# west config -d --local should only delete from local
cmd('config --system pytest.key system')
cmd('config --global pytest.key global')
cmd('config --local pytest.key local')
cmd('config -d --local pytest.key')
assert cmd('config --system pytest.key').rstrip() == 'system'
assert cmd('config --global pytest.key').rstrip() == 'global'
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('config --local pytest.key')
def test_delete_cmd_error():
# Verify illegal combinations of flags error out.
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
cmd('config -l -d pytest.key')
assert '-l cannot be combined with -d or -D' in str(e)
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
cmd('config -l -D pytest.key')
assert '-l cannot be combined with -d or -D' in str(e)
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
cmd('config -d -D pytest.key')
assert '-d cannot be combined with -D' in str(e)
def test_default_config():
# Writing to a value without a config destination should default
# to --local.
cmd('config pytest.local foo')
assert cmd('config pytest.local').rstrip() == 'foo'
assert cmd('config --local pytest.local').rstrip() == 'foo'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['local'] == 'foo'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=GLOBAL)
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['local'] == 'foo'
def test_config_precedence():
# Verify that local settings take precedence over global ones,
# but that both values are still available, and that setting
# either doesn't affect system settings.
cmd('config --global pytest.precedence global')
cmd('config --local pytest.precedence local')
assert cmd('config --global pytest.precedence').rstrip() == 'global'
assert cmd('config --local pytest.precedence').rstrip() == 'local'
assert cmd('config pytest.precedence').rstrip() == 'local'
assert cfg(f=ALL)['pytest']['precedence'] == 'local'
assert 'pytest' not in cfg(f=SYSTEM)
assert cfg(f=GLOBAL)['pytest']['precedence'] == 'global'
assert cfg(f=LOCAL)['pytest']['precedence'] == 'local'
def test_config_missing_key():
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
cmd('config pytest')
assert str(e) == 'west config: error: missing key, please invoke ' \
'as: west config <section>.<key>\n'
def test_unset_config():
# Getting unset configuration options should raise an error.
# With verbose output, the exact missing option should be printed.
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
cmd('-v config pytest.missing')
assert 'pytest.missing is unset' in str(e)
def test_no_args():
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
assert 'missing argument name' in str(e)
def test_list():
def sorted_list(other_args=''):
return list(sorted(cmd('config -l ' + other_args).splitlines()))
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
cmd('config -l pytest.foo')
assert '-l cannot be combined with name argument' in str(e)
assert cmd('config -l').strip() == ''
cmd('config pytest.foo who')
assert sorted_list() == ['pytest.foo=who']
cmd('config pytest.bar what')
assert sorted_list() == ['pytest.bar=what',
cmd('config --global pytest.baz where')
assert sorted_list() == ['pytest.bar=what',
assert sorted_list('--system') == []
assert sorted_list('--global') == ['pytest.baz=where']
assert sorted_list('--local') == ['pytest.bar=what',