
596 lines
22 KiB

import os
import re
import subprocess
import textwrap
import pytest
from west import configuration as config
from conftest import create_repo, add_commit, check_output, cmd, GIT, rev_parse
# Test fixtures
def west_update_tmpdir(west_init_tmpdir):
'''Like west_init_tmpdir, but also runs west update.'''
cmd('update', cwd=str(west_init_tmpdir))
return west_init_tmpdir
# Test cases
def test_installation(west_update_tmpdir):
# Basic test that west_update_tmpdir bootstrapped correctly. This
# is a basic test of west init and west update.
# Make sure the expected files and directories exist in the right
# places.
wct = west_update_tmpdir
assert wct.check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib', 'kconfiglib.py').check(file=1)
assert wct.join('net-tools').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('net-tools', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('net-tools', 'qemu-script.sh').check(file=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr', 'CODEOWNERS').check(file=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr', 'include', 'header.h').check(file=1)
assert wct.join('zephyr', 'subsys', 'bluetooth', 'code.c').check(file=1)
def test_list(west_update_tmpdir):
# Projects shall be listed in the order they appear in the manifest.
# Check the behavior for some format arguments of interest as well.
actual = cmd('list -f "{name} {revision} {path} {cloned} {clone_depth}"')
expected = ['zephyr (not set) zephyr (cloned) None',
'Kconfiglib zephyr {} (cloned) None'.format(
os.path.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib')),
'net-tools master net-tools (cloned) None']
assert actual.splitlines() == expected
# We should be able to find projects by absolute or relative path
# when outside any project. Invalid projects should error out.
klib_rel = os.path.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib')
klib_abs = str(west_update_tmpdir.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib'))
rel_outside = cmd('list -f "{{name}}" {}'.format(klib_rel)).strip()
assert rel_outside == 'Kconfiglib'
abs_outside = cmd('list -f "{{name}}" {}'.format(klib_abs)).strip()
assert abs_outside == 'Kconfiglib'
rel_inside = cmd('list -f "{name}" .', cwd=klib_abs).strip()
assert rel_inside == 'Kconfiglib'
abs_inside = cmd('list -f "{{name}}" {}'.format(klib_abs),
assert abs_inside == 'Kconfiglib'
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('list NOT_A_PROJECT', cwd=klib_abs)
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('list NOT_A_PROJECT')
def test_manifest_freeze(west_update_tmpdir):
# We should be able to freeze manifests.
actual = cmd('manifest --freeze').splitlines()
# Match the actual output against the expected line by line,
# so failing lines can be printed in the test output.
# Since the actual remote URLs and SHAs are not predictable, we
# don't match those precisely. However, we do expect the output to
# match project order as specified in our manifest, that all
# revisions are full 40-character SHAs, and there isn't any random
# YAML tag crap.
kconfig_rel = os.path.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib')
expected_res = ['^manifest:$',
'^ defaults:$',
'^ remote: test-local$',
'^ revision: master$',
'^ remotes:$',
'^ - name: test-local$',
'^ url-base: .*$',
'^ projects:$',
'^ - name: Kconfiglib$',
'^ remote: test-local$',
'^ revision: [a-f0-9]{40}$',
'^ path: {}$'.format(re.escape(kconfig_rel)),
'^ - name: net-tools$',
'^ remote: test-local$',
'^ revision: [a-f0-9]{40}$',
'^ west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml$',
'^ self:$',
'^ path: zephyr$']
for eline_re, aline in zip(expected_res, actual):
assert re.match(eline_re, aline) is not None, (aline, eline_re)
def test_diff(west_init_tmpdir):
# FIXME: Check output
# Diff with no projects cloned shouldn't fail
# Neither should it fail after fetching one or both projects
cmd('update net-tools')
cmd('update Kconfiglib')
cmd('diff --cached') # Pass a custom flag too
def test_status(west_init_tmpdir):
# FIXME: Check output
# Status with no projects cloned shouldn't fail
# Neither should it fail after fetching one or both projects
cmd('update net-tools')
cmd('update Kconfiglib')
cmd('status --long') # Pass a custom flag too
def test_forall(west_init_tmpdir):
# FIXME: Check output
# The 'echo' command is available in both 'shell' and 'batch'
# 'forall' with no projects cloned shouldn't fail
cmd('forall -c "echo *"')
# Neither should it fail after cloning one or both projects
cmd('update net-tools')
cmd('forall -c "echo *"')
cmd('update Kconfiglib')
cmd('forall -c "echo *"')
def test_update_projects(west_init_tmpdir):
