[tox] envlist=py3-{posix,windows} skip_missing_interpreters=true [flake8] # We explicitly disable the following errors: # # - E126: continuation line over-indented for hanging indent # - E261: at least two spaces before inline comment # - E302: expected 2 blank lines, found 1 # - W504: line break after binary operator ignore = E126,E261,E302,W504 # Don't lint setup.py, the .tox virtualenv directory, or the build directory exclude = setup.py,.tox,build [testenv] deps = -rtox_deps.txt platform = posix: (linux|darwin) windows: win32 whitelist_externals = py.test setenv = TOXTEMPDIR={envtmpdir} commands = py.test {posargs:tests} flake8 --config={toxinidir}/tox.ini {toxinidir}