#! /usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2017 Linaro Limited # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import click import getpass from imgtool import keys from imgtool import image from imgtool.version import decode_version def gen_rsa2048(keyfile, passwd): keys.RSA2048.generate().export_private(path=keyfile, passwd=passwd) def gen_ecdsa_p256(keyfile, passwd): keys.ECDSA256P1.generate().export_private(keyfile, passwd=passwd) def gen_ecdsa_p224(keyfile, passwd): print("TODO: p-224 not yet implemented") valid_langs = ['c', 'rust'] keygens = { 'rsa-2048': gen_rsa2048, 'ecdsa-p256': gen_ecdsa_p256, 'ecdsa-p224': gen_ecdsa_p224, } def load_key(keyfile): # TODO: better handling of invalid pass-phrase key = keys.load(keyfile) if key is not None: return key passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter key passphrase: ").encode('utf-8') return keys.load(keyfile, passwd) def get_password(): while True: passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter key passphrase: ") passwd2 = getpass.getpass("Reenter passphrase: ") if passwd == passwd2: break print("Passwords do not match, try again") # Password must be bytes, always use UTF-8 for consistent # encoding. return passwd.encode('utf-8') @click.option('-p', '--password', is_flag=True, help='Prompt for password to protect key') @click.option('-t', '--type', metavar='type', required=True, type=click.Choice(keygens.keys())) @click.option('-k', '--key', metavar='filename', required=True) @click.command(help='Generate pub/private keypair') def keygen(type, key, password): password = get_password() if password else None keygens[type](key, password) @click.option('-l', '--lang', metavar='lang', default=valid_langs[0], type=click.Choice(valid_langs)) @click.option('-k', '--key', metavar='filename', required=True) @click.command(help='Get public key from keypair') def getpub(key, lang): key = load_key(key) if key is None: print("Invalid passphrase") elif lang == 'c': key.emit_c() elif lang == 'rust': key.emit_rust() else: raise ValueError("BUG: should never get here!") def validate_version(ctx, param, value): try: decode_version(value) return value except ValueError as e: raise click.BadParameter("{}".format(e)) class BasedIntParamType(click.ParamType): name = 'integer' def convert(self, value, param, ctx): try: if value[:2].lower() == '0x': return int(value[2:], 16) elif value[:1] == '0': return int(value, 8) return int(value, 10) except ValueError: self.fail('%s is not a valid integer' % value, param, ctx) @click.argument('outfile') @click.argument('infile') @click.option('-e', '--endian', type=click.Choice(['little', 'big']), default='little', help="Select little or big endian") @click.option('--overwrite-only', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Use overwrite-only instead of swap upgrades') @click.option('-M', '--max-sectors', type=int, help='When padding allow for this amount of sectors (defaults to 128)') @click.option('--pad', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Pad image to --slot-size bytes, adding trailer magic') @click.option('-S', '--slot-size', type=BasedIntParamType(), required=True, help='Size of the slot where the image will be written') @click.option('--pad-header', default=False, is_flag=True, help='Add --header-size zeroed bytes at the beginning of the image') @click.option('-H', '--header-size', type=BasedIntParamType(), required=True) @click.option('-v', '--version', callback=validate_version, required=True) @click.option('--align', type=click.Choice(['1', '2', '4', '8']), required=True) @click.option('-k', '--key', metavar='filename') @click.command(help='Create a signed or unsigned image') def sign(key, align, version, header_size, pad_header, slot_size, pad, max_sectors, overwrite_only, endian, infile, outfile): img = image.Image.load(infile, version=decode_version(version), header_size=header_size, pad_header=pad_header, pad=pad, align=int(align), slot_size=slot_size, max_sectors=max_sectors, overwrite_only=overwrite_only, endian=endian) key = load_key(key) if key else None img.sign(key) if pad: img.pad_to(slot_size) img.save(outfile) class AliasesGroup(click.Group): _aliases = { "create": "sign", } def list_commands(self, ctx): cmds = [k for k in self.commands] aliases = [k for k in self._aliases] return sorted(cmds + aliases) def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): rv = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name) if rv is not None: return rv if cmd_name in self._aliases: return click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, self._aliases[cmd_name]) return None @click.command(cls=AliasesGroup, context_settings=dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])) def imgtool(): pass imgtool.add_command(keygen) imgtool.add_command(getpub) imgtool.add_command(sign) if __name__ == '__main__': imgtool()