# Test the 'west update' command. It calls through to the same backend
# functions that are used for automatic updates and 'west init'
# reinitialization.
# update all repositories
# Add commits to the local repos. We need to reconfigure
# explicitly as these are clones, and west doesn't handle that for
# us.
(nt_mr_0, nt_mr_1,
nt_head_0, nt_head_1,
kl_mr_0, kl_mr_1,
kl_head_0, kl_head_1) = update_helper(west_init_tmpdir, 'update')
assert nt_mr_0 != nt_mr_1, 'failed to update net-tools manifest-rev'
assert nt_head_0 != nt_head_1, 'failed to update net-tools HEAD'
assert kl_mr_0 != kl_mr_1, 'failed to update kconfiglib manifest-rev'
assert kl_head_0 != kl_head_1, 'failed to update kconfiglib HEAD'
def test_update_projects_local_branch_commits(west_init_tmpdir):
# Test the 'west update' command when working on local branch with local
# commits and then updating project to upstream commit.
# It calls through to the same backend functions that are used for
# automatic updates and 'west init' reinitialization.
# update all repositories
# Create a local branch and add commits
checkout_branch('net-tools', 'local_net_tools_test_branch', create=True)
checkout_branch('subdir/Kconfiglib', 'local_kconfig_test_branch',
add_commit('net-tools', 'test local branch commit', reconfigure=True)
add_commit('subdir/Kconfiglib', 'test local branch commit',
net_tools_prev = head_subject('net-tools')
kconfiglib_prev = head_subject('subdir/Kconfiglib')
# Add commits to the upstream repos. We need to reconfigure
# explicitly as these are clones, and west doesn't handle that for
# us.
(nt_mr_0, nt_mr_1,
nt_head_0, nt_head_1,
kl_mr_0, kl_mr_1,
kl_head_0, kl_head_1) = update_helper(west_init_tmpdir, 'update')
assert nt_mr_0 != nt_mr_1, 'failed to update net-tools manifest-rev'
assert nt_head_0 != nt_head_1, 'failed to update net-tools HEAD'
assert kl_mr_0 != kl_mr_1, 'failed to update kconfiglib manifest-rev'
assert kl_head_0 != kl_head_1, 'failed to update kconfiglib HEAD'
# Verify local branch is still present and untouched
assert net_tools_prev != head_subject('net-tools')
assert kconfiglib_prev != head_subject('subdir/Kconfiglib')
checkout_branch('net-tools', 'local_net_tools_test_branch')
checkout_branch('subdir/Kconfiglib', 'local_kconfig_test_branch')
assert net_tools_prev == head_subject('net-tools')
assert kconfiglib_prev == head_subject('subdir/Kconfiglib')
def test_init_again(west_init_tmpdir):
# Test that 'west init' on an initialized tmpdir errors out
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('init -m foo')
def test_init_local_manifest_project(repos_tmpdir):
# Do a local clone of manifest repo
zephyr_install_dir = repos_tmpdir.join('west_installation', 'zephyr')
clone(str(repos_tmpdir.join('repos', 'zephyr')),
cmd('init -l "{}"'.format(str(zephyr_install_dir)))
# Verify Zephyr and .west/west has been installed during init -l
# but not projects
zid = repos_tmpdir.join('west_installation')
assert zid.check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib').check(dir=0)
assert zid.join('net-tools').check(dir=0)
assert zid.join('zephyr').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('zephyr', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('zephyr', 'CODEOWNERS').check(file=1)
assert zid.join('zephyr', 'include', 'header.h').check(file=1)
assert zid.join('zephyr', 'subsys', 'bluetooth', 'code.c').check(file=1)
cmd('update', cwd=str(zid))
# The projects should be installled now
assert zid.check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('net-tools').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib', 'kconfiglib.py').check(file=1)
assert zid.join('net-tools').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('net-tools', '.git').check(dir=1)
assert zid.join('net-tools', 'qemu-script.sh').check(file=1)
def test_init_local_already_initialized_failure(west_init_tmpdir):
# Test that 'west init -l' on an initialized tmpdir errors out
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('init -l "{}"'.format(str(west_init_tmpdir)))
def test_init_local_missing_west_yml_failure(repos_tmpdir):
# Test that 'west init -l' on repo without a 'west.yml' fails
# Do a local clone of manifest repo
zephyr_install_dir = repos_tmpdir.join('west_installation', 'zephyr')
clone(str(repos_tmpdir.join('repos', 'zephyr')),
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
cmd('init -l "{}"'.format(str(zephyr_install_dir)))
def test_extension_command_execution(west_init_tmpdir):
with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
actual = cmd('test')
assert actual.rstrip() == 'Testing test command 1'
def test_extension_command_multiproject(repos_tmpdir):
# Test to ensure that multiple projects can define extension commands and
# that those are correctly presented and executed.
rr = repos_tmpdir.join('repos')
remote_kconfiglib = str(rr.join('Kconfiglib'))
remote_zephyr = str(rr.join('zephyr'))
remote_west = str(rr.join('west'))
# Update the manifest to specify extension commands in Kconfiglib.
add_commit(remote_zephyr, 'test added extension command',
files={'west.yml': textwrap.dedent('''\
url: file://{west}
remote: test-local
- name: test-local
url-base: file://{rr}
- name: Kconfiglib
revision: zephyr
path: subdir/Kconfiglib
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
- name: net-tools
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
path: zephyr
'''.format(west=remote_west, rr=str(rr)))})
# Add an extension command to the Kconfiglib remote.
add_commit(remote_kconfiglib, 'add west commands',
files={'scripts/west-commands.yml': textwrap.dedent('''\
- file: scripts/test.py
- name: kconfigtest
class: Test
'scripts/test.py': textwrap.dedent('''\
from west.commands import WestCommand
class Test(WestCommand):
def __init__(self):
super(Test, self).__init__(
'Kconfig test application',
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = parser_adder.add_parser(self.name)
return parser
def do_run(self, args, ignored):
print('Testing kconfig test')
west_tmpdir = repos_tmpdir.join('west_installation')
cmd('init -m "{}" "{}"'.format(str(repos_tmpdir.join('repos', 'zephyr')),
# The newline shenanigans are for Windows.
help_text = '\n'.join(cmd('-h').splitlines())
expected = '\n'.join([
'commands from project at "{}":'.format(os.path.join('subdir',
' kconfigtest: (no help provided; try "west kconfigtest -h")', # noqa: E501
'commands from project at "net-tools":',
' test: test-help'])
assert expected in help_text, help_text
actual = cmd('test')
assert actual.rstrip() == 'Testing test command 1'
actual = cmd('kconfigtest')
assert actual.rstrip() == 'Testing kconfig test'
def test_extension_command_duplicate(repos_tmpdir):
# Test to ensure that in case to subprojects introduces same command, it
# will print a warning.
rr = repos_tmpdir.join('repos')
remote_kconfiglib = str(rr.join('Kconfiglib'))
remote_zephyr = str(rr.join('zephyr'))
remote_west = str(rr.join('west'))
add_commit(remote_zephyr, 'test added extension command',
files={'west.yml': textwrap.dedent('''\
url: file://{west}
remote: test-local
- name: test-local
url-base: file://{rr}
- name: Kconfiglib
revision: zephyr
path: subdir/Kconfiglib
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
- name: net-tools
west-commands: scripts/west-commands.yml
path: zephyr
'''.format(west=remote_west, rr=str(rr)))})
# Initialize the net-tools repository.
add_commit(remote_kconfiglib, 'add west commands',
files={'scripts/west-commands.yml': textwrap.dedent('''\
- file: scripts/test.py
- name: test
class: Test
'scripts/test.py': textwrap.dedent('''\
from west.commands import WestCommand
class Test(WestCommand):
def __init__(self):
super(Test, self).__init__(
'test application',
def do_add_parser(self, parser_adder):
parser = parser_adder.add_parser(self.name)
return parser
def do_run(self, args, ignored):
print('Testing kconfig test command')
west_tmpdir = repos_tmpdir.join('west_installation')
cmd('init -m "{}" "{}"'.format(str(repos_tmpdir.join('repos', 'zephyr')),
actual = cmd('test', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).splitlines()
expected = [
'WARNING: ignoring project net-tools extension command "test"; command "test" already defined as extension command', # noqa: E501
'Testing kconfig test command',
assert actual == expected
# Helper functions used by the test cases and fixtures.
def clone(repo, dst):
# Creates a new branch.
repo = str(repo)
subprocess.check_call([GIT, 'clone', repo, dst])
def checkout_branch(repo, branch, create=False):
# Creates a new branch.
repo = str(repo)
# Edit any files as specified by the user and add them to the index.
if create:
subprocess.check_call([GIT, 'checkout', '-b', branch], cwd=repo)
subprocess.check_call([GIT, 'checkout', branch], cwd=repo)
def head_subject(path):
# Returns the subject of the HEAD commit in the repository at 'path'
return subprocess.check_output([GIT, 'log', '-n1', '--format=%s'],
def update_helper(west_tmpdir, command):
# Helper command for causing a change in two remote repositories,
# then running a project command on the west installation.
# Adds a commit to both of the kconfiglib and net-tools projects
# remotes, then run `command`.
# Captures the 'manifest-rev' and HEAD SHAs in both repositories
# before and after running the command, returning them in a tuple
# like this:
# (net-tools-manifest-rev-before,
# net-tools-manifest-rev-after,
# net-tools-HEAD-before,
# net-tools-HEAD-after,
# kconfiglib-manifest-rev-before,
# kconfiglib-manifest-rev-after,
# kconfiglib-HEAD-before,
# kconfiglib-HEAD-after)
nt_remote = str(west_tmpdir.join('..', 'repos', 'net-tools'))
nt_local = str(west_tmpdir.join('net-tools'))
kl_remote = str(west_tmpdir.join('..', 'repos', 'Kconfiglib'))
kl_local = str(west_tmpdir.join('subdir', 'Kconfiglib'))
nt_mr_0 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=nt_local)
kl_mr_0 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=kl_local)
nt_head_0 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=nt_local)
kl_head_0 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=kl_local)
add_commit(nt_remote, 'another net-tools commit')
add_commit(kl_remote, 'another kconfiglib commit')
nt_mr_1 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=nt_local)
kl_mr_1 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'manifest-rev'], cwd=kl_local)
nt_head_1 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=nt_local)
kl_head_1 = check_output([GIT, 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=kl_local)
return (nt_mr_0, nt_mr_1,
nt_head_0, nt_head_1,
kl_mr_0, kl_mr_1,
kl_head_0, kl_head_1)
def test_change_remote_conflict(west_update_tmpdir):
# Test that `west update` will force fetch into local refs space when
# remote has changed and cannot be fast forwarded.
wct = west_update_tmpdir
tmpdir = wct.join('..')
rrepo = str(tmpdir.join('repos'))
net_tools = str(tmpdir.join('repos', 'net-tools'))
rwest = str(tmpdir.join('repos', 'west'))
alt_repo = str(tmpdir.join('alt_repo'))
alt_net_tools = str(tmpdir.join('alt_repo', 'net-tools'))
add_commit(alt_net_tools, 'test conflicting commit',
files={'qemu-script.sh': 'echo alternate world net-tools\n'})
revision = rev_parse(net_tools, 'HEAD')
west_yml_content = textwrap.dedent('''\
url: file://{west}
remote: test-local
- name: test-local
url-base: file://{rr}
- name: net-tools
revision: {rev}
path: zephyr
'''.format(west=rwest, rr=rrepo, rev=revision))
add_commit(str(wct.join('zephyr')), 'test update manifest',
files={'west.yml': west_yml_content})
revision = rev_parse(alt_net_tools, 'HEAD')
west_yml_content = textwrap.dedent('''\
url: file://{west}
remote: test-local
- name: test-local
url-base: file://{rr}
- name: test-alternate
url-base: file://{ar}
- name: net-tools
remote: test-alternate
revision: {rev}
path: zephyr
'''.format(west=rwest, ar=alt_repo, rr=rrepo,
add_commit(str(wct.join('zephyr')), 'test update manifest conflict',
files={'west.yml': west_yml_content})